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New Edinburgh pub reviews

Longstone Inn

Longstone Inn

Reviewed by hondo . on 29 January 2025

plans have been submitted to bulldoze it and turn it into a 21-apartment building

The Hanging Bat

The Hanging Bat

Reviewed by Ian Mapp on 28 January 2025

Seen this mentioned in several "Recommendations for Edinburgh" Tweet responses. Never been, so thought I would give it a go. It wasn't for me. Got nothing against craft bars but this one just annoyed. A chalk board has the beers listed and most (... [more>]

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Pubs in Edinburgh

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Show only the following pubs:
Pub has 6 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratings 1820 Rooftop Bar (145 Princes Street, EH2 4BL)
Coverage: New Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 5 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratings 28 York Place (28 York Place, EH1 3EP)
Coverage: New Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 8 picture(s)Pub has 3 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 6 from 1 reviewer(s) 32 Below (32B West Nicolson Street, EH8 9DD)
Coverage: Lauriston
Pub has 6 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratings 4042 (40-42 Grindlay Street, EH3 9AP)
Coverage: Edinburgh Central
Pub has 2 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratings Abbey Lodge Hotel (137 Drum Street, EH17 8RJ)
Coverage: Gilmerton
Pub has 6 picture(s)Pub has 2 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 6 from 1 reviewer(s) Abbey, The (South Clerk Street, EH8 9PS)
Coverage: Newington
Pub has 40 picture(s)Pub has 14 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 8 from 11 reviewer(s) Abbotsford, The (3-5 Rose Street, EH2 2PR)
Coverage: New Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has no picturesPub has 2 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Abercorn, The (Portobello Road, EH8 7EL)
Coverage: Restalrig
Pub has 4 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratings Abode (229 Leith Walk, EH6 8NY)
Coverage: Pilrig
Pub has 13 picture(s)Pub has 5 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 7 from 2 reviewer(s) Advocate, The (7 Hunters Square, EH1 1QW)
Coverage: Old Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 10 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Akva (129 Fountainbridge, EH3 9QG)
Coverage: Viewforth
Pub has 12 picture(s)Pub has 3 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 2 from 1 reviewer(s) Albanach (197 High Street, EH1 1PE)
Coverage: Old Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 6 picture(s)Pub has 3 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 3 from 1 reviewer(s)Pub is reported closed Albion Bar, The (49 Albion Road, EH7 5QP)
Coverage: Drum
Pub has 7 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratings Alchemist, The (401-403 St James Quarter, EH1 3AE)
Coverage: New Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 15 picture(s)Pub has 10 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 5.5 from 7 reviewer(s) Alexander Graham Bell (JD Wetherspoon), The (128 George Street, EH2 4JZ)
Coverage: New Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 5 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratings Alhambra Bar (227 Leith Walk, EH6 8NX)
Coverage: Pilrig
Pub has 9 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratings All Bar One (Exchange Plaza, EH3 9BY)
Coverage: West End, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 5 picture(s)Pub has 2 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 5 from 1 reviewer(s) All Bar One (29-31 George Street, EH2 2PA)
Coverage: New Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 2 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 3 from 1 reviewer(s) All Bar One (Airside, Edinburgh Airport, EH12 9DN)
Coverage: Airport
Pub has 3 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratings All Bar One (2) East (Edinburgh Airport (Airside), Turnhouse Road, EH12 0AL)
Coverage: Airport
Pub has 18 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratings Amber Rose, The (22 Rose Street, EH2 3HT)
Coverage: New Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 3 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratings Anchor Inn, The (114 West Granton Road, EH5 1PF)
Coverage: Granton
Pub has 3 picture(s)Pub has 2 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Anderson's Bar (Gillies) (2 Yardheads, EH6 6BU)
Coverage: Leith
Pub has 2 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratings Anfora (87 Giles Street, EH6 6BZ)
Coverage: Leith
Pub has 12 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratings Angels Share (9-11 Hope Street, EH2 4EL)
Coverage: New Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 4 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 7 from 1 reviewer(s) Antiquary, The (78 St. Stephen Street, EH3 5AQ)
Coverage: Stockbridge
Pub has 1 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Apartment, The (7 Barclay Place, EH10 4HW)
Coverage: Bruntsfield
Pub has 11 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Apothecary (8 Lister Square, Simpson Loan, EH3 9GL)
Coverage: Lauriston
Pub has 9 picture(s)Pub has 2 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 4 from 1 reviewer(s) Arcade (48 Cockburn Street, EH1 1PB)
Coverage: Old Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 2 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratings Ardmillan Hotel (10 Ardmillan Terrace, EH11 2JW)
Coverage: Merchiston
Pub has 5 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratings Argyle Bar (15 Argyle Place, EH9 1JJ)
Coverage: Marchmont
Pub has 1 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Ark, The (5-7 Waterloo Place, EH1 3BG)
Coverage: Edinburgh Central
Pub has 4 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 5 from 1 reviewer(s) Artful Dodger (Calder Road, EH11 4AN)
Coverage: Sighthill
Pub has 4 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratings Artisan Bar, The (36 London Road, EH7 5BQ)
Coverage: Calton
Pub has 11 picture(s)Pub has 5 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 9.5 from 3 reviewer(s) Athletic Arms (Diggers) (3 Angle Park Terrace, EH11 2JX)
Coverage: Gorgie
Pub has 8 picture(s)Pub has 5 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 6.5 from 3 reviewer(s) Auld Hoose, The (23-27 St Leonards Street, EH8 9QN)
Coverage: St. Leonards
Pub has 19 picture(s)Pub has 5 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 6.5 from 4 reviewer(s) Auld Hundred (102 Rose Street, EH2 2NN)
Coverage: New Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 4 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratings Baba (130 George Street, EH2 4HQ)
Coverage: New Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 2 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratings Backstage (32 Valleyfield Street, EH3 9LR)
Coverage: Tollcross
Pub has 13 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratings Badger & Co. (32 Castle Street, EH2 3HT)
Coverage: New Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 4 picture(s)Pub has 2 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 10 from 1 reviewer(s) Bailie, The (2-4 St Stephen Street, EH3 5AL)
Coverage: Stockbridge
Pub has 2 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratings Ball Room, The (25 Jocks Lodge, EH8 7AA)
Coverage: Meadowbank
Pub has 4 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 7 from 1 reviewer(s) Ball Room, The (3 Jordon Lane, EH10 4RB)
Coverage: Morningside
Pub has 11 picture(s)Pub has 3 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 5 from 1 reviewer(s)Pub is reported closed Ballie Ballerson (14 Forrest Road, EH1 2QN)
Coverage: Lauriston
Pub has 27 picture(s)Pub has 2 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 6 from 1 reviewer(s) Bannerman's Bar (212 The Cowgate, EH1 1NQ)
Coverage: Old Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 6 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratings Banshee Labyrinth, The (29 Niddry Street, EH1 1LG)
Coverage: Old Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 7 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratings Bar + Block (121 Princes Street, EH2 4AD)
Coverage: New Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 18 picture(s)Pub has 3 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 8 from 1 reviewer(s)Pub is reported closed Bar 13 (13-14 Melville Place, EH3 7PR)
Coverage: West End, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 9 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratings Bar 50 (50 Blackfriars Street, EH1 1NE)
Coverage: Old Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 4 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 5 from 1 reviewer(s) Bar Prince @ The Balmoral (1 Princes Street, EH2 2EQ)
Coverage: New Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 4 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratings Bar Salsa (3 Cowgatehead, EH1 1JY)
Coverage: Old Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 2 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratings Bar Zest @ Kings Manor Hotel (100 Milton Road East, EH15 2NP)
Coverage: Brunstane
Pub has 2 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Barioja (19 Jeffrey Street, EH1 1DR)
Coverage: Old Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 10 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratings Barologist, The (23 Commercial Street, EH6 6JA)
Coverage: Leith
Pub has no picturesPub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 8 from 1 reviewer(s)Pub is reported closed Baron Bailie, The (2 Lauriston Street, EH3 9DJ)
Coverage: Old Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 20 picture(s)Pub has 9 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 7 from 8 reviewer(s) Barony (85 Broughton Street, EH1 3RJ)
Coverage: New Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 9 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratings Baruno (George Street, EH2 4JN)
Coverage: New Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 9 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratings Basement, The (Broughton Street, EH1 3RH)
Coverage: New Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 11 picture(s)Pub has 2 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 8 from 1 reviewer(s) Basils (11 Annfield, EH6 4JF)
Coverage: Leith
Pub has 3 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Beaten Docket, The (163 Portobello High Street, EH15 1EU)
Coverage: Portobello
Pub has 20 picture(s)Pub has 7 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 7 from 5 reviewer(s) Beehive Inn, The (20 Grassmarket, EH1 2JU)
Coverage: Old Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 4 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratings Bellfield Brewery Taproom (46 Stanley Place, EH7 5TB)
Coverage: Meadowbank
Pub has 4 picture(s)Pub has 2 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Belushi's (13 Market Street, EH1 1DE)
Coverage: Old Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 6 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratings Belushi’s (32-38 Market Street, EH1 1DE)
Coverage: Edinburgh Central
Pub has 28 picture(s)Pub has 8 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 8.5 from 7 reviewer(s) Bennets Bar (8 Leven Street, EH3 9LG)
Coverage: Tollcross
Pub has 8 picture(s)Pub has 2 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 6 from 2 reviewer(s) Bennets Bar (1 Maxwell Street, EH10 5HT)
Coverage: Morningside
Pub has 2 picture(s)Pub has 2 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratings Bensons (178-182 Dalry Road, EH11 2EG)
Coverage: Dalry
Pub has 5 picture(s)Pub has 2 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 6 from 2 reviewer(s) Biblos (1 Chambers Street, EH1 1HR)
Coverage: Old Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 8 picture(s)Pub has 4 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 9 from 3 reviewer(s) Biddy Mulligans (96 Grassmarket, EH1 2JR)
Coverage: Old Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 10 picture(s)Pub has 4 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratings Bier Hoose (379 Leith Walk, EH6 8SE)
Coverage: Pilrig
Pub has 11 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratings Bier Keller, The (14 Picardy Place (Basement), EH1 3JT)
Coverage: New Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 12 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratings Bittersweet (24 Henderson Street, EH6 6BS)
Coverage: Leith
Pub has 14 picture(s)Pub has 6 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 7 from 4 reviewer(s) Black Bull (12 Grassmarket, EH1 2JU)
Coverage: Old Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 18 picture(s)Pub has 6 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 8 from 4 reviewer(s) Black Cat, The (168 Rose Street, EH2 4BA)
Coverage: New Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 10 picture(s)Pub has 3 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 10 from 2 reviewer(s) Black Fox (17 Albert Place, EH7 5HN)
Coverage: Pilrig
Pub has 4 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratings Black Ivy (4 Alvanley Terrace, EH9 1DU)
Coverage: Bruntsfield
Pub has 19 picture(s)Pub has 4 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 6 from 3 reviewer(s) Black Rose Tavern, The (49 Rose Street, EH2 2NH)
Coverage: New Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 13 picture(s)Pub has 2 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 5 from 1 reviewer(s) Blackbird, The (39 Leven Street, EH3 9LH)
Coverage: Tollcross
Pub has 2 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 10 from 1 reviewer(s)Pub is reported closed Blackhall Lounge (28 Hillhouse Road, EH4 2AG)
Coverage: Drylaw
Pub has 4 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Blind Poet, The (34 West Nicolson Street, EH8 9DD)
Coverage: Lauriston
Pub has 26 picture(s)Pub has 13 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 8 from 11 reviewer(s) Blue Blazer (2 Spittal Street, EH3 9DX)
Coverage: Old Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 5 picture(s)Pub has 2 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Blue Goose, The (27 Lanark Road, EH14 1TG)
Coverage: Longstone
Pub has 1 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Bluebell Inn, The (227 Portobello High Street, EH15 2AN)
Coverage: Portobello
Pub has 5 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 10 from 1 reviewer(s) Boathouse, The (Kings Place, EH15 1DU)
Coverage: Portobello
Pub has 8 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Bon Vivant, The (59 Thistle Street, EH2 1DY)
Coverage: New Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 1 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Bonnington Bridge Bar (76 Newhaven Road, EH6 5QG)
Coverage: Bonnington
Pub has 4 picture(s)Pub has 2 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratings Bonnington, The (284 Bonnington Road, EH6 5BE)
Coverage: Pilrig
Pub has 27 picture(s)Pub has 13 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 6.5 from 10 reviewer(s) Booking Office (JD Wetherspoon), The (17 Waverley Bridge, EH1 1BQ)
Coverage: New Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 10 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratings Boozy Cow, The (17 Frederick Street, EH2 2EY)
Coverage: New Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 3 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Born in the Borders (Unit 24, Waverley Mall, EH1 1BQ)
Coverage: Edinburgh Central
Pub has 5 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Boston & Hawthorne (50 Dean Street, EH4 1LQ)
Coverage: Stockbridge
Pub has 7 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratings Boston Bar (104 Hanover Street, EH2 1DR)
Coverage: New Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 1 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratings Botanist, The (1 Little King Street, EH1 3AR)
Coverage: New Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 5 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratings Boteco Do Brasil (45-47 Lothian Street, EH1 1HB)
Coverage: Lauriston
Pub has 5 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Bourbon (24 Frederick Street, EH2 2JR)
Coverage: New Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 35 picture(s)Pub has 17 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 8.5 from 15 reviewer(s) Bow Bar, The (80 West Bow, EH1 2HH)
Coverage: Old Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has no picturesPub has no recommendationsPub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Bow Tow, The (14 Newhaven Main Street, EH6 4TA)
Coverage: Leith
Pub has 4 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 8 from 1 reviewer(s) Bowlers Rest, The (24 Mitchell Street, EH6 7BD)
Coverage: Leith
Pub has 1 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Braidburn Inn (200 Mayfield Road, EH9 3BE)
Coverage: Liberton
Pub has 4 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratings Bramble Bar (16A Queen Street, EH2 1JE)
Coverage: New Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 6 picture(s)Pub has 2 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratings Brass Monkey (362 Leith Walk, EH6 5BR)
Coverage: Pilrig
Pub has 6 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratings Brass Monkey (Gorgie) (316 Gorgie Road, EH11 2QZ)
Coverage: Gorgie
Pub has 8 picture(s)Pub has 3 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 6 from 1 reviewer(s) Brass Monkey (Grange) (1 Grange Road, EH9 1UH)
Coverage: Newington
Pub has 5 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratings Brass Monkey Shore (44 Queen Charlotte Street, EH6 7EX)
Coverage: Leith
Pub has 7 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratings Brass Monkey, The (14 Drummond Street, EH8 9TU)
Coverage: Old Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 4 picture(s)Pub has 3 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 6 from 1 reviewer(s) Brauhaus (105 Lauriston Place, EH3 9JG)
Coverage: Lauriston
Pub has 5 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratings Bread Street (4 St Andrew Square, EH2 2BD)
Coverage: New Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 3 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 6 from 1 reviewer(s) BrewDog Edinburgh Airport (Airside, Edinburgh Airport, EH12 9DN)
Coverage: Airport
Pub has 14 picture(s)Pub has 5 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 7.5 from 3 reviewer(s) BrewDog Edinburgh Cowgate (143-145 Cowgate, EH1 1JS)
Coverage: Old Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 14 picture(s)Pub has 2 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 6 from 1 reviewer(s) BrewDog Edinburgh Lothian Road (50 Lothian Road, EH3 9BY)
Coverage: West End, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 18 picture(s)Pub has 7 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 6.5 from 2 reviewer(s) BrewDog Edinburgh Waverley (Waverley Railway Station, EH1 1BB)
Coverage: Edinburgh Central
Pub has 11 picture(s)Pub has 4 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 7 from 1 reviewer(s) Brewhemia (1a Market Street, EH1 1DE)
Coverage: Old Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 9 picture(s)Pub has 6 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 5 from 4 reviewer(s) Bridge & Castle, The (Landside, Edinburgh Airport,, EH12 9DN)
Coverage: Airport
Pub has 2 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratings Broadfields Bar (96 Northfield Broadway, EH8 7RU)
Coverage: Craigentinny
Pub has 7 picture(s)Pub has 2 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 6 from 1 reviewer(s) Broughton, The (48A Broughton Street, EH1 3SA)
Coverage: New Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 4 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratings Browns (131-133 George Street, EH2 4JS)
Coverage: New Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has no picturesPub has no recommendationsPub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Brunstane, The (98 The Jewel, EH15 3SA)
Coverage: Brunstane
Pub has no picturesPub has no recommendationsPub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Bull & Bush (83 Lothian Road, EH3 9AW)
Coverage: Old Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 8 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratings Bullfinch, The (2-4 Bath Road, EH6 7JT)
Coverage: Leith
Pub has 5 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Bunker (2-6 Calton Road, EH8 8DL)
Coverage: Edinburgh Central, Greenside
Pub has 5 picture(s)Pub has 2 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 2 from 1 reviewer(s) Burke & Hare (2 High Riggs, EH3 9BX)
Coverage: Old Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 2 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Burns's Bothy (7 South St. Andrew Street, EH2 2AU)
Coverage: New Town
Pub has 1 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Busy Bee, The (Saughton Mains Gardens, EH11 3QE)
Coverage: Sighthill
Pub has 6 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratings CC Blooms (23–24 Greenside Place, EH1 3AA)
Coverage: New Town, Edinburgh Central, Greenside
Pub has 4 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratings Cabaret Voltaire (36-38 Blair Street, EH1 1QR)
Coverage: Old Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 1 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Cabbage & Ribs (158 Albert Street, EH7 5LT)
Coverage: Drum
Pub has 3 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Cafe Rouge (43 Frederick Street, EH2 1EP)
Coverage: New Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 55 picture(s)Pub has 14 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 7.5 from 12 reviewer(s) Cafe Royal Bar, The (19 West Register Street, EH2 2AA)
Coverage: New Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has no picturesPub has no recommendationsPub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Caledonian Bar (121 Leith Walk, EH6 8NP)
Coverage: Leith
Pub has 42 picture(s)Pub has 7 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 8.5 from 5 reviewer(s) Caley Picture House (JD Wetherspoon), The (31 Lothian Road, EH1 2DJ)
Coverage: West End, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 2 picture(s)Pub has 3 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 8 from 1 reviewer(s) Caley Sample Room, The (58 Angle Park Terrace, EH11 2JR)
Coverage: Merchiston
Pub has 10 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratings Caley, The (Princes Street, EH1 2AB)
Coverage: West End, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 5 picture(s)Pub has 5 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 6 from 4 reviewer(s) Cambridge Bar (20 Young Street, EH2 4JB)
Coverage: New Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 8 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratings Cameo Cinema Bar, The (38 Home Street, EH3 9LZ)
Coverage: Tollcross
Pub has 1 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratings Campervan Brewery Tap Room (Bonnington Business Centre, 112 Jane Street, EH6 5HG)
Coverage: Leith
Pub has 11 picture(s)Pub has 4 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 6 from 2 reviewer(s) Canons' Gait, The (232 Canongate, EH8 8DQ)
Coverage: Old Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 9 picture(s)Pub has 4 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 8.5 from 3 reviewer(s) Captains Bar, The (4 South College Street, EH8 9AA)
Coverage: Old Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 2 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Carlton Highland Hotel (19 North Bridge, EH1 1SD)
Coverage: Old Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 6 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratings Carnivore (208 Cowgate, EH1 1LL)
Coverage: Old Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has no picturesPub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Cas Rock Cafe (104 Lord Darnley West Port, EH3 9DN)
Coverage: Old Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 16 picture(s)Pub has 9 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 7.5 from 8 reviewer(s) Cask & Barrel (115 Broughton Street, EH1 3RZ)
Coverage: New Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 13 picture(s)Pub has 2 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 6 from 1 reviewer(s) Cask Smugglers (3 Princes Street, Above Waverley Mall, EH1 1BQ)
Coverage: Edinburgh Central
Pub has 8 picture(s)Pub has 6 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 7.5 from 3 reviewer(s) Cask and Barrel (Southside) (26 West Preston Street, EH8 9PZ)
Coverage: Newington
Pub has 10 picture(s)Pub has 3 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 6 from 2 reviewer(s) Castle Arms, The (6 Johnston Terrace, EH1 2PW)
Coverage: Old Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 2 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Castle Tavern, The (82 Niddrie Mains Road, EH16 4DT)
Coverage: Niddrie
Pub has 1 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Centraal (32a West Nicolson Street, EH8 9DD)
Coverage: Lauriston
Pub has 25 picture(s)Pub has 4 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 8 from 3 reviewer(s) Central Bar, The (9 Leith Walk, EH6 8LN)
Coverage: Leith
Pub has 5 picture(s)Pub has 2 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 10 from 1 reviewer(s) Centurion, The (245 St. Johns Road, EH12 7XD)
Coverage: Corstorphine
Pub has 12 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratings Chancho (7 Bernard Street, EH6 6PW)
Coverage: Leith
Pub has 6 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratings Chanter, The (30-32 Bread Street, EH3 9AF)
Coverage: Old Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 3 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratings Charwood (47 Buckstone Terrace, EH10 6QJ)
Coverage: Fairmilehead
Pub has 6 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 5 from 1 reviewer(s) Chez Mal (1 Tower Place, EH6 7BZ)
Coverage: Leith
Pub has 4 picture(s)Pub has 2 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 4 from 1 reviewer(s) City Cafe, The (19 Blair Street, EH1 1QR)
Coverage: Old Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has no picturesPub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Clancys Bar (174 Dundee Street, EH11 1DQ)
Coverage: Viewforth
Pub has 4 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratings Claret Bar @ Hotel du Vin, The (11 Bristo Place, EH1 1EZ)
Coverage: Lauriston
Pub has 11 picture(s)Pub has 8 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 8 from 6 reviewer(s)Pub is reported closed Clarks Bar (142 Dundas Street, EH3 5DQ)
Coverage: New Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 7 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 10 from 1 reviewer(s) Clermiston Inn (7 Rannoch Road, EH4 7EG)
Coverage: Clermiston
Pub has 1 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Clock Inn, The (207 Dalry Road, EH11 2EF)
Coverage: Dalry
Pub has 13 picture(s)Pub has 9 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 8 from 8 reviewer(s) Cloisters Bar (26 Brougham Street, EH3 9JH)
Coverage: Tollcross
Pub has no picturesPub has no recommendationsPub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Coach House (39 Baileyfield Road, EH15 1NA)
Coverage: Portobello
Pub has 10 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Cocktail Mafia, The (15 Charlotte Lane, EH2 4QZ)
Coverage: New Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 12 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratings Cold Town House (4 Grassmarket, EH1 2JU)
Coverage: Old Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 4 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratings Colinton Inn (14 Bridge Road, EH13 0LQ)
Coverage: Colinton
Pub has 28 picture(s)Pub has 8 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 6.5 from 7 reviewer(s) Conan Doyle, The (73 York Place, EH1 3JD)
Coverage: New Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 4 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Coopers Rest (293 Easter Road, EH6 8LH)
Coverage: Drum
Pub has 6 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratings Copper Blossom (107 George Street, EH2 3ES)
Coverage: New Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 10 picture(s)Pub has 2 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 6 from 1 reviewer(s) Copper Still (154 High Street, EH1 1QS)
Coverage: Old Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 1 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Corn Exchange Bar (9 Baltic Street, EH6 7BP)
Coverage: Leith
Pub has 12 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratings Corstorphine Inn (Corstorphine High Street, EH12 7SU)
Coverage: Corstorphine
Pub has 4 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratings Counting House, The (36 West Nicolson Street, EH8 9DD)
Coverage: Lauriston
Pub has 10 picture(s)Pub has 3 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 7.5 from 3 reviewer(s)Pub is reported closed Cramond Inn, The (30 Cramond Glebe Road, EH4 6NT)
Coverage: Cramond Village
Pub has 3 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Crofters, The (1 Sighthill Court, EH11 4BW)
Coverage: Sighthill
Pub has 4 picture(s)Pub has 2 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 10 from 1 reviewer(s)Pub is reported closed Cross Keys Inn (43 Lanark Road, EH14 1TL)
Coverage: Kingsknowe
Pub has 1 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Crown Bar (79 Leith Walk, EH6 8LX)
Coverage: Leith
Pub has 18 picture(s)Pub has 6 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 7 from 5 reviewer(s) Cumberland Bar (3 Cumberland Street, EH3 6RT)
Coverage: New Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 16 picture(s)Pub has 11 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 8 from 7 reviewer(s) Dagda Bar, The (95 Buccleuch Street, EH8 9NG)
Coverage: Lauriston
Pub has 2 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Dakota, The (269 Great Junction Street, EH6 5LP)
Coverage: Leith
Pub has 3 picture(s)Pub has 2 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 7 from 1 reviewer(s)Pub is reported closed Dalmeny Bar, The (297 Leith Walk, EH6 8SA)
Coverage: Pilrig
Pub has 1 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Dalriada (77 The Promenade, EH15 2EL)
Coverage: Portobello
Pub has 28 picture(s)Pub has 12 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 6.5 from 9 reviewer(s) Deacon Brodies Tavern (435 Lawnmarket, EH1 2NT)
Coverage: Old Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 5 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratings Devil's Advocate, The (9 Advocate Close, EH1 1ND)
Coverage: Old Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 1 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Devils Cut, The (7 - 11 Hope Street, EH2 4EL)
Coverage: West End, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 3 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratings Dickens (88 Dalry Road, EH11 2AX)
Coverage: Dalry
Pub has 30 picture(s)Pub has 5 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 6.5 from 3 reviewer(s) Dirty Dicks (159 Rose Street, EH2 4LS)
Coverage: New Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 4 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Divino Enoteca (5 Merchant Street, EH1 2QD)
Coverage: Old Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 15 picture(s)Pub has 4 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 7 from 2 reviewer(s) Doctors (32 Forrest Road, EH1 2QN)
Coverage: Lauriston
Pub has 21 picture(s)Pub has 4 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 7 from 1 reviewer(s)Pub is reported closed Dog House, The (180 Leith Walk, EH6 5EA)
Coverage: Leith
Pub has 4 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 6 from 1 reviewer(s) Dog House, The (22 Clerk Street, EH8 9HX)
Coverage: St. Leonards
Pub has 9 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratings DogHouse Edinburgh (5 New Street, EH8 8BH)
Coverage: Old Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 8 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratings Dome, The (14 George Street, EH2 2PF)
Coverage: New Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 10 picture(s)Pub has 2 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 10 from 1 reviewer(s)Pub is reported closed Doo'cot Road House (731 Ferry Road, EH4 2UA)
Coverage: Drylaw
Pub has 3 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratings Dookit, The (St James Quarter (Level 4), EH1 3AE)
Coverage: New Town
Pub has 18 picture(s)Pub has 9 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 7.5 from 8 reviewer(s) Doric, The (17 Market Street, EH1 1DE)
Coverage: Old Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 8 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratings Dragonfly (52 West Port, EH1 2LD)
Coverage: Old Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 15 picture(s)Pub has 5 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 7.5 from 3 reviewer(s) Dreadnought, The (72 North Fort Street, EH6 4HL)
Coverage: Leith
Pub has 1 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Dream Bar, The (3A Royal Terrace, EH7 5AB)
Coverage: Edinburgh Central, Greenside
Pub has 4 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratings Dropkick Murphys (7 Merchant Street, EH1 2QD)
Coverage: Old Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 5 picture(s)Pub has 2 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 6 from 1 reviewer(s) Drouthy Neebors (1 West Preston Street, EH8 9PX)
Coverage: Newington
Pub has 2 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Duddingston Mill Inn, The (189 Duddingston Park South, EH15 3EJ)
Coverage: Niddrie
Pub has 2 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratings Dukes (31 Duke Street, EH6 8HH)
Coverage: Leith
Pub has 2 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratings Earl Of Marchmont, The (22 Marchmont Crescent, EH9 1HG)
Coverage: Marchmont
Pub has 9 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratings Eastside (51a George Street, EH1 2HT)
Coverage: New Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 6 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Ecco Vino (19 Cockburn Street, EH1 1BP)
Coverage: Old Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 4 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 6 from 1 reviewer(s)Pub is reported closed Edinburgh Beer Factory (Unit 15, 32 Bankhead Drive, EH11 4EQ)
Coverage: Sighthill
Pub has 3 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 8 from 1 reviewer(s) Edinburgh City Football Club (74 Lochend Road South, EH7 6DR)
Coverage: Restalrig
Pub has 2 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratings Edinburgh Marriott Hotel (111 Glasgow Road, EH12 8NF)
Coverage: South Gyle
Pub has 1 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Eighty Queen Street (80 Queen Street, EH2 4NF)
Coverage: New Town
Pub has 7 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratingsPub is reported closed El Diablo Loco (74-78 South Clerk Street, EH8 9PT)
Coverage: Newington
Pub has 2 picture(s)Pub has 2 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Elbe Room, The (18-20 Salamander Street, EH6 7HR)
Coverage: Leith
Pub has 1 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Elbow Bar (133 East Claremont Street, EH7 4JA)
Coverage: New Town
Pub has 14 picture(s)Pub has 2 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 5 from 1 reviewer(s) Element (110-114 Rose Street, EH2 3JF)
Coverage: New Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 5 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratings Elio's (38-38a George Street, EH2 2LE)
Coverage: New Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 2 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Ellwyn Hotel (Moira Terrace, EH7 6TD)
Coverage: Craigentinny
Pub has 13 picture(s)Pub has 6 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 5.5 from 4 reviewer(s) Ensign Ewart (523 Lawnmarket, EH1 2PE)
Coverage: Old Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 1 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Espionage (4 India Buildings, Victoria Street, EH1 2HE)
Coverage: Old Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 3 picture(s)Pub has 2 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 10 from 1 reviewer(s) Espy, The (62 Bath Street, EH15 1HF)
Coverage: Portobello
Pub has 9 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratings False Widow (159 Constitution Street, EH6 7AD)
Coverage: Leith
Pub has no picturesPub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Fernie Hill Inn (73 Ferniehill Road, EH17 7BN)
Coverage: Gilmerton
Pub has 2 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 10 from 1 reviewer(s) Ferry Boat Bar (683 Ferry Road, EH4 2TX)
Coverage: Drylaw
Pub has 11 picture(s)Pub has 3 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 7.5 from 2 reviewer(s) Festival, The (20A Morrison Street, EH3 8BJ)
Coverage: West End, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 12 picture(s)Pub has 4 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 6 from 2 reviewer(s) Fiddlers Arms, The (13 Grassmarket, EH1 2HY)
Coverage: Old Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 25 picture(s)Pub has 4 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 6 from 1 reviewer(s) Fierce Beer (167 Rose Street, EH2 4LS)
Coverage: New Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 1 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Filling Station (66 Rose Street, EH2 2NN)
Coverage: New Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 11 picture(s)Pub has 4 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 5.5 from 3 reviewer(s) Filling Station, The (235-241 High Street, EH1 1PE)
Coverage: Old Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 4 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Filmhouse Bar (88 Lothian Road, EH3 9BZ)
Coverage: West End, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 4 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratings Fingers Piano Bar (61A Frederick Street, EH2 1LH)
Coverage: New Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 10 picture(s)Pub has 2 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratings Finnegans Wake (9B Victoria Street, EH1 2HE)
Coverage: Old Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 2 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratingsPub is reported closed First and Last, The (14 Seafield Road East, EH15 1EB)
Coverage: Portobello
Pub has 5 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratings Fishers (1 Shore, EH6 6QW)
Coverage: Leith
Pub has 6 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratings Flight Club (St James Quarter (Level 3), EH1 3AE)
Coverage: New Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 9 picture(s)Pub has 6 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 5.5 from 5 reviewer(s)Pub is reported closed Foot of the Walk (JD Wetherspoon), The (183 Constitution Street, EH6 7AA)
Coverage: Leith
Pub has 10 picture(s)Pub has 3 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 8 from 2 reviewer(s) Footlights (7 Spittal Street, EH3 9DY)
Coverage: Old Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 4 picture(s)Pub has 4 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 3 from 2 reviewer(s) Foresters Guild (40 Portobello High Street, EH15 1DA)
Coverage: Portobello
Pub has 6 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratings Foundation (Colinton Road, EH14 1AL)
Coverage: Craiglockart
Pub has 8 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Foundry 39 (39a Queensferry Street, EH2 4RA)
Coverage: West End, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 5 picture(s)Pub has 2 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratings Fountain Bar, The (131 Dundee Street, EH11 1AX)
Coverage: Viewforth
Pub has 14 picture(s)Pub has 3 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratings Fountainbridge Fox (85-87 Fountainbridge, EH3 9QA)
Coverage: Viewforth
Pub has 19 picture(s)Pub has 2 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 6 from 1 reviewer(s) Fox and Faun, The (101 Shandwick Place, EH2 4SD)
Coverage: West End, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 9 picture(s)Pub has 3 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 5.5 from 2 reviewer(s) Frankenstein (26 George IV Bridge, EH1 1EN)
Coverage: Old Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 6 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 2 from 1 reviewer(s)Pub is reported closed Frenchies (Rose Street, EH2 3DT)
Coverage: New Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 19 picture(s)Pub has 2 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Froth & Flame (192 - 194 Morrison Street, EH3 8EB)
Coverage: Edinburgh Central, Haymarket
Pub has 3 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratings Galleon Bar, The (88 Portobello High Street, EH15 1AN)
Coverage: Portobello
Pub has 1 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Gardeners Arms, The (62 Drum Street, EH17 8RN)
Coverage: Gilmerton
Pub has 1 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Gauntlet Bar, The (Broomhouse Grove, EH11 3TZ)
Coverage: Sighthill
Pub has 6 picture(s)Pub has 5 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 4 from 2 reviewer(s) George IV Bar (54 George IV Bridge, EH1 1EJ)
Coverage: Old Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 16 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratings Ghillie Dhu (2 Rutland Place, EH1 2AD)
Coverage: West End, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 3 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 7 from 1 reviewer(s) Gladstone Bar (2 Mill Lane, EH6 6TJ)
Coverage: Leith
Pub has 4 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratings Globe Bar, The (13 Niddry Street, EH1 1LG)
Coverage: Old Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 10 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 5 from 1 reviewer(s) Golden Acre (10 Bowhill Terrace, EH3 5QY)
Coverage: Newhaven
Pub has 1 picture(s)Pub has 2 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Golden Gate (1 Meadowbank Place, EH8 7AW)
Coverage: Restalrig
Pub has 4 picture(s)Pub has 2 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratings Golden Rule, The (Yeaman Place, EH11 1BU)
Coverage: Viewforth
Pub has 7 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 6 from 1 reviewer(s) Golf Tavern (31 Wrights Houses, EH10 4HR)
Coverage: Sciennes
Pub has 2 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratings Good Companions (4 Oxgangs Bank, EH13 9JT)
Coverage: Colinton, Oxgangs
Pub has no picturesPub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Gordons, The (Gilmerton Dykes Road, EH17 8PG)
Coverage: Gilmerton
Pub has 7 picture(s)Pub has 5 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Gorgie Bar (73 Gorgie Road, EH11 2LA)
Coverage: Gorgie
Pub has 4 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Gosford Bar @ Victoria Park Hotel (221 Ferry Road, EH6 4NN)
Coverage: Bonnington
Pub has 7 picture(s)Pub has 2 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 5 from 1 reviewer(s) Granary (32-34 Shore, EH6 6QN)
Coverage: Leith
Pub has no picturesPub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Granary, The (42/45 Queensferry Street, EH2 4RA)
Coverage: West End
Pub has 3 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratings Grand Cafe @ Scotsman Hotel (20 North Bridge, EH1 1YT)
Coverage: Old Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 4 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratings Grand Cru (79-83 Hanover Street, EH2 1EE)
Coverage: New Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 2 picture(s)Pub has 2 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 7 from 1 reviewer(s)Pub is reported closed Grandville, The (Craighall Road, EH6 4ND)
Coverage: Newhaven
Pub has 1 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Granton Tap (122 Lower Granton Road, EH5 1EX)
Coverage: Granton
Pub has 2 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Grape (The Capital Building, 13 St Andrew Square, EH2 2BH)
Coverage: New Town
Pub has 2 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratings Grapes, The (77 Clerk Street, EH8 9JG)
Coverage: Lauriston
Pub has 1 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratings Grays Mill, The (105 Slateford Road, EH11 1QY)
Coverage: Slateford
Pub has 15 picture(s)Pub has 2 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 7 from 1 reviewer(s) Green Room, The (23-25 William Street, EH3 7NG)
Coverage: West End, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 6 picture(s)Pub has 7 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 9 from 5 reviewer(s)Pub is reported closed Greenmantle Inn (133 Nicolson Street, EH8 9ER)
Coverage: Lauriston
Pub has 2 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratings Grey Horse Inn (200 Dalkeith Road, EH16 5DT)
Coverage: Newington
Pub has 21 picture(s)Pub has 10 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 7.5 from 7 reviewer(s) Greyfriars Bobby (34 Candlemaker Row, EH1 2QE)
Coverage: Old Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 19 picture(s)Pub has 7 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 6 from 6 reviewer(s) Grosvenor, The (28 Shandwick Place, EH2 4RT)
Coverage: West End, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 43 picture(s)Pub has 23 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 9 from 19 reviewer(s) Guildford Arms, The (5 West Register Street, EH2 2AA)
Coverage: New Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 3 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Gunner, The (61 Pennywell Road, EH4 4TY)
Coverage: Muirhouse
Pub has 7 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratings Gusto (135 George Street, EH2 4JS)
Coverage: New Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has no picturesPub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Gyle Park, The (1A Gylemuir Road, EH12 7UB)
Coverage: South Gyle
Pub has 20 picture(s)Pub has 21 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 8.5 from 18 reviewer(s) Halfway House (24 Fleshmarket Close, EH1 1BX)
Coverage: Old Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 8 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Hamilton's (16-18 Hamilton Place, EH3 5AU)
Coverage: Stockbridge
Pub has 2 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratings Hampton, The (14 Corstorphine Road, EH12 6HN)
Coverage: Roseburn
Pub has 24 picture(s)Pub has 9 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 5.5 from 7 reviewer(s) Hanging Bat, The (133-135 Lothian Road, EH3 9AD)
Coverage: West End, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 9 picture(s)Pub has 3 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 6 from 2 reviewer(s) Hanover Tap (112 Hanover Street, EH2 1DR)
Coverage: New Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 9 picture(s)Pub has 3 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 8 from 2 reviewer(s) Harbour Inn, The (6 Fishmarket Square, EH6 4LW)
Coverage: Leith, Newhaven
Pub has 10 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 5 from 1 reviewer(s) Hard Rock Cafe (18-20 George Street, EH2 2PF)
Coverage: New Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 7 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Harmonium (60 Henderson Street, EH6 6DE)
Coverage: Leith
Pub has 5 picture(s)Pub has 2 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratings Harp & Castle, The (298 Leith Walk, EH6 5BU)
Coverage: Pilrig
Pub has 12 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 6 from 1 reviewer(s)Pub is reported closed Harry's Bar (7b Randolph Place, EH3 7TE)
Coverage: West End, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 6 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Harry's Southside (44 Buccleuch Street, EH8 9LP)
Coverage: Lauriston
Pub has 5 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratings Hauf & Howff (St James Quarter (Level 4), EH1 3AE)
Coverage: New Town
Pub has 27 picture(s)Pub has 9 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 7.5 from 7 reviewer(s) Haymarket (6A West Maitland Street, EH12 5DS)
Coverage: Edinburgh Central, Haymarket
Pub has 5 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratings Heads & Tales (1a Rutland Place, EH1 2AD)
Coverage: West End, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 11 picture(s)Pub has 5 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 6 from 3 reviewer(s) Hebrides Bar (17 Market Street, EH1 1DE)
Coverage: Old Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 23 picture(s)Pub has 7 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 7.5 from 5 reviewer(s) Hebrides West End (185 Morrison Street, EH3 8DZ)
Coverage: Edinburgh Central, Haymarket
Pub has 5 picture(s)Pub has 3 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 5 from 2 reviewer(s) Hectors (47-49 Deanhaugh Street, EH4 1LR)
Coverage: Stockbridge
Pub has 7 picture(s)Pub has 2 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 4 from 1 reviewer(s) Hemingway's (1 Commercial Street, EH6 6JA)
Coverage: Leith
Pub has 5 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Hemma (69-73 Holyrood Road, EH8 8AE)
Coverage: Old Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 11 picture(s)Pub has 4 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 6.5 from 3 reviewer(s) Henry Hall's Carriers Quarters (42 Bernard Street, EH6 6PR)
Coverage: Leith
Pub has 2 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Henry J Beans (Rutland Street, EH1 2AE)
Coverage: West End, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 5 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratings Henry's Cellar Bar (16 Morrison Street, EH3 8BJ)
Coverage: Edinburgh Central
Pub has 11 picture(s)Pub has 3 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 5.5 from 2 reviewer(s) Hermitage Bar, The (5 Comiston Road, EH10 6AA)
Coverage: Morningside
Pub has 4 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratings Herringbone (2 South Trinity Road, EH5 3NR)
Coverage: Warriston
Pub has 5 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 5 from 1 reviewer(s) High Dive (85 St Leonards Street, EH8 9QY)
Coverage: St. Leonards
Pub has 12 picture(s)Pub has 4 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 7.5 from 3 reviewer(s) Holyrood 9A, The (9A Holyrood Road, EH8 8AE)
Coverage: Old Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 9 picture(s)Pub has 2 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 4 from 1 reviewer(s) Home (69 Home Street, EH3 9JP)
Coverage: Tollcross
Pub has 8 picture(s)Pub has 2 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Hoot The Redeemer (7 Hanover Street, EH2 1DJ)
Coverage: New Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 2 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Hopetoun (8 McDonald Road, EH7 4LZ)
Coverage: Pilrig
Pub has 2 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratings Hoppy, The (23 Marionville Road, EH7 5UD)
Coverage: Restalrig
Pub has 2 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratings Hudson St Grill (Airside, Edinburgh Airport, EH12 9DN)
Coverage: Airport
Pub has 2 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratings Hunters Tryst (97 Oxgangs Road, EH13 9NG)
Coverage: Colinton, Oxgangs
Pub has 11 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratings Huxley , The (1-3 Rutland Street, EH1 2AE)
Coverage: West End, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 2 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Inca (138 Bruntsfield Place, EH10 4DG)
Coverage: Greenhill
Pub has 9 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratings Indigo Yard (7 Charlotte Lane, EH2 4QZ)
Coverage: New Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 11 picture(s)Pub has 6 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 7 from 3 reviewer(s) Inn on the Mile, The (82 High Street, EH1 1LL)
Coverage: Old Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 12 picture(s)Pub has 3 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 5.5 from 2 reviewer(s) Innis & Gunn Brewery Taproom (81-83 Lothian Road, EH3 9AW)
Coverage: West End, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 6 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratings International Bar (15 Brougham Place, EH3 9JX)
Coverage: Tollcross
Pub has 2 picture(s)Pub has 2 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 8 from 1 reviewer(s) Iona Bar, The (203 Easter Road, EH6 8LF)
Coverage: Drum
Pub has 2 picture(s)Pub has 2 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Ivanhoe, The (6 South St David Street, EH2 2BW)
Coverage: New Town
Pub has 9 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratings Ivy on the Square, The (6 St Andrew Square, EH2 2BD)
Coverage: New Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 3 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratings Iychicoo Bar @ The Radisson Hotel (80 High Street, EH1 1TH)
Coverage: Old Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 2 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratings Jackson the Tailor (5-11 Leith Street, EH1 3AT)
Coverage: New Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 4 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratings Jake’s Place (9-12 Market Street, EH1 1DE)
Coverage: Old Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 1 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Jan's Bar (17 Queen Charlotte Street, EH6 6BA)
Coverage: Leith
Pub has 4 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratings Jazz Bar (1a Chambers Street, EH1 1HR)
Coverage: Old Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 11 picture(s)Pub has 3 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 6.5 from 2 reviewer(s) Jeremiah’s Taproom (7-8 Elm Row, EH7 4AA)
Coverage: Pilrig
Pub has 10 picture(s)Pub has 7 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 7 from 5 reviewer(s) Jinglin' Geordie (20 Fleshmarket Close, EH1 1QA)
Coverage: Old Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 23 picture(s)Pub has 6 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 9 from 5 reviewer(s) John Leslie (Leslie's Bar) (45 Ratcliffe Terrace, EH9 1SU)
Coverage: Newington
Pub has 16 picture(s)Pub has 2 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 6 from 1 reviewer(s) Joker & the Thief, The (71 Elm Row, EH7 4AQ)
Coverage: Pilrig
Pub has 14 picture(s)Pub has 4 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 8.5 from 2 reviewer(s) Jolly Botanist, The (260 Morrison Street, EH3 8DT)
Coverage: Edinburgh Central, Haymarket
Pub has 15 picture(s)Pub has 12 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 7.5 from 9 reviewer(s) Jolly Judge (7 James Court, 493 Lawnmarket, EH1 2PB)
Coverage: Old Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 7 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratings Joseph Pearce (23 Elm Row, EH7 4AA)
Coverage: Pilrig
Pub has 1 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratingsPub is reported closed K Jacksons (44 Lady Lawson Street, EH3 9DW)
Coverage: Old Town
Pub has 6 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratingsPub is reported closed KCal Kitchen (87-91 Henderson Street, EH6 6ED)
Coverage: Leith
Pub has 18 picture(s)Pub has 10 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 9 from 8 reviewer(s) Kays Bar (39 Jamaica Street, EH3 6HF)
Coverage: New Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 8 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratings Keller, The (23-27 Broughton Street Lane, EH1 3LY)
Coverage: New Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 45 picture(s)Pub has 12 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 7.5 from 10 reviewer(s) Kenilworth, The (154 Rose Street, EH2 3JD)
Coverage: New Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 2 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratings Kick Ass (37-39 Cowgate, EH1 1JR)
Coverage: Old Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 10 picture(s)Pub has 3 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Kilderkin (65 Cannongate, EH8 8BT)
Coverage: Old Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 13 picture(s)Pub has 4 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 5.5 from 4 reviewer(s) King's Wark, The (36 Shore, EH6 6QU)
Coverage: Leith
Pub has 6 picture(s)Pub has 2 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 3 from 1 reviewer(s) Kings Arms, The (45 Home Street, EH3 9JP)
Coverage: Tollcross
Pub has 2 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 10 from 1 reviewer(s) Kingsknowe Roadhouse, The (Kingsknowe Road North, EH14 2ED)
Coverage: Kingsknowe
Pub has 4 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 6 from 1 reviewer(s) Kitty O’Sheas (43b Frederick Street, EH2 1EP)
Coverage: New Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 9 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 4 from 1 reviewer(s) Lady Libertine (25 West Register Street, EH2 2AA)
Coverage: New Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 1 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratings Lady Nairne (228 Willowbrae Road, EH8 7NG)
Coverage: Duddingston
Pub has 6 picture(s)Pub has 2 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 10 from 2 reviewer(s) Laich Bar, The (477A Gorgie Road, EH11 3AD)
Coverage: Gorgie
Pub has 4 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratings Lane 7 (St James Square, EH1 3AD)
Coverage: New Town
Pub has 8 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratings Las Iguanas (143 George Street, EH2 4JY)
Coverage: New Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 22 picture(s)Pub has 8 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 6.5 from 6 reviewer(s) Last Drop, The (Grassmarket, EH1 2JR)
Coverage: Old Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 5 picture(s)Pub has 2 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratings Last Word, The (44 St. Stephen Street, EH3 5AL)
Coverage: Stockbridge
Pub has 11 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratings Le Di-Vin (9 Randolph Place, EH3 7TE)
Coverage: West End, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 5 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 10 from 1 reviewer(s) Le Monde (16 George Street, EH2 2PF)
Coverage: New Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 1 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Lea Rig Bar (107 Restalrig Road, EH6 7NY)
Coverage: Leith
Pub has 11 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratings Leith Depot (140 Leith Walk, EH6 5DT)
Coverage: Leith
Pub has 1 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Liberton Inn (90 Kirk Brae, EH16 6JA)
Coverage: Liberton
Pub has 4 picture(s)Pub has 2 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratings Limelite (15 Jocks Lodge, EH8 7AA)
Coverage: Restalrig
Pub has 10 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 6 from 1 reviewer(s) Links Tavern, The (7 Restalrig Road, EH6 8BB)
Coverage: Leith
Pub has 6 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratings Lioness of Leith, The (27 Duke Street, EH6 8HH)
Coverage: Leith
Pub has 6 picture(s)Pub has 2 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratings Little Picardy (18-22 Greenside Place, EH1 3AA)
Coverage: New Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 14 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratings Little White Pig (26 Dublin Street, EH3 6NN)
Coverage: New Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has no picturesPub has no recommendationsPub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Living Room, The (237 Cowgate, EH1 1JQ)
Coverage: Old Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 1 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Loch Inn, The (74 Lochend Road South, EH7 6DR)
Coverage: Restalrig
Pub has 5 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratings Logan's Rest (79 Restalrig Road South, EH7 6JD)
Coverage: Restalrig
Pub has 4 picture(s)Pub has 2 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 10 from 1 reviewer(s)Pub is reported closed Longstone Inn (36 Longstone Road, EH14 2BH)
Coverage: Longstone
Pub has 4 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Lord Bodo's (3 Dublin Street, EH1 3PG)
Coverage: New Town
Pub has 23 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratings Lost in Leith (84 Commercial Street, EH6 6LX)
Coverage: Leith
Pub has 6 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 10 from 1 reviewer(s) Lounge (52-54 Rose Street, EH2 2NN)
Coverage: New Town
Pub has 10 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratings Luckies (437 Gorgie Road, EH11 2RT)
Coverage: Gorgie
Pub has 11 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratings Lucky Liquor Co, The (39A Queen Street, EH2 3NH)
Coverage: New Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 9 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratings Mackays on the Mile (223 Canongate, EH8 8BJ)
Coverage: Old Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 4 picture(s)Pub has 2 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 8 from 1 reviewer(s)Pub is reported closed Mackenzies (80 Main Street, EH4 5AB)
Coverage: Davidsons Mains
Pub has 12 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 5 from 1 reviewer(s) Mad Hatter, The (8 Torphichen Place, EH3 8DU)
Coverage: Edinburgh Central, Haymarket
Pub has 9 picture(s)Pub has 6 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 6.5 from 5 reviewer(s) Maggie Dickson's (92 Grassmarket, EH1 2JR)
Coverage: Old Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 5 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratings Magnum, The (1 Albany Street, EH1 3PY)
Coverage: New Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 15 picture(s)Pub has 2 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 10 from 1 reviewer(s) Malones (242 Morrison Street, EH3 8DT)
Coverage: Edinburgh Central, Haymarket
Pub has 14 picture(s)Pub has 2 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratings Malones Leith (48-52 Constitution Street, EH6 6RS)
Coverage: Leith
Pub has no picturesPub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Malt & Hops (101 Fountainbridge, EH3 9QG)
Coverage: Viewforth
Pub has 20 picture(s)Pub has 8 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 8.5 from 6 reviewer(s) Malt & Hops (45 Shore, EH6 6QU)
Coverage: Leith
Pub has 17 picture(s)Pub has 4 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 6.5 from 3 reviewer(s) Malt Shovel, The (15 Cockburn Street, EH1 1BP)
Coverage: Old Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 5 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratings Manahatta (28 Rose Street, EH2 2QA)
Coverage: New Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 18 picture(s)Pub has 5 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 4.5 from 2 reviewer(s) Mara (58 Shore, EH6 6RA)
Coverage: Leith
Pub has 2 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 7 from 1 reviewer(s)Pub is reported closed Marionville Bar (Marionville Road, EH7 5UD)
Coverage: Restalrig
Pub has 4 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratings Marksman, The (13 Duke Street, EH6 8HG)
Coverage: Leith
Pub has 2 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Marmion, The (2 Gracemount Drive, EH16 6RS)
Coverage: Liberton
Pub has 6 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratings Mash Tun, The (156 Easter Road, EH7 5RL)
Coverage: Drum
Pub has 11 picture(s)Pub has 6 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 7 from 5 reviewer(s) Mather's (25 Broughton Street, EH1 3JU)
Coverage: New Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 30 picture(s)Pub has 9 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 7 from 7 reviewer(s) Mathers Bar (1 Queensferry Street, EH2 4PA)
Coverage: West End, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 9 picture(s)Pub has 2 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 10 from 1 reviewer(s) Maxies (5 Johnston Terrace, EH1 2PW)
Coverage: Old Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 5 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratingsPub is reported closed McCowans Brewhouse (Unit 1 Fountain Park, Dundee Street, EH11 1AJ)
Coverage: Viewforth
Pub has 5 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 5 from 1 reviewer(s) McLaren's (8 Morningside Road, EH10 4DD)
Coverage: Greenhill
Pub has 8 picture(s)Pub has 2 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 4 from 1 reviewer(s) Meadows Tap (27-29 Causewayside, EH9 1QF)
Coverage: Newington
Pub has 1 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratings Mechanic Arms (36 Drum Street, EH17 8QH)
Coverage: Gilmerton
Pub has 3 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratings Merienda (30 N W Circus Place, EH3 6TP)
Coverage: Stockbridge
Pub has 9 picture(s)Pub has 2 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 5 from 1 reviewer(s) Merlin, The (168-172 Morningside Road, EH10 4PU)
Coverage: Morningside
Pub has 4 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 10 from 1 reviewer(s) Mid Yoken (75 Craigmount Brae, EH12 8XF)
Coverage: East Craigs
Pub has 3 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratings Middletons (69 Easter Road, EH7 5PW)
Coverage: Drum
Pub has 8 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratings Miller & Carter Cramond Brig (Queensferry Road, EH4 6DY)
Coverage: Barnton
Pub has 21 picture(s)Pub has 10 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 6.5 from 6 reviewer(s) Milnes Bar (35 Hanover Street, EH2 2PJ)
Coverage: New Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 13 picture(s)Pub has 9 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 7 from 6 reviewer(s) Mitre Bar, The (133 High Street, EH1 1SG)
Coverage: Old Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 5 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratings Monboddo (34 Bread Street, EH3 9AF)
Coverage: Old Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 4 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratings Monteiths (61 High Street, EH1 1SR)
Coverage: Old Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 4 picture(s)Pub has 2 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 5 from 1 reviewer(s) Montpeliers (159-161 Bruntsfield Place, EH10 4DG)
Coverage: Greenhill
Pub has 6 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratings Moonwake Taproom (6A Tower Street, EH6 7BY)
Coverage: Leith
Pub has 5 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratings Mortal Kocktail (1 Craigs Close, 29 Cockburn Street, EH1 1BN)
Coverage: Old Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 2 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Mother Aitkens (2 Seafield Place, EH6 7QP)
Coverage: Leith
Pub has 12 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratings Mother Superior, The (96 Leith Walk, EH6 5HB)
Coverage: Leith
Pub has 5 picture(s)Pub has 2 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 7 from 1 reviewer(s) Murrayfield (59 Roseburn Terrace, EH12 5NQ)
Coverage: Roseburn
Pub has 4 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratings Murrayfield Hotel, The (18 Corstorphine Road, EH12 6HN)
Coverage: Roseburn
Pub has 8 picture(s)Pub has 3 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 10 from 1 reviewer(s) Murrayfield Sports Bar (Westfield Road, EH11 2QR)
Coverage: Gorgie
Pub has 12 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratingsPub is reported closed My Friend the Murderer (74 Newington Road, EH9 1QN)
Coverage: Newington
Pub has 6 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratings NQ64 (25 Lothian Road, EH1 2DJ)
Coverage: West End
Pub has 5 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratings Nauticus (142 Duke Street, EH6 8HR)
Coverage: Leith
Pub has 4 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratings Neighbourhood @ The Bruntsfield Hotel, The (69 Bruntsfield Place, EH10 4HH)
Coverage: Sciennes
Pub has 2 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratings Newbarns Brewery Taproom (13 Jane Street, EH6 5HE)
Coverage: Leith
Pub has no picturesPub has no recommendationsPub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Newhaven Inn, The (74 Newhaven Road, EH6 5QG)
Coverage: Bonnington
Pub has 5 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratings Newhaven Quay (51-53 Newhaven Place, EH6 4TX)
Coverage: Leith, Newhaven
Pub has 15 picture(s)Pub has 4 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 4.5 from 2 reviewer(s) Newsroom, The (5-11 Leith Street, EH1 3AT)
Coverage: Edinburgh Central, Greenside
Pub has 7 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratings Nightcap (3 York Place, EH1 3EB)
Coverage: New Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 16 picture(s)Pub has 6 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 6 from 4 reviewer(s) No 1 High Street (1 High Street, EH1 1SR)
Coverage: Old Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 11 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratings Nobles Bar (44A Constitution Street, EH6 6RS)
Coverage: Leith
Pub has 3 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratings Norhet Bar (45 Main Street, EH4 5BZ)
Coverage: Davidsons Mains
Pub has 1 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Northfield House Hotel (115 Lasswade Road, EH16 6UD)
Coverage: Liberton
Pub has 6 picture(s)Pub has 3 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 5 from 1 reviewer(s) O'Connor's (4 Broughton Road, EH7 4EB)
Coverage: New Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 4 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratings OX184 (184-186 Cowgate, EH1 1JJ)
Coverage: Old Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 1 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Ocean Bar (Victoria Dock, Leith Docks, EH6 6JJ)
Coverage: Leith
Pub has 3 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratings Oceana (145 Ferry Road, EH6 4ET)
Coverage: Bonnington
Pub has 4 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Office, The (180 Albert Street, EH7 5NA)
Coverage: Drum
Pub has 6 picture(s)Pub has 5 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 8 from 3 reviewer(s) Old Bell Inn (235 Causewayside, EH9 1PH)
Coverage: Newington
Pub has 9 picture(s)Pub has 2 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 6 from 1 reviewer(s) Old Chain Pier (Trinity Crescent, EH5 3EE)
Coverage: Granton
Pub has 11 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratings Old Eastway Tap (218 Easter Road, EH7 5QH)
Coverage: Drum
Pub has 13 picture(s)Pub has 2 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 10 from 1 reviewer(s) Old Pal (28 West Maitland Street, EH12 5DX)
Coverage: Edinburgh Central, Haymarket
Pub has 6 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratings Olde Inn (25 Main Street, EH4 5BZ)
Coverage: Davidsons Mains
Pub has 1 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Olivers (178 Rose Street, EH2 4BA)
Coverage: New Town
Pub has 2 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratings Omans Bar (1 Peffer Place, EH16 4BB)
Coverage: Craigmillar
Pub has 8 picture(s)Pub has 4 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 4 from 1 reviewer(s) One Canon (1 Canonmills, EH3 5HA)
Coverage: New Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 7 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratings One Square Bar (1 Festival Square, EH3 9SR)
Coverage: West End, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 5 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratings Opium (71 Cowgate, EH1 1JW)
Coverage: Old Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 10 picture(s)Pub has 3 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 7.5 from 2 reviewer(s) Orchard, The (1 Howard Place, EH3 5JZ)
Coverage: Stockbridge, Bonnington, Warriston, Canonmills
Pub has 3 picture(s)Pub has 2 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 7 from 1 reviewer(s) Ormelie Tavern (44 Joppa Road, EH15 2ET)
Coverage: Portobello
Pub has 2 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Orwell Lodge Hotel, The (31 Polwarth Terrace, EH11 1NH)
Coverage: Polwarth
Pub has 1 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Oscars Bar & Grill (2 Moat Place, EH14 1NY)
Coverage: Slateford
Pub has 5 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratings Outhouse, The (12A Broughton Street Lane, EH1 3LY)
Coverage: New Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 7 picture(s)Pub has 2 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 6 from 1 reviewer(s) Ox, The (49 London Street, EH3 6LX)
Coverage: New Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 21 picture(s)Pub has 16 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 7.5 from 14 reviewer(s) Oxford Bar, The (8 Young Street, EH2 4JB)
Coverage: New Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 4 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Oz Bar (33 Candlemaker Row, EH1 2QG)
Coverage: Old Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 3 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Pakora (251-253 Canongate, EH8 8BQ)
Coverage: Old Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 9 picture(s)Pub has 2 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratings Panda & Sons (79 Queen Street, EH2 4NF)
Coverage: New Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 3 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratings Paolozzi Bar (61 Forrest Road, EH1 2QP)
Coverage: Lauriston
Pub has 5 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratings Paradise Palms (41 Lothian Street, EH1 1HB)
Coverage: Lauriston
Pub has 8 picture(s)Pub has 4 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 5.5 from 3 reviewer(s) Pear Tree, The (38 West Nicolson Street, EH8 9DD)
Coverage: Lauriston
Pub has 18 picture(s)Pub has 6 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 7 from 3 reviewer(s) Penny Black (Leith Street, EH1 3AT)
Coverage: Edinburgh Central
Pub has 1 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Penny Black (17 West Register Street, EH2 2AA)
Coverage: New Town
Pub has 6 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratings Persevere Bar, The (398 Easter Road, EH6 8HT)
Coverage: Leith
Pub has 7 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratings Pilgrim (3 Robertsons Close, Cowgate, EH1 1LY)
Coverage: Old Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 6 picture(s)Pub has 2 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 8 from 1 reviewer(s) Piper's Rest, The (3 Hunter Square, EH1 1QW)
Coverage: Old Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 4 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratings Place, The (34-38 York Place, EH1 3HU)
Coverage: New Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 5 picture(s)Pub has 2 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 1 from 1 reviewer(s) Planet (6 Baxters Place, EH1 3AF)
Coverage: Edinburgh Central, Greenside
Pub has 14 picture(s)Pub has 2 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratings Platform 5 (8 Clifton Terrace, EH12 5DR)
Coverage: Edinburgh Central, Haymarket
Pub has 12 picture(s)Pub has 8 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 5 from 5 reviewer(s) Playfair (Lloyds No 1), The (Omni Centre, Greenside Place, EH1 3AJ)
Coverage: Edinburgh Central, Greenside
Pub has 4 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratings Polwarth Tavern (35 Polwarth Crescent, EH11 1HR)
Coverage: Viewforth
Pub has no picturesPub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Pop In (124 Portobello High Street, EH15 1AH)
Coverage: Portobello
Pub has 11 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratings Port o' Leith, The (58 Constitution Street, EH6 6RS)
Coverage: Leith
Pub has 2 picture(s)Pub has 3 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 9 from 2 reviewer(s) Porters Bar (7 Piershill Place, EH8 7EH)
Coverage: Restalrig
Pub has 7 picture(s)Pub has 2 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 6 from 1 reviewer(s)Pub is reported closed Portland Bar (17 Portland Place, EH6 6LA)
Coverage: Leith
Pub has 2 picture(s)Pub has 2 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 2.5 from 2 reviewer(s) Portobello Bar (187 Portobello High Street, EH15 1EU)
Coverage: Portobello
Pub has 9 picture(s)Pub has 4 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 6 from 1 reviewer(s) Portobello Tap (87 Portobello High Street, EH15 1AW)
Coverage: Portobello
Pub has 7 picture(s)Pub has 2 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Porty Vault (Portobello High Street, EH15 2AW)
Coverage: Portobello
Pub has 1 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Potters (Ocean Terminal, Ocean Drive, EH6 6JJ)
Coverage: Leith
Pub has 6 picture(s)Pub has 5 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 9.5 from 4 reviewer(s) Powder Room, The (97-99 Broughton Road, EH7 4EG)
Coverage: New Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 6 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Printing Press, The (21-25 George Street, EH2 2PB)
Coverage: New Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 8 picture(s)Pub has 3 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratings Prom Bar (3 Anchorfield, EH6 4JG)
Coverage: Leith
Pub has 14 picture(s)Pub has 3 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 6.5 from 3 reviewer(s) Queens Arms (49 Frederick Street, EH2 1EP)
Coverage: New Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 3 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 10 from 1 reviewer(s)Pub is reported closed Rabbie Burns, The (103 High Street, EH1 1SG)
Coverage: Old Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 11 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratings Rabble (55A Frederick Street, EH2 1LH)
Coverage: New Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 3 picture(s)Pub has 4 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Radical Road, The (229 Willowbrae Road, EH8 7ND)
Coverage: Duddingston
Pub has 9 picture(s)Pub has 2 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratings Raeburn, The (112 Raeburn Place, EH4 1HG)
Coverage: Stockbridge
Pub has 8 picture(s)Pub has 2 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratings Rag Doll (4-6 Dean Street, EH4 1LW)
Coverage: Stockbridge
Pub has 10 picture(s)Pub has 3 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 3 from 1 reviewer(s) Raging Bull, The (161 Lothian Road, EH3 9AA)
Coverage: West End, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 2 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Rainbow Inn, The (1 Craigmount View, EH12 8HG)
Coverage: Corstorphine
Pub has 6 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Ranch, The (1 Barclay Place, EH10 4HW)
Coverage: Sciennes
Pub has 4 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratings Rat Pack, The (9 Shandwick Place, EH2 4RG)
Coverage: West End, Edinburgh Central
Pub has no picturesPub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Ravenscroft (33 Drum Street, EH17 8RQ)
Coverage: Gilmerton
Pub has no picturesPub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Red Lion, The (25 Albert Place, EH7 5HN)
Coverage: Pilrig
Pub has 13 picture(s)Pub has 2 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 7 from 1 reviewer(s) Red Squirrel (21 Lothian Road, EH1 2DJ)
Coverage: West End, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 9 picture(s)Pub has 4 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 6.5 from 3 reviewer(s) Regent, The (2 Montrose Terrace, EH7 5DL)
Coverage: Calton
Pub has 3 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Revolution (30a Chambers Street, EH1 1HU)
Coverage: Old Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has no picturesPub has no recommendationsPub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Rob Roy (245 Gilmerton Road, EH16 5TH)
Coverage: Gilmerton
Pub has 12 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratings Robbies (367 Leith Walk, EH6 8SE)
Coverage: Pilrig
Pub has 17 picture(s)Pub has 4 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 6.5 from 3 reviewer(s) Robertson's 37 Bar (37 Rose Street, EH2 2NH)
Coverage: New Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 2 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratings Robin's Nest (391 Gilmerton Road, EH17 7PX)
Coverage: Gilmerton
Pub has 2 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 9 from 1 reviewer(s)Pub is reported closed Rockville Hotel (2 Joppa Road, Seaview Terrace, EH15 2HF)
Coverage: Portobello
Pub has 13 picture(s)Pub has 3 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 5 from 1 reviewer(s) Rose & Crown, The (170 Rose Street, EH2 4BA)
Coverage: New Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 27 picture(s)Pub has 10 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 6 from 7 reviewer(s) Rose Street Brewery, The (57 Rose Street, EH2 2NH)
Coverage: New Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 11 picture(s)Pub has 2 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 7 from 1 reviewer(s) Roseburn Bar (1 Roseburn Terrace, EH12 5NG)
Coverage: Roseburn
Pub has 9 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 10 from 1 reviewer(s)Pub is reported closed Rosehip, The (43 Rose Street, EH2 2NH)
Coverage: New Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 4 picture(s)Pub has 5 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 7 from 3 reviewer(s) Roseleaf (24 Sandport Place, EH6 6EW)
Coverage: Leith
Pub has 9 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Rowantree Bar, The (255 Cowgate, EH1 1NN)
Coverage: Old Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 12 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratings Royal Dick, The (1 Summerhall, EH8 9HX)
Coverage: Newington
Pub has 10 picture(s)Pub has 3 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 10 from 1 reviewer(s) Royal Mile, The (127 High Street, EH1 1SG)
Coverage: Old Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 7 picture(s)Pub has 4 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 7.5 from 3 reviewer(s) Royal Oak, The (1 Infirmary Street, EH1 1LT)
Coverage: Old Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 2 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Royal, The (50 Moredunvale Road, EH17 7RZ)
Coverage: Gilmerton
Pub has 9 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Ryans (2 Hope Street, EH2 4DB)
Coverage: West End, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 43 picture(s)Pub has 9 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 6.5 from 6 reviewer(s) Ryries Bar (Haymarket, EH12 5EY)
Coverage: Edinburgh Central, Haymarket
Pub has 7 picture(s)Pub has 3 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 7 from 1 reviewer(s) Safari Lounge, The (21 Cadzow Place, EH7 5SN)
Coverage: Calton
Pub has 5 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratings Saint Giles (8 St Giles Street, EH1 1PT)
Coverage: Old Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 18 picture(s)Pub has 4 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 9 from 2 reviewer(s) Salisbury Arms (58 Dalkeith Road, EH16 5AD)
Coverage: Newington
Pub has 11 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 6 from 1 reviewer(s) Salt Horse (57-61 Blackfriars Street, EH1 1NB)
Coverage: Old Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 1 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Sanctuary, The (22 Duke Street, EH6 8HQ)
Coverage: Leith
Pub has 10 picture(s)Pub has 6 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 7 from 4 reviewer(s) Sandy Bells (25 Forrest Road, EH1 2QH)
Coverage: Old Town, Lauriston, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 6 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Sasso (100 Peacock Court, EH6 4HZ)
Coverage: Leith
Pub has 8 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratings Satyr (262 Leith Walk, EH6 5EL)
Coverage: Pilrig
Pub has no picturesPub has no recommendationsPub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Schooner (144 Pitt Street, EH6 4DD)
Coverage: Bonnington
Pub has 12 picture(s)Pub has 3 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 6 from 1 reviewer(s) Scotsmans Lounge, The (73 Cockburn Street, EH1 1BU)
Coverage: Old Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 5 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratings Scottie, The (100 Northfield Broadway, EH8 7RU)
Coverage: Craigentinny
Pub has 10 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 10 from 1 reviewer(s) Scottish Engineer, The (76 Telford Road, EH4 2NF)
Coverage: Drylaw
Pub has 21 picture(s)Pub has 2 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 7 from 1 reviewer(s) Scotts (202 Rose Street, EH2 4AZ)
Coverage: New Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 4 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratings Scran & Scallie, The (1 Comely Bank Road, EH4 1DR)
Coverage: Stockbridge
Pub has 2 picture(s)Pub has 3 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 5 from 1 reviewer(s)Pub is reported closed Seahaven Hotel (89-91 Joppa Road, EH15 2HB)
Coverage: Portobello
Pub has 5 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Shack, The (119 Rose Street, EH2 2DT)
Coverage: New Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 2 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratings Shackleton's @ Channings Hotel (16 South Learmonth Gardens, EH4 1EZ)
Coverage: Craigleith
Pub has 20 picture(s)Pub has 2 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 5 from 1 reviewer(s) Shakespeares (65 Lothian Road, EH1 2DJ)
Coverage: West End, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 11 picture(s)Pub has 2 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 10 from 1 reviewer(s)Pub is reported closed Shandwicks (4 South Charlotte Street, EH2 4AW)
Coverage: New Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 6 picture(s)Pub has 2 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 3 from 1 reviewer(s)Pub is reported closed Shebeen (3-5 Dock Place, EH6 6LU)
Coverage: Leith
Pub has 16 picture(s)Pub has 2 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 8.5 from 2 reviewer(s) Sheep Heid Inn, The (43-45 The Causeway, EH15 3QA)
Coverage: Duddingston
Pub has no picturesPub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Shelbourne Lounge Bar (59 York Place, EH1 3JD)
Coverage: New Town
Pub has 12 picture(s)Pub has 4 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 5.5 from 2 reviewer(s) Ship on the Shore, The (24-26 Shore, EH6 6QN)
Coverage: Leith
Pub has 16 picture(s)Pub has 3 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 5 from 1 reviewer(s) Shoogly Peg, The (133 Rose Street, EH2 4BB)
Coverage: New Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 10 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 4 from 1 reviewer(s) Shore, The (3-4 Shore, EH6 6QW)
Coverage: Leith
Pub has 3 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratings Silver Wing (Calder Road, EH11 4AH)
Coverage: Sighthill
Pub has 13 picture(s)Pub has 2 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 5.5 from 2 reviewer(s) Sir Walter Scott (JD Wetherspoon), The (Airside, Edinburgh Airport, EH12 9DN)
Coverage: Airport
Pub has 1 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Sitting Room (124 Colinton Road, EH14 1BY)
Coverage: Craiglockart
Pub has 11 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Six°North (24 Howe Street, EH3 6TG)
Coverage: New Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has no picturesPub has no recommendationsPub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Skippers (West Granton Road, EH5 1HG)
Coverage: Granton
Pub has 4 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratings Slug & Lettuce (Omni Centre, Greenside Place, EH1 3AA)
Coverage: Edinburgh Central, Greenside
Pub has 10 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 5 from 1 reviewer(s) Slug & Lettuce (113-115 George Street, EH2 4JN)
Coverage: New Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 2 picture(s)Pub has 3 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 7.5 from 2 reviewer(s)Pub is reported closed Smithies Ale House (49-51 Eyre Place, EH3 5EY)
Coverage: New Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 10 picture(s)Pub has 4 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 7 from 1 reviewer(s)Pub is reported closed Soul Nation (34 Potterrow, EH8 9BT)
Coverage: Lauriston
Pub has 6 picture(s)Pub has 3 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 7 from 1 reviewer(s) Southern, The (22-26 South Clerk Street, EH8 9PR)
Coverage: Newington
Pub has 4 picture(s)Pub has 3 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 7 from 1 reviewer(s) Southpour (5 Newington Road, EH9 1QR)
Coverage: Newington
Pub has 6 picture(s)Pub has 3 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 5 from 2 reviewer(s) Southsider, The (7 West Richmond Street, EH8 9EF)
Coverage: Lauriston
Pub has 8 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratings Spey Lounge (39 Leith Walk, EH6 8LS)
Coverage: Leith
Pub has 1 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Sports Bar (536 Gorgie Road, EH11 3AL)
Coverage: Gorgie
Pub has 2 picture(s)Pub has 2 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Sports Bar, The (24 Portland Place, EH6 6LA)
Coverage: Leith
Pub has 3 picture(s)Pub has 2 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 10 from 1 reviewer(s) Spylaw Tavern (27 Spylaw Street, EH13 0JT)
Coverage: Colinton
Pub has 8 picture(s)Pub has 2 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 7 from 1 reviewer(s) St Bernard's Bar (10 Raeburn Place, EH4 1HN)
Coverage: Stockbridge
Pub has 4 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratings St Vincent (11 St Vincent Street, EH3 6SW)
Coverage: New Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 3 picture(s)Pub has 2 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 6 from 2 reviewer(s) Stable Bar, The (Mortonhall Gate, EH16 6TJ)
Coverage: Mortonhall
Pub has 1 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Stag & Turret, The (1 Montrose Terrace, EH7 5DJ)
Coverage: Calton
Pub has 28 picture(s)Pub has 16 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 7 from 13 reviewer(s) Standing Order (JD Wetherspoon), The (66 George Street, EH2 2LR)
Coverage: New Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 9 picture(s)Pub has 2 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 7 from 2 reviewer(s) Star Bar, The (1 Northumberland Place, EH3 6LQ)
Coverage: New Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 7 picture(s)Pub has 3 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 7.5 from 2 reviewer(s) Starbank Inn (64 Laverockbank Road, EH5 3BZ)
Coverage: Granton
Pub has 5 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 6 from 1 reviewer(s) Steading, The (118-120 Biggar Road, EH10 7DU)
Coverage: Fairmilehead
Pub has 5 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratings Steel Coulson Shore (38 Bernard Street, EH6 6PR)
Coverage: Leith
Pub has 18 picture(s)Pub has 3 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 5 from 1 reviewer(s) Steel Coulson Southside (114 Causewayside, EH9 1PU)
Coverage: Newington
Pub has 16 picture(s)Pub has 8 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 7.5 from 5 reviewer(s) Stockbridge Tap, The (6 Raeburn Place, EH4 1HN)
Coverage: Stockbridge
Pub has 4 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratings Stramash (207 Cowgate, EH1 1JQ)
Coverage: Old Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 2 picture(s)Pub has 2 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratings Stratfords Bar (229 Gorgie Road, EH11 1TU)
Coverage: Gorgie
Pub has 2 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratings Strathmore Bar (17 Iona Street, EH6 8SG)
Coverage: Drum
Pub has 4 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratings Street, The (2 Picardy Place, EH1 3JT)
Coverage: New Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 7 picture(s)Pub has 3 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 4 from 1 reviewer(s) Swanny's (32 North Junction Street, EH6 6HP)
Coverage: Leith
Pub has 4 picture(s)Pub has 2 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 6 from 1 reviewer(s) Swany's (1 Ratcliffe Terrace, EH9 1SX)
Coverage: Newington
Pub has 5 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratings TGI Friday's (26 Castle Street, EH2 3HT)
Coverage: New Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 4 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratings Tam O Shanter, The (39 Great Junction Street, EH6 5HX)
Coverage: Leith
Pub has 2 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratings Tamsons (280 Easter Road, EH6 8JU)
Coverage: Drum
Pub has no picturesPub has no recommendationsPub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Tankard, The (74 East Crosscauseway, EH8 9HQ)
Coverage: St. Leonards
Pub has 8 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 10 from 1 reviewer(s) Tanners Lounge Bar (459 Lanark Road, EH14 5BA)
Coverage: Juniper Green Village
Pub has 3 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 5 from 1 reviewer(s) Tap, The (80 Lauriston Place, EH3 9DE)
Coverage: Lauriston
Pub has 5 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratings Terrace, The (73 Saughton Road North, EH12 7JB)
Coverage: Corstorphine
Pub has 16 picture(s)Pub has 7 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 6 from 5 reviewer(s) Teuchters (26 William Street, EH3 7NH)
Coverage: West End, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 16 picture(s)Pub has 5 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 7.5 from 4 reviewer(s) Teuchters Landing (1c Dock Place, EH6 6LU)
Coverage: Leith
Pub has 20 picture(s)Pub has 4 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 7.5 from 3 reviewer(s) Theatre Royal Bar (27 Greenside Place, EH1 3AA)
Coverage: Edinburgh Central, Greenside
Pub has 11 picture(s)Pub has 3 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 7 from 2 reviewer(s) Thistle Street Bar (39 Thistle Street, EH2 1DY)
Coverage: New Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 25 picture(s)Pub has 12 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 7.5 from 10 reviewer(s) Thomson's Bar (182 Morrison Street, EH3 8EB)
Coverage: Edinburgh Central, Haymarket
Pub has 9 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratings Three Marys (65 Henderson Street, EH6 6ED)
Coverage: Leith
Pub has 8 picture(s)Pub has 2 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 10 from 1 reviewer(s) Three Sisters, The (139 Cowgate, EH1 1JS)
Coverage: Old Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has no picturesPub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Three Tuns, The (7 Hanover Street, EH2 2DL)
Coverage: New Town
Pub has no picturesPub has no recommendationsPub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Tides Inn (56 Kings Road, EH15 1DX)
Coverage: Portobello
Pub has 7 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 6 from 1 reviewer(s) Tigerlily (125 George Street, EH2 4JN)
Coverage: New Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 14 picture(s)Pub has 5 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 7.5 from 4 reviewer(s) Tiles (1 St Andrew Square, EH2 2BD)
Coverage: New Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 1 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Tipplers (17 Bread Street, EH3 9AL)
Coverage: Old Town
Pub has 11 picture(s)Pub has 2 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratings Tipsy Midgie (67 St Leonards Hill, EH8 9SB)
Coverage: St. Leonards
Pub has 5 picture(s)Pub has 2 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 5 from 1 reviewer(s) Toast (65 Shore, EH6 6RA)
Coverage: Leith
Pub has 4 picture(s)Pub has 2 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 5 from 1 reviewer(s) Toby Carvery Edinburgh West (114-116 St. Johns Road, EH12 8AX)
Coverage: Corstorphine
Pub has 2 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratings Toby Carvery Lauriston Farm (69 Lauriston Farm Road, EH4 5EX)
Coverage: Davidsons Mains
Pub has 2 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratings Toby Carvery Liberton (41 Howdenhall Road, EH16 6PG)
Coverage: Liberton
Pub has 11 picture(s)Pub has 5 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 8.5 from 3 reviewer(s) Tolbooth Tavern (167 Canongate, EH8 8BN)
Coverage: Old Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 8 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratings Tonic (34A North Castle Street, EH2 3BN)
Coverage: New Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 10 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratings Torfin, The (108 St. Johns Road, EH12 8AX)
Coverage: Corstorphine
Pub has 2 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratings Torino (137 Restalrig Road, EH7 6HN)
Coverage: Restalrig
Pub has 2 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratings Tourmalet, The (25 Buchanan Street, EH6 8SQ)
Coverage: Drum
Pub has 8 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratings Trafalgar Tap (8 Trafalgar Street, EH6 4DG)
Coverage: Bonnington
Pub has no picturesPub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Travellers Tryst (2 North St. Andrew Street, EH2 1HJ)
Coverage: New Town
Pub has 4 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 4 from 1 reviewer(s) Treacle (39-41 Broughton Street, EH1 3JU)
Coverage: New Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 9 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratings Tron, The (9 Hunter Square, EH1 1QW)
Coverage: Old Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 5 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratings Tryst, The (St James Quarter (Level 4), EH1 3AE)
Coverage: New Town
Pub has 2 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratings Tynecastle Arms, The (94 Gorgie Road, EH11 2NP)
Coverage: Gorgie
Pub has 5 picture(s)Pub has 2 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratings Under the Stairs (3 Merchant Street, EH1 2QD)
Coverage: Old Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 9 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratings Usquabae (2-4 Hope Street, EH2 4DB)
Coverage: West End, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 2 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Usquabae (Airside, EH12 0AL)
Coverage: Airport
Pub has 4 picture(s)Pub has 2 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 5.5 from 2 reviewer(s) Ventoux (2 Brougham Street, EH3 9HJ)
Coverage: Tollcross
Pub has 7 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Vesta (7-8 Queensferry Street, EH2 4PA)
Coverage: West End, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 7 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratings Victoria Bar (265 Leith Walk, EH6 8PD)
Coverage: Pilrig
Pub has 1 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 10 from 1 reviewer(s) Village Inn, The (30 Inglis Green Road, EH14 2ER)
Coverage: Kingsknowe
Pub has 2 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Village, The (16 South Fort Street, EH6 4DN)
Coverage: Bonnington
Pub has 6 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 10 from 1 reviewer(s) Vine Bar, The (47 North Junction Street, EH6 6HS)
Coverage: Leith
Pub has 6 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratings Viva Bar (85-87 Rose Street, EH2 3DT)
Coverage: New Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 29 picture(s)Pub has 5 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 8 from 5 reviewer(s) Volunteer Arms (The Canny Man's) (237 Morningside Road, EH10 4QU)
Coverage: Morningside
Pub has 8 picture(s)Pub has 2 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 4 from 1 reviewer(s) Voodoo Rooms, The (19a West Register Street, EH2 2AA)
Coverage: New Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 13 picture(s)Pub has 4 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 7 from 3 reviewer(s) Voyage of Buck, The (27 William Street, EH3 7NG)
Coverage: West End, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 9 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 5 from 1 reviewer(s) Waiting Room, The (7 Belhaven Terrace, EH10 5HZ)
Coverage: Morningside
Pub has 1 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Waldorf Bar (20 Holyrood Road, EH8 8AE)
Coverage: Old Town
Pub has 2 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Walkabout (7 Greenside Place, EH1 3AA)
Coverage: Edinburgh Central, Greenside
Pub has 8 picture(s)Pub has 2 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratings Wally Dug, The (32 Northumberland Street, EH3 6LS)
Coverage: New Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 8 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratings Wash Bar (11-13 North Bank Street, EH1 2LP)
Coverage: Old Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 7 picture(s)Pub has 2 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 2 from 1 reviewer(s) Waterloo Bar, The (3 Waterloo Place, EH1 3BG)
Coverage: Edinburgh Central, Greenside
Pub has 3 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratings Waverley Inn, The (8 Southhouse Broadway, EH17 8HG)
Coverage: Gracemount
Pub has 10 picture(s)Pub has 4 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 6 from 3 reviewer(s) Waverley, The (3-5 St. Mary's Street, EH1 1TA)
Coverage: Old Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 11 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratings Wee Buddha, The (2b Jamaica Street, EH3 6HH)
Coverage: New Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 9 picture(s)Pub has 2 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 2 from 1 reviewer(s) Wee Pub (96 Grassmarket, EH1 2JR)
Coverage: Old Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 7 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratings Wee Vault, The (7a West Maitland Street, EH12 5DS)
Coverage: Edinburgh Central, Haymarket
Pub has 21 picture(s)Pub has 4 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 7 from 2 reviewer(s) West Port Oracle (27-31 West Port, EH1 2JA)
Coverage: Old Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 4 picture(s)Pub has 2 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratings West Room, The (3 Melville Place, EH3 7PR)
Coverage: West End, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 5 picture(s)Pub has 3 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 2 from 2 reviewer(s) Western Bar, The (West Port, EH3 9DP)
Coverage: Old Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 8 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratings Westgate Farm (55 South Gyle Broadway, EH12 9LR)
Coverage: South Gyle
Pub has 3 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratings Westsider (Westside Plaza, Murry Burn Road, EH14 2ST)
Coverage: Wester Hailes
Pub has no picturesPub has no recommendationsPub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Wetherspoon Express (JD Wetherspoon) (Airside, Edinburgh Airport, EH12 9DN)
Coverage: Airport
Pub has 1 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Wheatsheaf Inn, The (209 Balgreen Road, EH11 2RZ)
Coverage: Gorgie
Pub has 16 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 5 from 1 reviewer(s) Whighams Wine Cellars (13 Hope Street, EH2 4EL)
Coverage: West End, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 9 picture(s)Pub has 2 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 8 from 1 reviewer(s) Whiski (119 High Street, EH1 1SG)
Coverage: Old Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 4 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratings Whiski Rooms (7-9 North Bank Street, EH1 2LP)
Coverage: Old Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 14 picture(s)Pub has 4 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 5.5 from 3 reviewer(s) Whistle Binkies (6 South Bridge, EH1 1LL)
Coverage: Old Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 19 picture(s)Pub has 10 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 7.5 from 7 reviewer(s) White Hart Inn, The (Grassmarket, EH1 2HS)
Coverage: Old Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 9 picture(s)Pub has 2 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratings White Horse (266 Canongate, EH8 8AA)
Coverage: Old Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 11 picture(s)Pub has 5 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 7.5 from 3 reviewer(s) White Lady (JD Wetherspoon), The (92-98 St John's Road, EH12 8AT)
Coverage: Corstorphine
Pub has 12 picture(s)Pub has 2 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Wild Yarrow, The (66-67 South Bridge Street, EH1 1LS)
Coverage: Old Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 8 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Wildcat, The (11 Tarvit Street, EH3 9LB)
Coverage: Tollcross
Pub has 4 picture(s)Pub has 2 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratings Wilkies (1 Henderson Street, EH6 6BT)
Coverage: Leith
Pub has 14 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Willow, The (35 Jocks Lodge, EH8 7AA)
Coverage: Restalrig
Pub has 12 picture(s)Pub has 4 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 6.5 from 3 reviewer(s) Windsor, The (45 Elm Row, EH7 4AH)
Coverage: Pilrig
Pub has 10 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Wine House 1821, The (4 Picardy Place, EH1 3JT)
Coverage: New Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 5 picture(s)Pub has 2 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 10 from 1 reviewer(s) Winstons (20 Kirk Loan, EH12 7HD)
Coverage: Corstorphine
Pub has 13 picture(s)Pub has 6 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 6.5 from 3 reviewer(s) Worlds End, The (High Street, EH1 1TB)
Coverage: Old Town, Edinburgh Central
Pub has 1 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Zucchero Cafe Bar (94 Buccleuch Street, EH8 9NH)
Coverage: Lauriston