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Picture of Eight Jolly Brewers
Image posted by Just a quick pint, then I'm off
Submitted on Wednesday, 14th July 2021
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Eight Jolly Brewers, Gainsborough

1 Silver Street
DN21 2DN
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Reviews of Eight Jolly Brewers (Average Rating: 9 of 10) Add Review see review guidelines

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Old Boots left this review about Eight Jolly Brewers

Micro in an old warehouse type building. 8 possibly 9 pulls which looks like 6 too many, on a lunchtime my first beer was off, replaced without fuss with one from same brewery that was off too so third time lucky which was fine, again done with aplomb and care. Not a case of not pulling pipes through, or a poor pub but probably too many lager drinkers and maybe a brewery drinkers don’t take to. Brick floor and walls, old local photos as decor. Lager Guinness cider wines and spirits available. Bantering locals and effervescent barmaid. Even so probably the best of the group of pubs in and around Silver Street.

On 26th September 2019 - no rating submitted
[User has posted 3503 recommendations about 3186 pubs]

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Will Larter left this review about Eight Jolly Brewers

A particular favourite of mine, this pub is that rare beast, a beer exhibition that is well used by locals. There's a plethora of hand pumps, but the turnover must be quite something here, despite the pub's small size, because I've never had a tired beer when I've made the trip out to Gainsborough. This week's visit, not for the first time, was the end of a cycle ride from Sheffield, but I've also been here on the train, the Lea Road station being a brisk 20 minute walk away.

Outwardly, the pub is unprepossessing, being an adapted brick-built warehouse with the toilets, in an extension added to the front, hardly adding to the visual appeal. Inside there's just the fairly cramped single room downstairs, with a smallish bar - I've sat in the upstairs room in the past, but that seems to be discouraged these days.

There's always a good atmosphere, in my experience, with regular customers coming and going, and looking to involve strangers in the banter and invective which masquerades as conversation. There's a Monday afternoon tradition of someone amongst the regulars bringing a random food offering - this week some Wasabi peas and nuts, a platter of M&S cheese and some crackers - to share with whoever turns up.

There were a couple of beers from Oxfordshire Brewery, their Marshmellow being particularly interesting, a couple from Elgoods, and some others that I cannot now recall. Most were around or just under £3 a pint, but the Elgood Black Eagle imperial stout, at 8.7%, was £2 for a half. Worth every penny, though.

On 18th June 2014 - rating: 8
[User has posted 4163 recommendations about 3836 pubs]

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Harry Verchi left this review about Eight Jolly Brewers

8 JB'S Has had a face lift and is a lot cleaner now. The owner still treats the upstairs as his own personal front room. The pub does have a good array of beers and there is UPTO 8 beers on if anyone can be bothered to change a barrel when one sells out.
The main problem is that they like to charge city prices in a town pub and they get away withit.

On 13th March 2013 - rating: 8
[User has posted 10 recommendations about 10 pubs]

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Lincoln-and-back by train by Will Larter
External web links for Eight Jolly Brewers

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Pub location see interactive map of local area
Map location corrected by Bucking Fastard
Gainsborough Central, 0.52 miles, 10 min walk (show)
Gainsborough Lea Road, 1.08 miles, 20 min walk (show)
Retford, 12.48 miles, 4 hr 0 min walk (show)
Latest updates View all updates for Eight Jolly Brewers, Gainsborough
1st Jan 2024, 11:56
Web Link submitted by Will Larter approved
1st Jan 2024, 11:56
Web Link submitted by Will Larter

Pub Details

Pub details supplied by members of this site to the best of their knowledge. Please check with pub directly before making a special trip.

  • Car Park : Yes last updated 18 June 2017 by Will Larter
  • Live Music : Yes last updated 16 June 2012 by hondo .
  • Real Ale : Yes last updated 16 June 2012 by hondo .
  • Real Cider : Yes last updated 18 June 2017 by Will Larter
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