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Poll for "Southern " PuG crawl venue Spring 2025 with Spinko
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Image posted by Will Larter
Submitted on Wednesday, 18th April 2018
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Detail Pages
Hogarths, Newcastle Under Lyme Central, Newcastle under Lyme
Newcastle under Lyme
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Reviews of Hogarths (Average Rating: 6½ of 10) see review guidelines
Please Note: This review is over a year old.
Just a quick pint, then I'm off left this review about Hogarths
Self-described as a 'gin palace', and it does have a few vaguely opulent Victorian-style features (certainly more so than the Tamworth outlet). Comprises a long rectangular bar with a variable ceiling height, and a small mezzanine seating area at the front end. Four handpumps on the counter, dispensing the 'house' Upon the Pedestal (very keenly priced at £1.95) and Ruin at the Gaming Table plus Hobgoblin and Old Rosie cider. Overall, better than expected.
On 1st July 2018
- rating: 7
[User has posted 8552 recommendations about 8552 pubs]
Please Note: This review is over a year old.
Soup Dragon left this review about Hogarths
Interesting one. The words 'Gin Palace' would have been enough to remove the smile from my face, but fortunately I had just come from the Spoons and so I didn't have one anyway. A tidy, modern exterior hides most of the heritage and the inside is effectively a long room with a balcony. The interior is a juxtaposition of wood panel and coloured glass (in Victorian style) with a plethora of TV screens and quiet music. The service was very friendly and the clientele mixed. Three ales: Hobgoblin and two from their own brewery which were both fine (named below). A better experience than I thought and I would go back, although I am left with the thought that if we hadn't destroyed so many of our historic pubs then we wouldn't need such recreations.
On 21st June 2018
- no rating submitted
[User has posted 3067 recommendations about 3062 pubs]
Please Note: This review is over a year old.
ROB Camra left this review about Hogarths
A very neat and ornate looking pub on the inside, although I doubt that much, if any of it, is original. This was our second stop on the PuG crawl and the meeting up venue for several of the crew that didn't make it to the JDW. A massive selection of gins (it took Tammy a good 10 minutes to choose one) and a decent selection of ales. I also went for Up On The Pedestal which was a well kept and pleasant tasting drink. We'd actually called in here the night before when they didn't have any cask ale on at all, so maybe we just got lucky on the second visit.
On 20th June 2018
- rating: 7
[User has posted 3272 recommendations about 3182 pubs]
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Pub Details
Pub details supplied by members of this site to the best of their knowledge. Please check with pub directly before making a special trip.
- Live Music : Yes last updated 11 April 2018 by Alan Hurdle
- Live TV Sports : Yes last updated 11 April 2018 by Alan Hurdle
- Real Ale : Yes - 4 changing beers (mainly Marstons) - last updated 11 April 2018 by Alan Hurdle
- Wheelchair Access : Yes - Rear entrance only - last updated 11 April 2018 by Alan Hurdle