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Image posted by Al Bundy
Submitted on Friday, 28th April 2017
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Oz:Bar, Nottingham
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Reviews of Oz:Bar (Average Rating: 2½ of 10) see review guidelines
Please Note: This review is over a year old.
Al Bundy left this review about Up N Down Under
No, no and no. An awful place. Like those horrible Walkabout pubs this seems to be an Australian themed nightmare, though to be fair the only Oz stuff I noticed was Fosters. The place was similar to the outback as it was deserted on my visit. I must agree with Mr Conway that this is a place to avoid. No real ale.
On 28th April 2017
- rating: 1
[User has posted 3487 recommendations about 3390 pubs]
Please Note: This review is over a year old.
Alex Conway left this review about Up N Down Under
One to avoid at all costs, this is truly a place that appeals to the lowest common denominator of society. Open in the day but almost desolate this is now more of a night time dive bar that attracts the scum of Nottingham. Aside from the horrendous clientele there are obviously no real ales just john smiths in plastic glasses that never ever gets ordered and so is undrinkable. Even the lager pumps go unused as people opt for 330ml fosters bottles for something ridiculous like 80p.
Shots and spirits deals accompanied my horrendous chart and rap music creates a toxic atmosphere that is a recipe for violence and trouble, I forget the number of incidents I have witnessed or heard about that have arisen in this place, the 5 strong team of bouncers should give an inclination as to the trouble. Truly the pits of Nottingham, the closure of this place is the only wishful fate for this dump, NEVER GO!
On 12th January 2016
- rating: 2
[User has posted 458 recommendations about 458 pubs]
Please Note: This review is over a year old.
Alan Winfield left this review about Up N Down Under
This pub used to be a decent Home Ales tied house called the News House.
This austrailian theme bar has been extended over the years it looks fairly bare inside and there are no real ales on here,it probably fills up at night.
Pub first visited as the News House 1980
Photo of News House taken 1988
On 1st April 2012
- rating: 5
[User has posted 6113 recommendations about 6113 pubs]
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- CAMRA WhatPub :: Oz:Bar -
Beeston, 3.78 miles, 1 hr 12 min walk (show)
Netherfield, 3.9 miles, 1 hr 15 min walk (show)
Pub Details
Pub details supplied by members of this site to the best of their knowledge. Please check with pub directly before making a special trip.
- Accommodation : No last updated 06 August 2024 by Tris C
- Beer Garden : No last updated 18 July 2013 by Alan Winfield
- Car Park : No last updated 18 July 2013 by Alan Winfield
- Karaoke : Yes last updated 22 June 2015 by Dave McNally
- Micropub : No last updated 06 August 2024 by Tris C
- Real Ale : No last updated 18 July 2013 by Alan Winfield