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New Nottinghamshire pub reviews

The Lock Keeper

The Lock Keeper


Reviewed by Will Larter on 20 August 2024

An attractive destination after walking from Kiveton Bridge station along the mostly moribund Chesterfield Canal. The weather had improved after intermittent showers to sunshine and clear skies, so the sight of four hand pumps was more than tempting.... [more>]

The Joseph Else (JD Wetherspoon)

The Joseph Else (JD Wetherspoon)


Reviewed by Just a quick pint, then I'm off on 14 July 2024

Well located on the south side of Market Square adjacent to the tram tracks, but it always looks rather uninviting. The elongated bar quickly gets gloomy as you head towards the back where the seating is raised by a couple of steps. Also has a mezz... [more>]