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New Dorking Town pub reviews

The White Horse

The White Horse

Reviewed by Pub SignMan on 01 November 2024

This is a vast hotel bar located in a grand building on Dorking's main drag. The place has a rambling, split-level interior with lots of bare boards, plain painted walls, plush furniture and ample dining spaces. The servery is hidden on entry, occupy... [more>]

The Cricketers

The Cricketers

Reviewed by Graham Coombs on 25 August 2024

A good solid Fuller's pub with one L-shaped bar and a terrace at the back for outdoor drinking. Some good interwar brickwork with a slatted wood bar front and a proper carpet gives a nice pub feel, while several tables reserved for a darts match must... [more>]

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Pub has 17 picture(s)Pub has 10 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 6.5 from 10 reviewer(s) Arrack (45 Dene Street, RH4 2DW)
Pub has 1 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Arundel Arms, The (20 Howard Road, RH4 3HP)
Pub has 2 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Bell, The (57 West Street, RH4 1BS)
Pub has 9 picture(s)Pub has 8 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 5.5 from 8 reviewer(s) Bulls Head, The (11 South Street, RH4 2DY)
Pub has 2 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Bush, The (10 Horsham Road, RH4 2JL)
Pub has 4 picture(s)Pub has 2 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 4 from 1 reviewer(s)Pub is reported closed Café Rouge Dorking (72 High Street, RH4 1BG)
Pub has 1 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Ceylon Tavern (55 South Street, RH4 2JX)
Pub has 20 picture(s)Pub has 10 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 8 from 10 reviewer(s) Cobbett’s (23 West Street, RH4 1BY)
Pub has 12 picture(s)Pub has 10 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 7 from 10 reviewer(s) Cricketers, The (81 South Street, RH4 2JU)
Pub has 12 picture(s)Pub has 5 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 5.5 from 5 reviewer(s) Falkland Arms (60 Falkland Road, RH4 3AD)
Pub has 13 picture(s)Pub has 10 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 6.5 from 10 reviewer(s) Kings Arms, The (45 West Street, RH4 1BU)
Pub has 13 picture(s)Pub has 6 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 5 from 6 reviewer(s) Lincoln Arms, The (Station Approach, RH4 1TF)
Pub has 3 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Little Dudley House (77 South Street, RH4 2JU)
Pub has 2 picture(s)Pub has no recommendationsPub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Malthouse, The (Mill Lane, RH4 1DX)
Pub has 12 picture(s)Pub has 9 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 6 from 9 reviewer(s) Old House, The (24 West Street, RH4 1BY)
Pub has 6 picture(s)Pub has 5 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 7 from 5 reviewer(s)Pub is reported closed Pilgrim, The (Station Road, RH4 1HF)
Pub has 10 picture(s)Pub has 3 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 7 from 3 reviewer(s)Pub is reported closed Prince of Wales (55 Hampstead Road, RH4 3AH)
Pub has 10 picture(s)Pub has 9 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 6 from 9 reviewer(s) Queens Head, The (Horsham Road, RH4 2JS)
Pub has 5 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratings Rialto Lounge (33 South Street, RH4 2JZ)
Pub has 4 picture(s)Pub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratingsPub is reported closed South Street Wine Bar (43 South Street, RH4 2JX)
Pub has 10 picture(s)Pub has 6 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 5.5 from 6 reviewer(s) Spotted Dog, The (42 South Street, RH4 2HQ)
Pub has 11 picture(s)Pub has 10 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 6.5 from 10 reviewer(s) Star, The (36 West Street, RH4 1BU)
Pub has 9 picture(s)Pub has 7 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 6.5 from 7 reviewer(s) Surrey Yeoman (220 High Street, RH4 1QR)
Pub has 10 picture(s)Pub has 2 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 5 from 2 reviewer(s) Watermill, The (Reigate Road, RH4 1NN)
Pub has 11 picture(s)Pub has 6 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 6 from 6 reviewer(s) White Hart, The (5 Dene Street, RH4 2DR)
Pub has 10 picture(s)Pub has 6 recommendation(s)Pub has average rating of 6.5 from 5 reviewer(s) White Horse, The (High Street, RH4 1BE)
Pub has no picturesPub has 1 recommendation(s)Pub has no ratingsPub is reported closed Windmill, The (Flint Hill, RH4 2LL)