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Yet another list with Mobyduck on the Pub Forum

Top 100 users by number of open pubs added to the site

rankNamePubs added 
1elizabeth mcgraw7179
2peter ashworth3301
3Just a quick pint, then I'm off1841
4Graham Mason1441
5Paul Brett1393
6Will Larter887
7aleand hearty812
8ROB Camra735
9Delboy 20639
10Jim Newell609
11James Joines455
12Old Boots429
13hondo .421
15paulof horsham386
16Alan Winfield383
17Oggwyn Great377
18Blackthorn _376
19Alan Hurdle361
20Wynne Route309
21john mcgraw305
22Quinno _303
23Bucking Fastard282
24Graham Coombs280
25Al Bundy280
26Pub SignMan274
27Jonathan Wilde268
28Tris C251
29E TA220
30Strongers .203
31Walter Dunlop194
32Dave McNally169
33Philip Carter165
35Colin Walker145
36William Purnell136
37Brainy Pool130
38Aqualung .124
39Alastair Barter122
40Roger Button122
41Andrew Evans115
42David Ross114
43Real Ale Ray114
44David Walton114
45Michael Wright111
46david johnston103
47peter crosby98
48Alexander Kapp97
49Soup Dragon96
50Andy Ven91
51Colin Spiller81
52Rex Rattus74
53Helen Iwanczuk74
54Andy Hemingway70
55Nick Davies69
56Geoffrey Pick66
57Blue Scrumpy62
58Komakino .60
59Malden man59
60David Myles47
61john gray47
62John Yeadon45
63Clive Thompson45
64Moby Duck44
65Rob Hunter43
66Dale Miles43
67Steve of N2141
68adam bell38
69Old Blue37
70Redwolves Dog33
71Tony Jaglo32
72David Myles30
73Chris Sawle30
74custodian 4229
75Gill Smith29
76BobOs .28
77Terry Gilley27
78General Staal26
79Danny O'Revey26
80Richard Arwkrite24
81Paul Haddon21
82Ronald Saunders19
83Ale Monster17
84Craig O17
85Peter Carr16
86Carl Baker15
87Brew Guru14
88Lester Brown12
89Laura Hayes12
90mark franik11
91Tony o'sullivan11
92Steve O'Gorman10
93Old Peculiar10
94pint please10
95. Wittenden9
96Andy Jewsbury9
97dan bert9
98Philip Gaskin9
99Chris Heath9
100Brent Holloway9