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Pubs Galore is an online service for listing pubs. Members of the site may leave reviews, ratings, pictures and generally contribute to the improvements of the sites listings. Pubs Galore is run by Novamarque Ltd.

Information collected from you is used to try and improve the site experience for you and other site users, in extreme circumstances it may also be used to restrict your access to the site for the benefit of other site users.

Personalised information is not exchanged with any third parties. Where advertising is run on this site, we will not exchange any of your personal information directly with any of our advertising brokers. These advertising brokers may use their own cookies, web bugs or flash cookies to try and improve the revenue of their advertising. If you wish to avoid advertising provided on web sites it is worth considering an advertising blocking product like Adblock Plus. If you use an adblock package please consider smaller hobby sites which may be completely reliant on advertising revenue to allow them to run, viewing their ads may be your contribution to the running of the site.

We provide many links to sites which offer other information about the pubs we list, including many of the pubs official sites. These sites will have their own privacy policies that you should review before sharing information with them. Novamarque Ltd accepts no responsibility or liability for the practices of any linked sites.

The information we collect from you

In general

By visiting the site we gather standard information about your ip address, user agent, referrer and time of the viewing. This is standard information collected by most web sites as part of their server logs, we will keep this information for at least a year to ensure that we can comply with any lawful criminal disclosure requests made by legal authorities.

Session information is created using cookies, this session information allows you to be individually identified while browsing the site and receive a personalised experience between visits to the Pubs Galore Website. The Help option on most browsers provides you with the information you need to change the behaviour of how cookies are handled in your browser. Please note that if you disable cookies for this site, many of the members features may fail to work.

By registering through Galore Network

By registering you also agree to share any information provided during your registration. Most essentially this includes your email address, name, nickname and password. Your email address will never be displayed on our websites, but may be used to contact you as described under the heading 'Will Pubs Galore Contact You?'. Your name will be displayed against contributions you make on the site. The nickname you choose is used to show a summary of your contributions and for identification if you migrate your account to our forums. We do not store your actual password but instead a cryptographic hash function of your password, for this reason we only offer password refreshes from the Galore Network site.

To remove your account you must log in the Galore Network site and deactivate your account this will deactivate your account for a year then delete all your personal details, at this point any contributions you have made will be credited to 'anonymous user'.

By registering through Facebook

By registering you also agree to share your email and date of birth. Your email address will never be displayed on our websites, but may be used to contact you as described under the heading 'Will Pubs Galore Contact You?'. Your name will be displayed against contributions you make on the site.

Your account may be deactivated from Facebook using their application settings panel, or from your Pubs Galore control panel (you must be logged in). Deactivating your account will mean we instantly delete your email and date of birth, all contributions will retain your name on display. We also retain your Facebook ID number so that you may reregister and allowing us to comply with any legal disclosure requests.

How we use the information we collect

We use the information we collect in a number of ways, including the following examples.


This site sets cookies on your computer to customise your experience as you browse. You can instruct your browser to reject cookies, however you may find the site no longer works correctly.

We also allow third parties to set cookies for the following reasons

Will Pubs Galore contact you?

Where you have left content we will contact you to inform you if we change the state of it. Email reasons include,

Will Pubs Galore share your personal information?

We will keep your information confidential except

  1. where disclosure is required by law,
  2. or a request is made by a law enforcer with sufficient evidence of wrongdoing

Offensive or inappropriate content on the Pubs Galore web site

If you post or send offensive, inappropriate or objectionable content anywhere on or to the Pubs Galore website or otherwise engage in any disruptive behaviour, Pubs Galore may use your personal information to stop such behaviour.

Where Pubs Galore reasonably believes that you are or may be in breach of any relevant laws, Pubs Galore may use your personal information to inform relevant third parties such as your employer, email/internet provider or law enforcement agencies about the content and your behaviour.

What if I am a user aged under 16

Users under 16 should not register on this site, as the site is about pubs it is likely that adult issues will be addressed across the site, as well as discussions involving alcoholic beverages. In cases of alcoholic beverage it is important you respect relevant local laws dictating their usage.

Can I find out what personal information Pubs Galore holds about me

Most relevant information can be found from your Pubs Galore control panel (need to be logged in).

Under the Data Protection Act you have the right to request a copy of the personal information Novamarque Ltd holds about you and to have any inaccuracies corrected. We charge £10 for information requests and require you to prove your identity with 2 pieces of approved identification. We will use reasonable efforts to supply, correct or delete personal information retained about you.

Please address requests and questions about this or any other question about this Privacy Policy to: The Data Protection Officer, Novamarque Ltd, 1 Bexley Road, Bristol BS16 3SS.

Changes to the Pubs Galore Privacy Policy

Pubs Galore will regularly review this document to ensure we are correctly informing you on our usage of your personal data. You may wish to check this policy before submitting any new personal information on the site. If you do not agree with any aspect of the privacy policy please refrain from using the Pubs Galore website. The latest date of revision will be noted at the base of this document. If material changes are made to this policy we will notify you by placing a prominent notice on our website and forums.

revision date: 29 September 2015