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Beer of the Week (w/e 16th February 2025) with ROBCamra on the Pub Forum

Picture of The Cider Box
Image posted by Blackthorn _
Submitted on Sunday, 1st May 2022
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The Cider Box, Bristol

Pub added by Blackthorn _
Arch 5, Silverthorne Lane
St. Philips
Postal town: Bristol
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Reviews of The Cider Box (Average Rating: 6 of 10) Add Review see review guidelines

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Blackthorn _ left this review about The Cider Box

A small pub located in an old railway arch and very much off the beaten track, it’s location in a rather run down looking industrial area and a dead end road can’t do anything for passing trade, and if you did happen to wander past when it was closed with the graffiti covered metal shutter covering the entrance, you’d be unlikely to be in any rush to return, I would have thought.

If you did make the effort though, you’d find a unit that although clearly industrial in nature, has had some concessions made to décor. The flooring is some sort of rough concrete, and the arched ceiling was clad with white corrugated iron, as is usual in such places to keep the rainwater out. Some trellis work had been installed to create a ceiling of sorts, and this was covered in some sort of climbing foliage. There were also a few strings of lamps hung from this. Various cider related statements were on the walls, including extracts from wassail songs and a quote from Adele at Glastonbury (“I’ve been dying for my cider, oh my days, I am going to have a few” in case you were wondering). Seating was mostly basic and rather flimsy looking tables and chairs, along with a few stools at the bar and the odd sun lounger or two. A number of picnic benches were in the street outside. A small section at the front of the pub had a couple of tee shirts for sale, and some large speakers suggest that music features on occasions. Plenty of barrels were scattered around the perimeter.

The cider choice was extensive as might be expected and consisted both of drinks on tap and straight from the box. The taps offered Truth is Light, House Cider Pt2 and Pilton Murmuration whilst the boxes offered Brislington Braintwister, Hecks Perry, Hecks Kingston Black, Pilton Labyrinth, Tricky Wizard and Slack Ma Girdle. If cider’s not your thing then your options are more limited, with the only beer choice being a small selection of cans from local micro Lost & Grounded. Overall I quite liked this, but it’s out of the way location and limited opening hours mean that I’m unlikely to be a regular visitor.

On 6th May 2022 - rating: 6
[User has posted 2038 recommendations about 1943 pubs]

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Pub location see interactive map of local area
Map location corrected by Jonathan Wilde
Bristol Temple Meads, 0.66 miles, 12 min walk (show)
Lawrence Hill, 0.86 miles, 16 min walk (show)
Stapleton Road, 1.56 miles, 30 min walk (show)
Latest updates View all updates for The Cider Box, St. Philips
6th May 2022, 10:30
Review submitted by Blackthorn _ amended by Blackthorn _
6th May 2022, 10:29
Review submitted by Blackthorn _

Pub Details

Pub details supplied by members of this site to the best of their knowledge. Please check with pub directly before making a special trip.

  • Beer Festivals : No last updated 31 October 2021 by ROB Camra
  • CAMRA Discount : No last updated 31 October 2021 by ROB Camra
  • Micropub : No last updated 31 October 2021 by ROB Camra
  • Real Ale : No last updated 31 October 2021 by ROB Camra
  • Real Cider : Yes last updated 31 October 2021 by ROB Camra
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