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Picture of Loose Cannon
Image posted by Blackthorn _
Submitted on Thursday, 29th July 2021
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Loose Cannon, Bristol

Pub added by Blackthorn _
Unit 1b, 8 Millennium Promenade
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Reviews of Loose Cannon (Average Rating: 6 of 10) Add Review see review guidelines

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Blackthorn _ left this review about Loose Cannon

Although this has been open for a couple of years or so, I was unsure whether to add it or not as it’s main focus is on cocktails. However, after a recent visit I found that there are a couple of draught options available, so it probably warrants inclusion even if it’s not a pub in the strictest sense.

Externally there’s little to distinguish it from similar identikit units nearby, and inside too, there is little in the way of any cosiness or ambience. If you’re after a cocktail bar along the lines of Red Light or Milk Thistle, then you’re going to be disappointed. The flooring is all some type of concrete screed, and much of the walls too are either concrete or bare breeze blocks, although there is some more attractive brickwork at the front. Several pieces of artwork adorned the walls however, much of it for sale and a large number of life buoys were suspended from the ceiling. The long bar counter was clad with blocks of wood of varying sizes, which was perhaps something of a feature.

First impressions from looking at the bar counter were that there we no draught options available, however closer inspection revealed a couple of taps on the back wall nestled in amongst the plethora of sprit bottles. Hence no real ales unfortunately, with just Goose Island IPA available on keg. My Unicorn Tears (Beefeater London dry gin, Koko Kanu rum, raspberry sorbet, almond & coconut syrup, pineapple juice and fresh lemon juice) was decent enough, although the presentation was not as elaborate as some places. My friend’s Sugar Tax included Irn Bru among it’s ingredients and this was served in one of their cans instead of a glass. Overall, not bad, but there are better cocktail bars within a fairly short distance, and it’s certainly not a pub in the traditional sense.

On 29th July 2021 - rating: 6
[User has posted 2038 recommendations about 1943 pubs]

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Pub location see interactive map of local area
Map location corrected by Jonathan Wilde
Bristol Temple Meads, 1.13 miles, 21 min walk (show)
Clifton Down, 1.32 miles, 25 min walk (show)
Bedminster, 1.33 miles, 25 min walk (show)
Latest updates View all updates for Loose Cannon, Bristol
23rd Jul 2022, 17:00
Request to add pub to area Harbourside by Blackthorn _ approved
23rd Jul 2022, 14:16
Request to add pub to area Harbourside by Blackthorn _

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