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Picture of Gipsy Moth
Image posted by Ian Mapp
Submitted on Sunday, 10th October 2021
With picture contributions to 1241 other pubs
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Gipsy Moth, Plymouth

159 Citadel Road
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Reviews of Gipsy Moth (Average Rating: of 10) Add Review see review guidelines

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Strongers . left this review about Gipsy Moth

The Gipsy Moth has a bar counter along the left wall with a glass topped resin counter top made of two pence pieces. In amongst the standard and premium keg are two banks of three hand pumps that were drawing Prescott Brewery’s Chequered Flag, Dartmoor’s Jail Ale, Exmoor Ales’ Gold and Salcombe’s Seahorse alongside Weston’s Old Rosie and Thatcher’s Stan’s Cheddar Valley ciders. The seating is split level with a raised area in a front window and another at the rear that sits above a sunken seating area. The barmaid was very friendly, as was the nervous new starter who had obviously not poured many pints before my Seahorse. This isn’t the biggest pub so around twenty people made it feel comfortably busy. I didn’t spot any televisions, but some background music played. I really liked it in here and would certainly make the effort to visit again.

On 29th January 2023 - rating: 9
[User has posted 5822 recommendations about 5788 pubs]

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Ian Mapp left this review about The Pub on the Hoe

Whatspub has it listed as a 10am opener. Its midday.

Stones thrown from the Seafront and the hoe. Split over three levels with a nautical theme. I was rather hoping that I could get on the little terrace above the extension over the front by this is part of the B&B room and not open to punters. If you are staying, I would ask for this room on booking.

A GBG 2021 entry, with three cask on. The Bays Brewery Topsail was in great condition, even when first pour of the day.

Functionaly, smart, clean pub with decent beer.

On 10th October 2021 - rating: 7
[User has posted 1519 recommendations about 1500 pubs]

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Michael Wright left this review about The Pub on the Hoe

Interior is well described by Blackthorn below. Pub is on three levels, presumably due to being on a hillside. The ground floor [street level] is where the bar is, the lower and upper levels are mainly food seating from what I saw. One point to note is the toilets are up some stairs, wide and not too steep, but none the less not one for anyone with mobility problems regarding stairs. I did not see a disabled toilet on street level but TBH I was not looking for one

I opted for a burger, it was in the OK category, my companion had the spicy veggie burger option, fiery, not for the faint hearted. There is a specials board, outside as you enter, check it first beacuse not one easily visible inside

I found staff helpful & friendly. The customers seemed a mix of locals plus wet & hungry grockles like us

Did not try the beer / cider, but seemed plenty of choices available

Parking on street only, at a price, pay at meter, and probably very difficult on say a sunny August Sunday

Family friendly, even had box games like connect 4 available upstairs, could be ideal haven out of the rain if marooned on the Hoe

Worth popping in if in the area and looking for food or drink. Not worth a special trip though, especially if paying for parking

On 13th July 2017 - rating: 6
[User has posted 526 recommendations about 382 pubs]

View more reviews of Gipsy Moth (6)
External web links for Gipsy Moth

No known official website for this pub.

Pub location see interactive map of local area
Map location corrected by Jonathan Wilde
Plymouth, 0.96 miles, 18 min walk (show)
Devonport, 1.88 miles, 36 min walk (show)
Dockyard (Plymouth), 2.29 miles, 44 min walk (show)
Latest updates View all updates for Gipsy Moth, Plymouth
29th Jan 2023, 14:41
Review submitted by Strongers .
10th Oct 2021, 12:50
Picture submitted by Ian Mapp approved

Pub Details

Pub details supplied by members of this site to the best of their knowledge. Please check with pub directly before making a special trip.

  • Hot Food : Yes last updated 29 July 2013 by Dave McNally
  • Real Ale : Yes last updated 29 July 2013 by Dave McNally
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