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Image posted by Quinno _
Submitted on Friday, 27th December 2024
With picture contributions to 5437 other pubs
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Detail Pages
King William IV, Totnes
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Reviews of King William IV (Average Rating: 7 of 10) see review guidelines
Strongers . left this review about King William IV
The King William IV is a long and thin pub with an attractive curved frontage of stained glass lead lined windows. Raised seating is found in this front windowed section, I gleaned that this is the prime seating area. The serving counter is found mid-way up the right-hand wall where it faces banquettes up the left and more seating is found at the rear. I think my recent Tuesday early evening visit may have been just before a quiz or something because all of the tables were reserved, with half of them being used at the time. Standard and premium keg were available alongside Camden Hells and I counted five hand pumps that were drawing Dartmoor Brewery’s Jail Ale and Legend alongside St Austell’s Proper Job and a couple of Thatcher’s Stan’s ciders. The service was polite and I enjoyed the busy atmosphere so I’d pop back in if passing.
On 5th December 2024
- rating: 7
[User has posted 5821 recommendations about 5787 pubs]
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Pub Details
Pub details supplied by members of this site to the best of their knowledge. Please check with pub directly before making a special trip.
- Real Ale : Yes last updated 09 May 2014 by Dave McNally