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Submitted on Saturday, 8th April 2023
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Crown & Anchor, Brixham
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Reviews of Crown & Anchor (Average Rating: 8 of 10) see review guidelines
Please Note: This review is over a year old.
Just a quick pint, then I'm off left this review about Crown & Anchor
This is a traditional harbour-front pub that seems to strike the right balance between providing for its locals as well as the influx of tourists. The narrow bar can only accommodate a limited number of tables and, as you would expect, the decoration mostly has a nautical theme. There are also a few tables out on the pavement, and food is offered. Three real ales on handpump: Tribute, Otter Ale and the 'house' Brixham Best brewed by Bays of Torquay. After taking a look around the other pubs in the lower part of the town, we came back to this one which was easily the most appealing on a busy bank holiday weekend.
On 8th June 2019
- rating: 8
[User has posted 8552 recommendations about 8552 pubs]
Please Note: This review is over a year old.
Ale Monster left this review about Crown & Anchor
This grade II listed early 19th century pub is a genuine free house. The interior is just one long and very narrow room with a small bar counter in the back right corner and a large flat screen TV on the wall opposite. In the right hand wall towards the front of the room is a brick fire place with a log burning stove, opposite this is an old wood settle built in to the left wall which has a painted sign above that claims there has been an inn on this spot since 1623 and when William of Orange landed here in Brixham in 1688 this was the first building that he stepped foot in for a drink before marching his army towards London to force the abdication of King James II and consequently become King William III. There are probably a dozen or more buildings in Brixham that claim the same thing, but I like the idea of a future king of England stopping off for a quick pint before heading off to do battle. The room has many original looking beams and other features and on the walls at the front of the room is an extensive collection of photos of various fishing trawlers. There are half a dozen modern chrome metal tables and accompanying chairs outside the front which are under a large awning which makes the place look a bit like a shop or cafe.
Regular ales are currently the house bitter, Crown & Anchor Brixham Best brewed by the Red Rock brewery with two changing guest beers which on this occasion were Bays Topsail and Red Rock Devon Coast IPA (Cask Marque). I tried the house bitter which was very nice and well kept.
A very good traditional pub with some character that despite being in the main touristy area of a south coast holiday destination, seemed to be well supported by locals. The pub is very small and especially narrow so its quite intimate and maybe not the best place to take the family, but its well suited for a drink with a couple of mates. I would return if in Brixham again.
On 27th October 2012
- rating: 8
[User has posted 199 recommendations about 199 pubs]
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Pub Details
Pub details supplied by members of this site to the best of their knowledge. Please check with pub directly before making a special trip.
- Accommodation : No last updated 08 April 2023 by Tris C
- Karaoke : Yes last updated 25 July 2015 by Dave McNally
- Micropub : No last updated 08 April 2023 by Tris C
- Real Ale : Yes last updated 29 July 2013 by Dave McNally