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Greenridge, Upton, Poole

Pub added by Pub SignMan
1 Dorchester Road
BH16 5NJ
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Please Note: This review is over a year old.

hondo . left this review about Greenridge

a 64-bed dementia care home is being built on the site

On 30th April 2014 - no rating submitted
[User has posted 2922 recommendations about 2856 pubs]

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Pub SignMan left this review about Greenridge

Large Hall and Woodhouse pub on the Upton crossroads at the top end of Dorchester Road.
Formerly known as the Upton Hotel and still referred to as such by local residents, this was a grand, multi room pub with smart, carpeted lounge bar, simple public bar with pool table and a restaurant area to the right. Unfortunately, as the only pub in Upton, it tended to attract trouble and towards the end of its life, wasn't the sort of place you'd want to spend an evening.
The pub was eventually closed by the brewery back in 2008, after years of neglect which meant that the place was sadly, no longer fit for purpose. For nearly four years now, the building has stood in ruin, with no roof and boarded windows, creating a real eyesore right in the middle of the, now pub-less, town.
The brewery are trying to push through plans to turn the site into a care home for the elderly with some retail units incorporated, arguing that the town is in serious need of accommodation for the elderly, although to my mind, the town is now in serious need of somewhere for people to be able to drink.

On 19th January 2012 - no rating submitted
[User has posted 3294 recommendations about 3294 pubs]

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Map location corrected by Pub SignMan
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30th Apr 2014, 12:35
Review submitted by hondo . amended by hondo .
30th Apr 2014, 12:35
Review submitted by hondo .
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