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Picture of The Jolly Farmer
Image posted by peter ashworth
Submitted on Wednesday, 29th January 2020
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The Jolly Farmer, Dronfield

Pentland Road
Dronfield Woodhouse
S18 8ZQ
Phone: 01246418018
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Reviews of The Jolly Farmer (Average Rating: of 10) Add Review see review guidelines

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Quinno _ left this review about Jolly Farmer

No real changes here (a good thing!), my Roosters Yankee and Camerons Strong Arm were both very good. The CAMRA discount (15p) is on pints only. I sat outside and soaked up the sunshine along with a good number of other punters. Decent service, friendly atmosphere and good clientele mix - this is how to run an estate pub. Upped my mark by a point due to consistent high performance. Well done.

September 2011
A 1970’s estate pub that gets it pretty much right. Externally it looks akin to a Swiss chalet; internally there’s more a of a faux country pub feel with slate flagstone flooring, fake beams and timber supports. The pub is divided into a number of separate areas which works well. GBG listed for the last few years, up to six ales are available which are invariably in good shape – my Camerons Strongarm last week was very nice (Camerons beers feature regularly here) and the barmaid had just promptly taken a beer off before I ordered, so they are clearly paying attention. Beware the board that advertises the ‘currently available’ guest ales as it was so ludicrously out-of-date on my Thursday evening visit that none of the three advertised guests were actually on. The pub does a card-carrying CAMRA discount for ale, which is always welcome. Food is also available and the outside grass and seating area make it suitable for families during the daytime. Pub was previously called the Gorsey Brig.

Whilst not necessarily one to go miles out of the way for, this is a well-run place that aims higher than the average estate pub. If you happen to be near Dronfield and someone can give you a lift (or you chance your arm on the bus), try it.

On 20th August 2012 - rating: 8
[User has posted 5509 recommendations about 5490 pubs]

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Will Larter left this review about Jolly Farmer

An estate pub by definition, the Jolly Farmer is that rarity, an estate pub with a passion for real ale. There's been an almost successful attempt to make the interior resemble an ancient country inn, with multiple small rooms divided by bare brick walls (recycled brick) and beams, pillars and panelling in dark stained (and possibly recycled) wood. The floors are a mixture of red and black quarry tiles and rough-hewn stone flags.

The long bar has 10 hand pumps, a bank of six in the main service area, and a few more accessible from another room. I was here for the Three Valleys beer festival, and had walked from the station - it took 25 minutes. As part of the pub's contribution to the festival, there was an extended selection of Kelham Island beers, but Tetleys was also available. Coincidentally, like previous reviewers I had the Camerons Strongarm, an old favourite of mine, and this was in very good condition and slipped down a treat.

The only downside was the dreadful modern music (synthetic drums, computer-enhanced vocals, if enhanced is the right word) played at an annoying volume, just like in genuine old country inns.

On 3rd June 2012 - rating: 7
[User has posted 4163 recommendations about 3836 pubs]

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Alan Winfield left this review about Jolly Farmer

The Jolly Farmer is a large estate pub that looks fairly smart from the outside,this pub used to be called the Gorsey Brigg which was built by Shipstones of Nottingham and it is one of the few Shipstones tied houses that i did'nt manage to go in.
Once inside the pub has got a lot of different drinking areas i noticed a pool table in one,the pub had a stone floor and i thought it looked quite smart inside,i also noticed that the beer in barrels were behind a glass window behind the bar.
There were six real ales on the bar,i had a drink of Camerons Strongarm and this was a very nice well kept pint the other beers were Ossett Silver King,Brewsters Glass half Full,Kelham Pale Rider,Youngs Special and Tetley bitter.
I thought this was a decent pub with a good choice of real ales on.

Pub visited 24/3/2012

On 24th March 2012 - rating: 8
[User has posted 6113 recommendations about 6113 pubs]

External web links for The Jolly Farmer

No known official website for this pub.

Pub location see interactive map of local area
Map location corrected by Jim Newell
Dronfield, 1.3 miles, 25 min walk (show)
Dore & Totley, 2.75 miles, 53 min walk (show)
Chesterfield, 6.33 miles, 2 hr 2 min walk (show)
Latest updates View all updates for The Jolly Farmer, Dronfield
29th Jan 2020, 22:46
Picture submitted by peter ashworth approved
29th Jan 2020, 22:43
Picture submitted by peter ashworth

Pub Details

Pub details supplied by members of this site to the best of their knowledge. Please check with pub directly before making a special trip.

  • Accommodation : No last updated 12 April 2018 by ROB Camra
  • Beer Festivals : No last updated 12 April 2018 by ROB Camra
  • Beer Garden : Yes last updated 12 April 2018 by ROB Camra
  • CAMRA Discount : Yes - 15p per pint - last updated 12 April 2018 by ROB Camra
  • Car Park : Yes last updated 12 April 2018 by ROB Camra
  • Child Friendly : Yes last updated 12 April 2018 by ROB Camra
  • Darts : Yes last updated 12 April 2018 by ROB Camra
  • Hot Food : Yes last updated 12 April 2018 by ROB Camra
  • Live Music : No last updated 12 April 2018 by ROB Camra
  • Live TV Sports : Yes last updated 12 April 2018 by ROB Camra
  • Micropub : No last updated 12 April 2018 by ROB Camra
  • Real Ale : Yes last updated 12 April 2018 by ROB Camra
  • Real Cider : Yes last updated 12 April 2018 by ROB Camra
  • Wheelchair Access : Yes last updated 12 April 2018 by ROB Camra
  • WiFi : Yes last updated 12 April 2018 by ROB Camra
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