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Picture of Coyote Ugly
Image posted by Blackthorn _
Submitted on Thursday, 15th February 2024
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Coyote Ugly, Bristol

Pub added by Blackthorn _
Canons Way
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Reviews of Coyote Ugly (Average Rating: 3 of 10) Add Review see review guidelines

Blackthorn _ left this review about Coyote Ugly

A recent opening on the popular harbourside strip in a venue that was originally Bordeaux Quay for many years, but more recently the fairly short lived Revolución de Cuba, the name will be familiar to many from the cult film and whilst I had assumed that some enterprising person had started a chain of bars based on the film’s premise, it seems that it was actually the other way around, and the film was based on a genuine New York bar.

Internally the layout is much as it was before, being a large, open plan space with a long bar counter running the length of the left hand wall, although divided in to different zones with the use of some raised areas and wooden balustrade partitions. Unlike before though, the bar counter is somewhat wider to accommodate the dancers, complete with safety rails, presumably to stop any who may be slightly inebriated from falling off. I’m sure the film version didn’t have safety rails, but then again I seem to recall it was only the bar staff who got up on the counter and danced. Here the punters are clearly encouraged, and a set of steps has been built next to the bar to accommodate this. Décor wise it’s much like any other venue, with a rather industrial feel other than some sort of wood strip and Victorian style tiling on the floor which did little to soften the iron girders, concrete slab ceiling, exposed cable trays, and so on. There was also something of a sports bar feel to it, with multiple TV screens all around the room and a large projection screen at the rear. To the right of the room was a more interactive sports area, complete with dart boards, pool tables, fruit machines and so on.

Unusually I forgot to note the drinks selection, although predictably there was no real ale on. Ciders though included Orchard Pig Reveller which went down well. Overall, this was fun for a short visit and certainly has some novelty value, but it’s not anywhere I shall make a point of returning to.

On 8th March 2024 - rating: 3
[User has posted 2040 recommendations about 1945 pubs]

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Blackthorn _ left this review about Revolución de Cuba

Recently re-opened after an extensive refurbishment having been shut for some months, it now has something of a Cuban theme as it’s name suggests, and is quite unrecognisable from it’s earlier incarnation, with even the central staircase which was a prominent feature previously having been shifted over to the right.

It’s all one large, open plan room although divided in to two halves by a large amount of foliage in plant troughs all up the middle. The right hand half seems more geared up for dining and the left for drinking, although I’m not sure how strictly this is enforced. A long bar counter runs all along the left hand side and there is a small stage area at the rear where a Flamenco dancer was performing on a recent visit. Flooring is predominantly some sort of highly polished wood with large areas of inlaid tiling, whilst the walls were mostly pastel shades of salmon and green, with full height windows all along the front making the most of the riverside setting. A large glitter ball illuminated by an orange spotlight created some interesting lighting effects, and a few lazy fans whirled away on the ceiling. Although the said ceiling was all exposed concrete and steelwork which I’m not normally a fan of, it somehow seemed to fit in here with the rustic Cuban atmosphere they are trying to create. A number of black and white pictures were dotted around the walls, and a projector screen at the rear was covered up by a map of Cuba. I didn’t inspect the menu, but did notice a guy with a large cauldron of paella dishing up bowlfuls to interested punters.

Unfortunately there were no real ales on tap, just a couple of keg options from Camden. Ciders meanwhile were Aspall’s Suffolk and Angry Orchard, the latter being an American brand which I’ve not come across previously, and was perhaps, better than expected although I’m not sure I’d want to much of it. There is also an extensive cocktail selection, although these seemed a little more expensive than the norm with most of them coming in around the £10 mark. Overall, whilst this isn’t the sort of pub that I’d normally go for, I thought they done a decent job of the refurbishment and the service was, for now at least, fast, efficient an friendly.

On 2nd November 2018 - rating: 6
[User has posted 2040 recommendations about 1945 pubs]

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Blackthorn _ left this review about Bordeaux Quay

Very open, spacious and modern bar/bistro/restaurant/deli/cookery school (!)
In spite of all that, the bar area's actually quite decent and whilst it can look a bit like a restaurant bar that nobody apart from the waiting staff actually go to, that's not generally the case and there are a number of bar stools for punters to sit at, plus a small number of tables that aren't occupied by diners.

Of the seven beers/lagers/ciders on tap, there was only one (Budvar) that's not brewed within about 10 miles of the pub. How impressive is that? For the record, they are Bath Ales Jem and Organic Lager, Bristol Beer Factory Sunrise and Stout, Ashton Press Cider and Butcombe.

If you're looking for somewhere cosy, this isn't the place for you. On the other hand if you want a drink by the water and fancy something a little more upmarket than the rest of the venues nearby, I'd say it was well worth a try.

On 6th April 2010 - rating: 7
[User has posted 2040 recommendations about 1945 pubs]

External web links for Coyote Ugly

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Pub location see interactive map of local area
Map location corrected by Jonathan Wilde
Bristol Temple Meads, 0.99 miles, 19 min walk (show)
Bedminster, 1.18 miles, 22 min walk (show)
Clifton Down, 1.39 miles, 26 min walk (show)
Latest updates View all updates for Coyote Ugly, Bristol
8th Mar 2024, 15:38
Review submitted by Blackthorn _
23rd Feb 2024, 18:22
Web Link submitted by Tris C approved

Pub Details

Pub details supplied by members of this site to the best of their knowledge. Please check with pub directly before making a special trip.

  • Accommodation : No last updated 26 October 2018 by ROB Camra
  • Bar Billiards : No last updated 26 October 2018 by ROB Camra
  • Beer Festivals : No last updated 26 October 2018 by ROB Camra
  • CAMRA Discount : No last updated 26 October 2018 by ROB Camra
  • Car Park : No last updated 26 July 2013 by Blackthorn _
  • Darts : No last updated 26 October 2018 by ROB Camra
  • Hot Food : Yes last updated 26 October 2018 by ROB Camra
  • Jukebox : No last updated 26 July 2013 by Blackthorn _
  • Karaoke : No last updated 26 July 2013 by Blackthorn _
  • Live Music : Yes last updated 02 November 2018 by Blackthorn _
  • Live TV Sports : No last updated 26 October 2018 by ROB Camra
  • Micropub : No last updated 26 October 2018 by ROB Camra
  • Pinball : No last updated 26 October 2018 by ROB Camra
  • Pool Table : No last updated 26 October 2018 by ROB Camra
  • Real Ale : No last updated 26 October 2018 by ROB Camra
  • Real Cider : No last updated 26 October 2018 by ROB Camra
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