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Picture of The Salt Barge
Image posted by Malden man
Submitted on Sunday, 18th February 2018
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The Salt Barge, Northwich

Pub added by Strongers .
Ollershaw Lane
Postal town: Northwich
Phone: 0160643064
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Reviews of The Salt Barge (Average Rating: of 10) Add Review see review guidelines

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Malden man left this review about The Salt Barge

The pub is located a good mile outside of Northwich but close to the canal and opposite the Lion Salt Works which has reopened as a museum and probably from where much of the pub's trade would have come in days gone by. There is no bus along this way so it is shank's pony unless you can blag a lift.
An old mid-Victorian place, clearly added to over the years, inside has multiple interconnected rooms, beamed ceilings, lots of exposed brick including the squint ended island bar which sits towards the front of the building nowadays, probably central once. A bit of a 70s throwback feel with stained wooden wall and ceiling cladding in some areas, horse brasses and rifles and cutlasses suspended from the ceilings. Decor includes lots of canal narrowboat signs, gaily painted, and some potted histories and memorabilia of the salt industry. Otherwise I spotted cases of knots, beer and a coca-cola mirror, bookcases and other bric-a brac. A side area has a pool table and dartboard.
I arrived mid to late afternoon, on entering this large pub appeared to have a sprinkling of afternoon, mainly solitary male drinkers however I noticed that the very back room was absolutely packed. On exploring further I found a vigorously contested game of bingo in full flow...a new one in a pub for me, naturally I left them to it. I gather various events take place in this room so a real community pub then.
On the bar were two banks of three handpumps, both clipped with the same two, Coach House Bootleg Valentine and Tatton Best, both relatively local beers. They do a cider in summer too apparently and the third clips may see some weekend action.
I liked it, worth the effort to get to and I may do again as I have put the salt museum on my "to do" list.

On 18th February 2018 - rating: 7
[User has posted 1710 recommendations about 1683 pubs]

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Ste Cross left this review about Salt Barge

Multi roomed pub about 50 yards from the Trent & Mersey Canal with various drinking areas frequented by a clientele of all ages. The beers on offer on my visit were Northern Stax and Tatton Best both excellent beers and well kept. We visited on a Friday but thankfully there was no karaoke on. Good friendly staff. Will definitely call again.

On 12th June 2011 - rating: 7
[User has posted 6 recommendations about 6 pubs]

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Joolie Ledger left this review about Salt Barge

Great night out at The Salt Barge, especially Fridays (kareoke) and when there is a visiting group on Saturdays.
Food has got a lot better since Keith and Carol came. Well worth a visit.

On 12th April 2011 - rating: 8
[User has posted 1 recommendations about 1 pubs]

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Pub location see interactive map of local area
Map location corrected by Wynne Route
Northwich, 1.24 miles, 24 min walk (show)
Lostock Gralam, 1.77 miles, 34 min walk (show)
Greenbank, 2.93 miles, 56 min walk (show)
Latest updates View all updates for The Salt Barge, Marston
18th Feb 2018, 12:03
Review submitted by Malden man amended by Malden man
18th Feb 2018, 12:03
Review submitted by Malden man amended by Malden man

Pub Details

Pub details supplied by members of this site to the best of their knowledge. Please check with pub directly before making a special trip.

  • Bar Billiards : No last updated 18 February 2018 by Malden man
  • Beer Garden : Yes last updated 23 August 2013 by Alan Hurdle
  • Car Park : Yes last updated 23 August 2013 by Alan Hurdle
  • Darts : Yes last updated 18 February 2018 by Malden man
  • Dog Friendly : Yes last updated 23 August 2013 by Alan Hurdle
  • Function Room : Yes last updated 18 February 2018 by Malden man
  • Hot Food : Yes last updated 23 August 2013 by Alan Hurdle
  • Karaoke : Yes last updated 12 April 2011 by Dave McNally
  • Live Music : Yes last updated 23 August 2013 by Alan Hurdle
  • Live TV Sports : Yes last updated 18 February 2018 by Malden man
  • Micropub : No last updated 18 February 2018 by Malden man
  • Pinball : No last updated 18 February 2018 by Malden man
  • Pool Table : Yes last updated 18 February 2018 by Malden man
  • Real Ale : Yes last updated 23 August 2013 by Alan Hurdle
  • Real Cider : Yes - can be summer only - last updated 18 February 2018 by Malden man
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