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Picture of Bar Malden
Image posted by Rex Rattus
Submitted on Saturday, 18th January 2020
With picture contributions to 1106 other pubs
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Bar Malden, New Malden

Pub added by elizabeth mcgraw
1-3 St. Georges Square
New Malden
Correct details

Pub Type

Town Centre Pub (Marstons)

Served areas

Reviews of Bar Malden (Average Rating: 6 of 10) Add Review see review guidelines

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Malden man left this review about Bar Malden

Situated as it is in the podium of a large 70's office block, this place certainly will not win any awards for character. Nevertheless, my visit on a recent Sunday afternoon was quite pleasant and the pub and clientele were perfectly civilised. I do accept however that pubs can be very different places at different times and I have heard reports of the pub being a focal point for local youth of an evening.
The front entrance leads to a wooden floored area with a few traditional four seater tables plus longer tables with bench seats. Up a couple of steps to the main room with the bar on the side wall. A plasma on the end wall was showing football. There are a couple of alcoves off the main area offering seclusion.
A surprising range, I felt, Jennings Cross Buttock (odd name!), Ringwood Porter, Wychwood Hobgoblin and Brakspears Bitter, discounted at £1.99.
It's part of the Marstons Taverns chain, and I did feel that a lot of the adverts around for cheap food and drink deals gave a bit of a 'Spoons feel to the place.
Despite any negativity I felt the place fine for an afternoon pint and I'd pop in again.

On 3rd February 2010 - rating: 6
[User has posted 1710 recommendations about 1683 pubs]

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Graham Coombs left this review about Bar Malden

Ground floor of an office block outside the station doesn't sound much, but actually a nice, comfortable pub. Seemed to have some interesting beers, although mine was a bit past it so low score, but worth checking out again.

On 18th November 2008 - rating: 6
[User has posted 3586 recommendations about 3521 pubs]

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Rex Rattus left this review about Bar Malden

This has not been a pub for very long, having been an Indian restaurant until a few years ago. But although it has no pedigree as a pub, it always does some decent ales. On a recent visit it had on both Jennings Cumberland ale and Sneck Lifter. I had the Sneck Lifter which was excellent. This is not the sort of place you would want to seek out, but in my view it serves the best ale in New Malden, and is definitely worth dropping into if you happen to be passing and fancy a pint of something decent to drink.

On 8th July 2008 - rating: 6
[User has posted 2606 recommendations about 2520 pubs]

External web links for Bar Malden

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Pub location see interactive map of local area
Map location corrected by elizabeth mcgraw
New Malden, 0.09 miles, 1 min walk (show)
Motspur Park, 1.25 miles, 24 min walk (show)
Berrylands, 1.52 miles, 29 min walk (show)
Latest updates View all updates for Bar Malden, New Malden
5th Feb 2025, 22:20
Request to mark pub as closed by Malden man approved
5th Feb 2025, 21:54
Request to mark pub as closed submitted by Malden man, with included notes: Other: Closed due to future development of the site.

Pub Details

Pub details supplied by members of this site to the best of their knowledge. Please check with pub directly before making a special trip.

  • Accommodation : No last updated 10 December 2020 by ROB Camra
  • Beer Festivals : No last updated 10 December 2020 by ROB Camra
  • Beer Garden : Yes last updated 10 December 2020 by ROB Camra
  • CAMRA Discount : Yes - 10% - last updated 10 December 2020 by ROB Camra
  • Car Park : No last updated 10 December 2020 by ROB Camra
  • Child Friendly : Yes - Until 7 p.m. - last updated 10 December 2020 by ROB Camra
  • Dog Friendly : Yes last updated 10 December 2020 by ROB Camra
  • Hot Food : Yes last updated 10 December 2020 by ROB Camra
  • Live Music : No last updated 10 December 2020 by ROB Camra
  • Live TV Sports : No last updated 10 December 2020 by ROB Camra
  • Micropub : No last updated 10 December 2020 by ROB Camra
  • Real Ale : Yes last updated 10 December 2020 by ROB Camra
  • Real Cider : No last updated 10 December 2020 by ROB Camra
  • Wheelchair Access : Yes last updated 10 December 2020 by ROB Camra
  • WiFi : Yes last updated 10 December 2020 by ROB Camra
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