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Picture of The Print House
Image posted by john mcgraw
Submitted on Monday, 17th May 2010
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The Print House, Tenterden

Pub added by elizabeth mcgraw
11 West Cross
TN30 6JR
Phone: 01580764417
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Reviews of The Print House (Average Rating: 6 of 10) Add Review see review guidelines

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

. Wittenden left this review about The Print House

Reopened as The Print House in April 2023, after a full refurbishment. It now comprises a long narrow front room, with bar servery at the far left end, and a handsome inglenook fire at the right.This room is set with an eclectic collection of tables and chairs: on our Sunday afternoon visit housing a fair number of drinkers and diners. To the right of the main door, behind the chimney breast, is a smaller snug type room, with comfy sofas and the like.

The renovations have been executed in a way that respects the medieval origins of the building, while injecting a hint of the twentyfirst century that rages beyond the confines of the ancient Cinque Port Borough.
Just the one handpump behind the bar, serving a decent pint of Harveys Sussex Best, together with some London based craft keg, and an interesting wine and Gin list. Early days, but a positive addition to the Tenterden pub scene.

On 7th May 2023 - no rating submitted
[User has posted 292 recommendations about 290 pubs]

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Just a quick pint, then I'm off left this review about The William Caxton

Nice looking building of some antiquity, with a traditional tile-hung exterior at first floor level. The main entrance takes you into a small bar in the original structure, with a side room which was a dining area for a short time following the pub's reopening a couple of years ago but now houses a pool table. There is another part of the servery and more seating in the newer part of the building (whose exterior doors are no longer in use). The interior has been refurbished to some extent, but this does not detract too badly from its historic nature. Three handpumps on the bar, but just Master Brew (£3.30) available on my last visit. Unfortunately, it appears to being going backwards again following the period when it was managed directly by Shepherd Neame (which is a great shame because Tenterden needs a good, old-fashioned pub like this).

On 27th October 2012 - rating: 6
[User has posted 8552 recommendations about 8552 pubs]

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Justin Nelson left this review about The William Caxton

A real pub, relatively recently taken over after a period of closure then brewery management, it held good promise to be my regular local. However, after a good start with the food offering, the quality of the ingredients has dropped and the quality of the cooking is variable. Effectively, this makes it a drinking pub, but only selling Shepherd Neame beers - not good enough, without good food, to warrant regular visits. It is a shame, as I think the current operator had the best chance to run it profitably: if she cannot make it succeed, then it seems doomed to closure again. *SIGH!*

On 13th August 2012 - rating: 6
[User has posted 5 recommendations about 5 pubs]

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Pub location see interactive map of local area
Map location corrected by Just a quick pint, then I'm off
Appledore (Kent), 7.79 miles, 2 hr 30 min walk (show)
Headcorn, 9.1 miles, 2 hr 55 min walk (show)
Pluckley, 9.37 miles, 3 hr 0 min walk (show)
Latest updates View all updates for The Print House, Tenterden
7th May 2023, 19:05
Review submitted by . Wittenden amended by . Wittenden
7th May 2023, 16:11
Review submitted by . Wittenden

Pub Details

Pub details supplied by members of this site to the best of their knowledge. Please check with pub directly before making a special trip.

  • Accommodation : No last updated 07 May 2023 by Tris C
  • Beer Garden : Yes last updated 07 May 2023 by Tris C
  • Car Park : No last updated 08 May 2023 by . Wittenden
  • Child Friendly : Yes last updated 08 May 2023 by . Wittenden
  • Hot Food : Yes last updated 08 May 2023 by . Wittenden
  • Micropub : No last updated 07 May 2023 by Tris C
  • Pool Table : No last updated 08 May 2023 by . Wittenden
  • Real Ale : Yes last updated 27 October 2012 by hondo .
  • Wheelchair Access : Yes last updated 08 May 2023 by . Wittenden
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