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Image posted by Philip Gaskin
Submitted on Saturday, 15th October 2011
With picture contributions to 143 other pubs
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Detail Pages
The Crown, Southwold
IP18 6DP
Served areas

Reviews of The Crown (Average Rating: 4 of 10) see review guidelines
Please Note: This review is over a year old.
Real Ale Ray left this review about The Crown
There are two drinking areas in the Crown. The first being on the right-hand side and the second at the rear in a small bar area. The bar area on the right is mostly set out for dining, so we went down the back. There were three Adnams ales on handpump.
On 30th June 2013
- rating: 6
[User has posted 3561 recommendations about 3561 pubs]
Please Note: This review is over a year old.
Philip Gaskin left this review about The Crown
I visited the Crown on a Sunday lunchtime to have a quick pint in the back bar which is small with a couple of tables. It was full, so I went to the larger front bar. Having sat down with my pint, I was asked by a waitress, (who sounded like she was from Eastern Europe,) if I would like a menu. When I declined, I was told I would have to move to the back bar as the area was for diners only. Having already seen it was full, and having no desire or intention to take my pint for a guided tour of the place, I refused and told her I would leave when I had finished it. The sign on the door says Front Bar. The is a room opposite that has a sign that says Restaurant. I could not see any signs or indication that eating was mandatory. (They pulled a similar stunt in 2006, when the smoking ban had been announced, but was not in force. They made the back bar no smoking, but did not put any signs up. You found out by either/or asking for an ashtray, or lighting a cigarette.) I did actually get my pint in the back bar later in the week, where Adnams Bitter, Regatta and Ghost Ship were available on draught. I shall not be returning because of the arrogant attitude of the place.
On 24th October 2011
- rating: 2
[User has posted 202 recommendations about 169 pubs]
Please Note: This review is over a year old.
train man left this review about The Crown
Our first pint after stepping off the bus in Southwold. Already busy at 12:40 in the main bar which seems predominantly for food and we were advised that the 'Back Bar' may be more to our liking, which it was. A nice little room to the rear but still with a view through the entrance hall to the street. Fine pint of Adnams bitter and a friendly & knowledgeable barman who told us about the new 'Spindrift'; not for me, but with which Adnams may be trying to target the keg market maybe for some radical lager drinkers who want to start tasting something in their pint. The bar had some brass nautical navigation equipment in the corner and a picture and story of a submarine hunting vessel disguised as a fishing skiff (the submarine won). Better by far than our next stop, its Adnams sister hotel The Swan, although bizarrely the same barman popped up there too. He should teach the Swan's barman some etiquette in customer relations.
On 6th December 2007
- no rating submitted
[User has posted 412 recommendations about 411 pubs]
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- Twitter - The Crown Southwold
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- Historic Pub Interiors -
Halesworth, 8.7 miles, 2 hr 48 min walk (show)
Darsham, 8.96 miles, 2 hr 57 min walk (show)
Pub Details
Pub details supplied by members of this site to the best of their knowledge. Please check with pub directly before making a special trip.
- Hot Food : Yes last updated 29 July 2013 by Dave McNally
- Real Ale : Yes last updated 30 June 2013 by Alan Hurdle