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Beer of the Week (w/e 9th February 2025) with ROBCamra on the Pub Forum

Picture of The Woolpack
Image posted by Nigel Sheppard
Submitted on Monday, 21st September 2009
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The Woolpack, Buckingham

57 Well Street
MK18 1EP
Phone: 01280817972
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Tweets by The Woolpack
The Woolpack The Woolpack Been for a walk with the dogs? Want to re-fresh with a cold pint, well we have you and your k9 friend sorted. 4:04 PM Apr 22nd 2019 from Facebook
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Reviews of The Woolpack (Average Rating: 6 of 10) Add Review see review guidelines

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Blackthorn _ left this review about The Woolpack

A popular riverside pub just a short stroll from the town centre, this was pretty much full to capacity on a recent mid-week evening visit, although this was no doubt in part due to the pub quiz that was in progress.

It’s a good sized pub, essentially an L-shape and in addition to the inside there’s a pleasant covered patio area as well as the garden leading down to the river. The front bar has a parquet wood floor, a number of quite big circular tables and a couple of brick chimney breasts. One of these was free standing breaking up the interior space somewhat, and the other had a wood burning stove. Both had a few old leather arm chairs and a low table clustered around them.

The rear room was broadly similar with a strip wood floor, terracotta coloured wood panelling on the lower part of the walls and cream plasterwork up above. There were various pieces of artwork for sale on the walls, and a shelf around the top housed a collection of old whisky bottles. There was also a carvery counter down a couple of steps at the rear, although this was not in use.

Unfortunately due to a problem with the kitchen’s extractor fan, the food on offer was somewhat limited (or a “reduced menu” as the barman called it) which was a shame since that was the reason for my visit. Consequently my options consisted of a number of baguettes or a Chicken Ceaser Salad. I went for the latter option which was fine, nothing special, but it did what it said on the tin and it’s difficult to get too excited about a Ceaser Salad. If I were being critical I could say that the amount of parmesan used was negligible and it was perhaps a tad expensive at £7.95.

Beer choices were Black Sheep, Tribute and Doom Bar although there were another three pumps on the bar that were not in use so it may be more extensive than this at other times. Cider’s were a somewhat uninspiring Aspall’s Suffolk and Carlsberg’s Somersby.

On 30th May 2013 - rating: 6
[User has posted 2035 recommendations about 1941 pubs]

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Nigel Sheppard left this review about The Woolpack

Modern pub situated on the riverside with a lovely beer garden. Very posy inside which is reflected in the price of the beer, a good 20% more than other places, however it is cask marque and there is tasting notes written on the pumps. We enjoyed a lovely pint of Doc Dinsdale from Tring brewery. Brewed using some Vienna and chocolate malt, this chestnut-coloured session bitter is packed with flavour for its strength. Both bittering and aroma hops are noticeable but do not upset the balanced nature of this ale.

On 21st September 2009 - rating: 6
[User has posted 192 recommendations about 192 pubs]

External web links for The Woolpack

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Pub location see interactive map of local area
Map location corrected by Blackthorn _
Bicester North, 10.79 miles, 3 hr 28 min walk (show)
Wolverton, 10.92 miles, 3 hr 30 min walk (show)
Milton Keynes Central, 12.57 miles, 4 hr 2 min walk (show)
Latest updates View all updates for The Woolpack, Buckingham
6th Jun 2013, 18:40
Picture submitted by Blackthorn _ approved
30th May 2013, 07:32
Review submitted by Blackthorn _

Pub Details

Pub details supplied by members of this site to the best of their knowledge. Please check with pub directly before making a special trip.

  • Beer Festivals : Yes - June - last updated 29 July 2013 by Dave McNally
  • Real Ale : Yes last updated 29 July 2013 by Dave McNally
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