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Picture of The Old Duke
Image posted by john mcgraw
Submitted on Wednesday, 13th February 2019
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The Old Duke, Bristol

45 King Street
Phone: 01179277137
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The Old Duke JazzPub The Old Duke JazzPub The listings for March have been updated on our website. 2:47 PM Feb 21st 2020 from Twitter Web App
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Reviews of The Old Duke (Average Rating: 6 of 10) Add Review see review guidelines

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Pub SignMan left this review about The Old Duke

I’ve been out drinking along King Street numerous times, but never on a Saturday night, so it was quite an experience to see all the pubs packed and the great many outdoor benches fully occupied when we stopped by on a warm autumn weekend. Having tried all of the usual suspect, we popped into this place for our last drink of the night thanks to it being pretty much the last pub to call time. It’s a pleasant enough pub with a split-level interior and relatively traditional feel compared to many of the other nearby pubs. It seems that the pub probably had a multiple room interior in the past but has now been knocked through into a single space, with the bar serving both sides across the two levels. Some mixed seating is available around the perimeter of the room, with some space reserved for the live jazz that is regularly scheduled, although the majority of the seating can be found out on the cobbled street, with a great many picnic benches running in rows for a great distance. Decor is fairly traditional and included a few jazz related bits, but the theme isn’t particularly over-bearing – it’s not even that apparent that the pub’s name is a reference to jazz musician Duke Ellington.
I wasn’t expecting to find much in the way of cask ale in here, but they had no less than six different beers on handpull. The majority of these were quite mainstream bitters and pale ales such as Sharps Doom Bar and Courage Best, but I ended up with a pint of the only vaguely interesting beer, which was Wye Valley HPA, served up by a very flirty barmaid and in decent enough condition. A very strange moment occurred whilst I was waiting to be served. The bloke next to me ordered a round and was arguing with his mate about who was supposed to be paying for it. The barmaid started walking towards them with the card machine when it pinged and to her amazement, the card machine had taken the payment somehow, leaving her and the two lads looking very bemused as to who had picked up the tab, as neither had presented a card to the reader! Suffice to say, I checked my bank balance when I got home, but thankfully they didn’t get a free round on me!
This place doesn’t really compete with the majority of the pubs on King Street when it comes to the beer, but does offer a rather more traditional drinking environment and the prospect of some decent live music, which makes it worth a look if you’re working your way down the street. Bonus points if a random stranger inadvertently pays for your round!

On 30th December 2021 - rating: 6
[User has posted 3306 recommendations about 3306 pubs]

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Quinno _ left this review about The Old Duke

A Bristol institution based on its daily live jazz and I was fortunate enough to visit when it was on. Named after Duke Eliington (obvs), it's quite a compact right-angled pub over two small levels. Black and white chequerboard flooring, nicotine stained embossed wallpaper and old jazz gig flyers glued to the ceiling made for an appropriate décor. The place was almost full-to-capacity but I managed to squeeze myself in at the bar. Two banks of pumps doubled-up; three ales in Courage Best, Castle Rock Harvest Pale, Hooky Gold (fair) and Old Rosie cider. I enjoyed my stay but I guess the jazz helped quite significantly.

On 1st February 2019 - rating: 7
[User has posted 5509 recommendations about 5490 pubs]

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Real Ale Ray left this review about The Old Duke

Music wise and ale wise a let down on this visit. There was a choice of six ales and two ciders on hand pump. The choice as far as ale goes, was nothing to write home about. The selection varied from Doom bore, Castle Rock and Black Sheep. We all went for the Black Sheep Holy Grail, which hadn't any flavour and tasted too sugary and toffee flavoured and wasn't cheap neither. The live band was playing some Calypso music, which as professional musicians go, they were all up there. The only problem was the drummer was drowning out the piano and bass and was basically too loud and overbearing, so we took our drinks to the tables outside, where I left most of mine.

On 13th October 2016 - rating: 5
[User has posted 3561 recommendations about 3561 pubs]

View more reviews of The Old Duke (5)
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Pub location see interactive map of local area
Map location corrected by Dave McNally
Bristol Temple Meads, 0.88 miles, 16 min walk (show)
Bedminster, 1.17 miles, 22 min walk (show)
Montpelier, 1.41 miles, 27 min walk (show)
Latest updates View all updates for The Old Duke, Bristol
30th Dec 2021, 16:40
Review submitted by Pub SignMan
17th Feb 2019, 20:23
Picture submitted by john mcgraw approved

Pub Details

Pub details supplied by members of this site to the best of their knowledge. Please check with pub directly before making a special trip.

  • Accommodation : No last updated 23 April 2014 by Jonathan Wilde
  • Bar Billiards : No last updated 23 April 2014 by Jonathan Wilde
  • Beer Festivals : Yes last updated 23 April 2014 by Jonathan Wilde
  • Beer Garden : No - Street seating - last updated 23 April 2014 by Jonathan Wilde
  • Car Park : No last updated 23 April 2014 by Jonathan Wilde
  • Darts : No last updated 23 April 2014 by Jonathan Wilde
  • Hot Food : No last updated 30 December 2021 by Pub SignMan
  • Jukebox : No last updated 23 April 2014 by Jonathan Wilde
  • Karaoke : No last updated 23 April 2014 by Jonathan Wilde
  • Live Music : Yes last updated 23 April 2014 by Jonathan Wilde
  • Live TV Sports : No last updated 23 April 2014 by Jonathan Wilde
  • Micropub : No last updated 30 December 2021 by Pub SignMan
  • Pinball : No last updated 23 April 2014 by Jonathan Wilde
  • Pool Table : No last updated 23 April 2014 by Jonathan Wilde
  • Quiz Night : No last updated 23 April 2014 by Jonathan Wilde
  • Real Ale : Yes last updated 26 September 2013 by Dave McNally
  • Real Cider : Yes last updated 23 May 2014 by Jonathan Wilde
  • Wheelchair Access : No last updated 23 April 2014 by Jonathan Wilde
  • WiFi : Yes - Free pub wifi by arqiva - last updated 23 May 2014 by Jonathan Wilde
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