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Disappointment of the week with Tris39
on the Pub Forum

Image posted by peter ashworth
Submitted on Tuesday, 26th November 2019
With picture contributions to 27163 other pubs
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Detail Pages
Old Royal Oak, Collycroft, Bedworth
CV12 8AP
Served areas
Reviews of Old Royal Oak (Average Rating: 5 of 10) see review guidelines
Please Note: This review is over a year old.
Just a quick pint, then I'm off left this review about Old Royal Oak
Located on the north side of town, this pub looks OK and is set back from the main road by enough to leave space for a narrow terrace as well as the car park. Once inside, you find an opened-out and refurbished 'L'-shaped bar area; simply furnished with modern tables and chairs, and the walls painted in a surprising light-blue shade. A pool table can be found at one end and a dartboard at the other, and music was playing at more than background level. No real ale available, but at least Sharp's Atlantic (£3.10) was available from the keg taps as an alternative to the Worthington's.
On 30th November 2019
- rating: 5
[User has posted 8552 recommendations about 8552 pubs]
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- CAMRA WhatPub :: Old Royal Oak -
Pub Details
Pub details supplied by members of this site to the best of their knowledge. Please check with pub directly before making a special trip.
- Real Ale : No last updated 09 May 2014 by Dave McNally