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Image posted by Will Larter
Submitted on Wednesday, 20th February 2013
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Detail Pages
The British Flag, Macclesfield
SK10 1DW
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Reviews of The British Flag (Average Rating: 6 of 10) see review guidelines
Strongers . left this review about The British Flag
The British Flag is a part-time pub so please check opening hours before planning a visit. The central bar counter supports standard and premium keg alongside Robinson’s Smooth. There are two hand pumps, both of which were badged with Unicorn. The counter faces a small carpeted seating area to the right where the three other customers had settled during my Monday evening visit. A television above a heater on the right-hand wall was airing muted rolling BBC News whilst some background music played. In the rear is a public bar with a pool table and dartboard and in the front to the right is a bland seating room. There are a couple of steps up to the tiled entrance so those with mobility issues may need assistance to enter. The governor was very friendly so I imagine this pub has a band of loyal customers who adhere to the late opening and early closing, but I wouldn’t regularly drink somewhere that slung me out at 21:00.
On 10th June 2024
- rating: 6
[User has posted 5822 recommendations about 5788 pubs]
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Prestbury, 2.66 miles, 51 min walk (show)
Adlington (Cheshire), 5.08 miles, 1 hr 38 min walk (show)
Pub Details
Pub details supplied by members of this site to the best of their knowledge. Please check with pub directly before making a special trip.
- Real Ale : Yes last updated 29 September 2013 by Alan Hurdle