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Picture of The Greyhound
Image posted by paulof horsham
Submitted on Saturday, 13th July 2019
With picture contributions to 5429 other pubs
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The Greyhound, Redhill

82 Brighton Road
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Reviews of The Greyhound (Average Rating: 7 of 10) Add Review see review guidelines

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

I L left this review about The Greyhound

This used to be a Shepheard Neame pub with a music venue out the back. Apparently restrictions were placed on it as to how many gigs it could hold a year. This didnt help it avoid closure a few years ago. It has now been converted into residential use.

On 18th August 2010 - no rating submitted
[User has posted 287 recommendations about 284 pubs]

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Alan Winfield left this review about The Greyhound

This was the fist pub we found open after getting off the train at earlswood.
The Greyhound is a Shepherd Neame tied house that is on a very busy raod to the south of the centre of Redhill.
We went in a room at the front of the pub and this was a decent and comfortable room there were three real ales on the bar we had a drink of Shepherd Neame Master Brew and this was a very nice the other beers were Shepherd Neame best bitter and Spitfire.
We thought this was a decent pub to have a few drinks in.

Pub visited 26/10/2002

On 26th October 2002 - rating: 7
[User has posted 6113 recommendations about 6113 pubs]

External web links for The Greyhound

No known official website for this pub.

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Map location is best guess
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13th Jul 2019, 22:28
Picture submitted by paulof horsham approved
13th Jul 2019, 22:06
Picture submitted by paulof horsham

Pub Details

Pub details supplied by members of this site to the best of their knowledge. Please check with pub directly before making a special trip.

  • Real Ale : No last updated 09 May 2014 by Dave McNally
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