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Beer of the Week (w/e 16th February 2025) with Bucking Fastard
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Image posted by Old Boots
Submitted on Wednesday, 24th July 2024
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Angel Inn, Thirsk
Postal town: Thirsk
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Reviews of Angel Inn see review guidelines
Old Boots left this review about Angel Inn
Now reopened after a prolonged period of refurbishment. The internal layout remains the same as before with the bar to the front., otherwise internally redocorated and refurnished. There are three pulls at each end of the U shaped counter with two horseshoes on the long front face. Beers were Black Sheep Best, Theakstons Best, Hambleton Stud and a very good Landlord.
On 24th July 2024
- no rating submitted
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Please Note: This review is over a year old.
Old Boots left this review about Angel Inn
Hotel with a public bar and a lounge cum dining area. Black Sheep bitter and John Smiths cask plus one unused handpump, my beer was quite dull, a keg range of Fosters, 1664, Strongbow, Guinness, John Smith Smooth and Camerons Smooth. The bar is an oddly shaped room with a pool table at one end, the toilets, fruit machine and part of the L shaped stone built bar in the middle, and a comfortable seating area plus the rest of the bar counter at the other end. The seating area is furnished with bench seats has a large TV and startling wall paper. What staff there are are efficient and friendly, older public bar customers but also friendly enough, with diners in the main using the lounge.
On 29th October 2009
- no rating submitted
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- Official site of Angel Inn -
- Facebook - The Angel at Topcliffe
- Twitter - TheAngelatTopcliffe
- CAMRA WhatPub :: Angel Inn -
Northallerton, 11.92 miles, 3 hr 50 min walk (show)
Knaresborough, 14.55 miles, 4 hr 40 min walk (show)
Pub Details
Pub details supplied by members of this site to the best of their knowledge. Please check with pub directly before making a special trip.
- Accommodation : Yes last updated 24 July 2024 by Tris C
- Hot Food : Yes last updated 24 July 2024 by Tris C
- Micropub : No last updated 24 July 2024 by Tris C
- Pool Table : Yes last updated 29 October 2009 by hondo .
- Real Ale : Yes last updated 29 October 2009 by David McNally