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Picture of The Three Tuns Inn
Image posted by Graham Mason
Submitted on Friday, 19th April 2013
With picture contributions to 11805 other pubs
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The Three Tuns Inn, Huntingdon

139 High Street
PE29 3NF
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Reviews of The Three Tuns Inn (Average Rating: of 10) Add Review see review guidelines

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

E TA left this review about The Three Tuns Inn

A truly awful single bar corner pub which seems to cater for the hard-of-hearing and the hard-of-thinking. It is soulless, noisy and generally unwelcoming, and feels more like a Serbian Police holding area than an English pub. They did serve Doombar, but it was over-gassed (as indeed were many of the locals) and not in the best condition (again the locals…). I am highly unlikely to return.

On 6th October 2021 - rating: 4
[User has posted 3469 recommendations about 3433 pubs]

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

custodian 42 left this review about The Three Tuns Inn

Corner pub with one big room. A bit rough and ready. No real ale and standard kegs.

On 9th April 2017 - rating: 3
[User has posted 1693 recommendations about 1691 pubs]

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

hondo . left this review about The Three Tuns Inn

Wooden floored entrance area with a tiled area at the rear. 1 real ale The pub has a pool table and a dartboard.

On 6th March 2012 - no rating submitted
[User has posted 2923 recommendations about 2857 pubs]

External web links for The Three Tuns Inn

No known official website for this pub.

Pub location see interactive map of local area
Map location corrected by Bucking Fastard
Huntingdon, 0.65 miles, 12 min walk (show)
St Neots, 9.74 miles, 3 hr 8 min walk (show)
Sandy, 17.81 miles, 5 hr 43 min walk (show)
Latest updates View all updates for The Three Tuns Inn, Huntingdon
6th Oct 2021, 08:01
Review submitted by E TA
9th Apr 2017, 13:19
Review submitted by custodian 42

Pub Details

Pub details supplied by members of this site to the best of their knowledge. Please check with pub directly before making a special trip.

  • Darts : Yes last updated 06 March 2012 by Dave McNally
  • Karaoke : Yes last updated 15 February 2015 by Dave McNally
  • Pool Table : Yes last updated 06 March 2012 by Dave McNally
  • Real Ale : Yes last updated 06 March 2012 by Dave McNally
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