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Image posted by paulof horsham
Submitted on Monday, 9th May 2022
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The Owl & Pussycat, Shoreditch, E2
E2 7DP
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Reviews of The Owl & Pussycat (Average Rating: 5 of 10) see review guidelines
Please Note: This review is over a year old.
Steve of N21 left this review about The Owl & Pussycat
Utilised this one for an early evening meet-up for a couple before moving off for a session in the Shuffle Club which is virtually next door. It’s an ok pub, well described below, with plenty of space for vertical drinking to the front of the bar and a comfortable room with seating behind. Only one ale on in the shape of Youngs Ordinary, but it was drinking well.
On 12th January 2023
- rating: 6
[User has posted 2231 recommendations about 2095 pubs]
Please Note: This review is over a year old.
Tris C left this review about The Owl & Pussycat
Certainly no gentrified gastropub and originally The Crown, this place dates from around 1788, but was rebuilt around 1850, though I suspect it’s the frontage which dates from this time, as some of the interior does look really rather old and CAMRA concurs; its current name dates from about 1990.
A visit here was precipitated by it featuring on CAMRA’s inventory of historic interiors, this being of Some Regional Importance and nationally listed Grade II.
The interior is really rather dark, with what little light coming from downlighters set into the ceiling, which is very low, papered with Anaglypta and all a rather mungey colour; further illumination came from two TVs which did nothing other than act as food menus. There are deep windowsills, which act as ledges for drinks. Furniture here is geared towards vertical drinking, with a few tall tables to the rear with tubular steel high stools with horrible ‘ergonomic’ bum-shaped plastic seats which proved to cause much discomfort whenever I shifted, as what is best described as a pommel repeatedly collided with my perineum.
The lavs might be described as a bit sexist, as gender is denoted by a cartoon of an Owl over the gents, then a Pussycat over the ladies; they were a bit grim. There’s an upstairs function room, but I couldn’t make out how it’s accessed.
The main star here is the beautiful wood of the bar back which is mahogany, being one of the oldest in the country. It features wonderful rich, warm wood with scrolling and columns with ornate capitals and an off-centre clock. The bar front is painted black – like much of the walls – and is probably fairly new. There are also some wooden beams which look suitably old, as well as a large and functional fireplace which I very much doubt is used; the floor is dark, uneven and old. Out back, there’s a decent covered ivy clad garden with TV (off). Music played at quite a loud level, no doubt to appeal to the relatively young Shoreditch wannabes, the volume of whose conversation increased accordingly.
Ales on offer were Brakspear’s Gravity ‘coming soon’ and Young’s London Original (£5.10), served by a disinterested barmaid and freezing cold, though ok once warmed up.
This is an ok pub. Later in the evening when it started to empty out, it started to improve; 30 years ago I would have loved this place, but it scores well in the wood department.
Rated 5.5.
On 16th September 2021
- rating: 5
[User has posted 2182 recommendations about 2141 pubs]
Please Note: This review is over a year old.
custodian 42 left this review about The Owl & Pussycat
Basic place with the bar to the middle. Four hand pumps - two off, others weak. Rest keg rubbish.
On 19th September 2018
- rating: 4
[User has posted 1693 recommendations about 1691 pubs]
View more reviews of The Owl & Pussycat (6)
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- Owl & Pussycat official site -
- Randomness Guide to London - Owl And Pussycat entry
- Facebook - The owl and pussycat Pub Shoreditch
- Twitter - The Owl & Pussycat
- CAMRA WhatPub :: The Owl & Pussycat -
London Liverpool Street, 0.64 miles, 12 min walk (show)
Hoxton, 0.65 miles, 12 min walk (show)
Pub Details
Pub details supplied by members of this site to the best of their knowledge. Please check with pub directly before making a special trip.
- Accommodation : No last updated 16 September 2021 by Tris C
- Bar Billiards : No last updated 16 September 2021 by Tris C
- Beer Festivals : No last updated 16 September 2021 by Tris C
- Beer Garden : Yes last updated 16 September 2021 by Tris C
- Car Park : No last updated 16 September 2021 by Tris C
- Child Friendly : No last updated 16 September 2021 by Tris C
- Darts : No last updated 16 September 2021 by Tris C
- Dog Friendly : Yes last updated 16 September 2021 by Tris C
- Function Room : Yes last updated 16 September 2021 by Tris C
- Hot Food : Yes last updated 04 April 2011 by hondo .
- Jukebox : No last updated 16 September 2021 by Tris C
- Karaoke : No last updated 16 September 2021 by Tris C
- Live Music : No last updated 16 September 2021 by Tris C
- Live TV Sports : No last updated 16 September 2021 by Tris C
- Micropub : No last updated 16 September 2021 by Tris C
- Pinball : No last updated 16 September 2021 by Tris C
- Pool Table : No last updated 16 September 2021 by Tris C
- Quiz Night : No last updated 16 September 2021 by Tris C
- Real Ale : Yes last updated 04 April 2011 by hondo .
- Real Cider : No last updated 16 September 2021 by Tris C
- WiFi : Yes last updated 16 September 2021 by Tris C