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Picture of Lost Society
Image posted by David Walton
Submitted on Wednesday, 3rd July 2024
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Lost Society, SW11

339 Battersea Park Road
SW11 4LS
Phone: 02076222112
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Reviews of Lost Society (Average Rating: 6 of 10) Add Review see review guidelines

David Walton left this review about Lost Society

Lost Society or lost the will to fecking live after checking out this venue. Invasively loud music that was an assault on my senses. Faux art deco decoration that hit the mark but which was metres wide of the target. To be honest I can’t be asked describing the v nice in any more forensic detail, at the end of the day you can’t polish an upmarket turd.

Not clear if any draught beer. The menus listed Heineken, Amstel, Gamma Ray, Inches cider, Atlantic Pale Ale, and Brixton Low Voltage. No effing idea where the taps were, perhaps up the arse of the venue. I had a glass of the Merlot so I could tick off and leave knowing I could neck my drink if I lost the will to live here (and that was not a tail event).

The venue is pretty. Give me a rough estate pub where I can sup John Smiths over this place every day of the week. Don’t get me wrong I like a very high end bar that has substance, this place was not that place.

On 3rd July 2024 - rating: 3
[User has posted 502 recommendations about 502 pubs]

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Tris C left this review about Lost Society

The interior - which I can't be bothered to outline - is described on the pub's website as being '...strong Art Deco influence; the new Lost Society is truly and unashamedly over the top, following the rule: More IS More!'; there's a picture. Customers were young flighty females or some elderly, smartly dressed couples.
As there isn't even any draught beer here anymore, I decided to leave.

On 31st August 2023 - no rating submitted
[User has posted 2172 recommendations about 2131 pubs]

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Pub SignMan left this review about The Lost Angel

Part of the Lost Group chain of pubs and bars, this place seems to have more of a cocktail emphasis compared to their craft beer led outlets such as Powder Keg Diplomacy. The pub, originally the Prince of Wales, occupies a traditional street corner site, with the front door leading into a large bare boarded room with a centrally positioned U shaped servery. There is a good amount of banquette and sofa seating around the perimeter, supplemented by some scuffed old chairs and a few pouffes. Perhaps the nicest looking area to grab a seat is in the front right corner, where comfy seating can be found on a raised section of flooring underneath a huge portrait of the Queen. The left hand side of the room boasts a telephone box, painted white and filled with a large ivy plant and a bikini clad mannequin. High tables and stools beyond had been occupied by a group that were enjoying a cocktail making class. The right hand side has some vast mirrors on the walls, a few drink related quotes written on a tiled section of wall and a large mural depicting angels 'lost' around London. The light shades have been constructed using trumpets and there are a couple of seemingly original support pillars dotted around with restrained patterned tops. A DJ booth on one wall had a sign next to it making it very clear that customers are not to make requests, which seemed a bit joyless - a reggae soundtrack played throughout most of my stay. Bar snack and platter menus were displayed on the bar and at tables, but there is a proper grill restaurant in a room to the rear right, which I didn't venture into.
Just the two hand pumps on the bar, one of which was unused, leaving Belleville Northcote Blonde (£4.50) as the highly expensive only option. There are two or three Meantime beers on the keg fonts and a few interesting bottles in the fridges, but cocktails and gin seem to be the pub's area of expertise. The barman, taking my pint glass from the drier, proceeded to fill it with ice to cool it down before pouring my drink, which I thought was good of him, although he needn't have bothered as the Blonde was past its best.
This is a quirky kind of place that I thought had the potential to be a winner, but for me lacked the key elements I look for in a good pub. The poor and highly expensive beer was the final straw and whilst this place might suit fans of cocktails or those wanting food, it didn't really work for me and I doubt I'll return.

On 18th August 2014 - rating: 5
[User has posted 3306 recommendations about 3306 pubs]

View more reviews of Lost Society (4)
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Pub location see interactive map of local area
Map location corrected by Philip Carter
Queenstown Road (Battersea), 0.52 miles, 10 min walk (show)
Battersea Park, 0.53 miles, 10 min walk (show)
Wandsworth Road, 1.17 miles, 22 min walk (show)
Latest updates View all updates for Lost Society, SW11
3rd Jul 2024, 22:15
Picture submitted by David Walton approved
3rd Jul 2024, 20:43
Picture submitted by David Walton

Pub Details

Pub details supplied by members of this site to the best of their knowledge. Please check with pub directly before making a special trip.

  • Accommodation : No last updated 18 August 2014 by Pub SignMan
  • Bar Billiards : No last updated 18 August 2014 by Pub SignMan
  • Beer Festivals : No last updated 31 August 2023 by Tris C
  • Beer Garden : Yes last updated 18 August 2014 by Pub SignMan
  • CAMRA Discount : No last updated 31 August 2023 by Tris C
  • Car Park : No last updated 19 August 2014 by Pub SignMan
  • Darts : No last updated 31 August 2023 by Tris C
  • Hot Food : Yes last updated 19 March 2009 by Moby Duck
  • Jukebox : No last updated 31 August 2023 by Tris C
  • Karaoke : No last updated 31 August 2023 by Tris C
  • Live Music : Yes - Fridays 20.00. - last updated 31 August 2023 by Tris C
  • Live TV Sports : No last updated 19 August 2014 by Pub SignMan
  • Micropub : No last updated 31 August 2023 by Tris C
  • Pinball : No last updated 19 August 2014 by Pub SignMan
  • Pool Table : No last updated 19 August 2014 by Pub SignMan
  • Quiz Night : No last updated 31 August 2023 by Tris C
  • Real Ale : No - Cocktails. No beer even on draught. - last updated 31 August 2023 by Tris C
  • Real Cider : No last updated 19 August 2014 by Pub SignMan
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