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Picture of Simmons
Image posted by Will Larter
Submitted on Saturday, 21st January 2023
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Simmons, Soho, W1

2 Bateman Street
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Reviews of Simmons (Average Rating: of 10) Add Review see review guidelines

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Tris C left this review about Simmons

As the Carlisle Arms, this pub dates from the mid-18th century but was rebuilt in 1878, renamed Soho Rocks around 2014, to become yet another branch of Simmons in 2017, though a Courage sign bracket, denuded of its cockerel remains. And I can’t remember if I ever came here before.
It’s all a bit girlie on the outside with a combination of salmon pink and powder blue paint, then a tiny interior: bare boarded, a bar to the right with white ceramic tiles, modern mixed furniture, white tiled or patterned wallpaper, white louver blinds, skull glitterball and a swivelling pink disco lighting array, blindingly bright when you get a beam right in the eye with ‘normal’ lighting amounting to bulbs (off) suspended in jam jars; all that seems to remain of the original interior is a dark wood former bar canopy to the rear. There’s décor, but it amounts to a shelf on high displaying granny table lamps, thereafter framed drinks’ deals; there’s a photo booth too, along with some neon signs and despite customers being few in number, uncleared tables, repurposed from former school use; customers were girls drinking cocktails, still audible above the loud mood music.
No cask of course and a dull keg selection comprising Estrella, Pravha, Camden Hells and Pale at £3.50 a half, served in a plastic cup.
There’s much to enjoy here if like cocktails and your name is Barbie; if not, you won’t.

On 23rd July 2023 - rating: 3
[User has posted 2172 recommendations about 2131 pubs]

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Pub SignMan left this review about Soho Rocks Bar

This simple, single room Soho pub is one of a number of rock/metal themed bars in the area and one of the few to serve real ale. Operating under two names - Soho Rocks and the pub's traditional name, The Carlisle Arms - the pub has one bare boarded room with the servery on the back wall. A shallow U-shaped counter stands in front of a reasonably attractive bar back which has sadly been partially obscured by a huge TV screen which was showing muted wrestling. To the left are some high stools along a ledge under the front windows as well as a nice tiled fireplace, whilst over to the right there are four tables served by standard chairs. Lots of patrons had forsaken these environs to instead stand on the pavement outside in the light drizzle. Plastic glasses were offered to those preferring that option, but with plenty of seating still available, I stayed inside and took in some of the metal themed artefacts on show. This included a couple of framed flying V guitars from metal acts such as Dragonforce, plus some Motorhead posters, gig posters and flyers and a few incongruous sets of antlers. Rock music was playing at a surprisingly quiet level although this seemed like a pretty quiet mid-week evening for the pub and I suspect there are times when they are more than happy to turn the volume up to 11.
There were three ales available - McEwan's IPA, Fullers London Pride and Wells Bombardier Burning Gold. A fairly friendly goth barmaid served me a pint of the IPA which was well kept, making this a rare instance of a rock/metal bar with decent ale.
This place isn't really up to much if you're after a straight pub experience, but does offer more for those with an interest in heavy metal, although it could be argued that there are pubs in the local area that do this much better. I would consider a return for a decent pint or two in preparation for a gig in one of the nearby live music venues, but imagine the place will leave most pub goers cold.

On 2nd August 2015 - rating: 5
[User has posted 3306 recommendations about 3306 pubs]

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Just a quick pint, then I'm off left this review about Soho Rocks Bar

The Carlisle Arms has been rebranded as the Soho Rocks Bar since my last visit about a year ago, but not a lot has changed (apart from the music, which has got louder but less annoying...). It retains quite an attractive façade, but the interior is plainly furnished with just a few bits and pieces of rock memorabilia. It also retains three handpumps, with Pride, Bombardier Burning Gold and McEwan's IPA (£3.80, and in good condition) available on this visit.

On 26th April 2015 - rating: 6
[User has posted 8537 recommendations about 8537 pubs]

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Pub location see interactive map of local area
Map location corrected by Tris C
London Charing Cross, 0.67 miles, 12 min walk (show)
London Euston, 1.34 miles, 25 min walk (show)
London Waterloo, 1.47 miles, 28 min walk (show)
Latest updates View all updates for Simmons, W1
23rd Jul 2023, 18:52
Review submitted by Tris C
21st Jan 2023, 22:02
Picture submitted by Will Larter approved

Pub Details

Pub details supplied by members of this site to the best of their knowledge. Please check with pub directly before making a special trip.

  • Accommodation : No last updated 19 July 2023 by Tris C
  • Bar Billiards : No last updated 19 July 2023 by Tris C
  • Beer Festivals : No last updated 19 July 2023 by Tris C
  • Beer Garden : No last updated 19 July 2023 by Tris C
  • CAMRA Discount : No last updated 03 December 2015 by ROB Camra
  • Car Park : No last updated 19 July 2023 by Tris C
  • Darts : No last updated 19 July 2023 by Tris C
  • Function Room : Yes last updated 19 July 2023 by Tris C
  • Hot Food : No last updated 19 July 2023 by Tris C
  • Jukebox : No last updated 19 July 2023 by Tris C
  • Karaoke : No last updated 19 July 2023 by Tris C
  • Live Music : No last updated 19 July 2023 by Tris C
  • Live TV Sports : No last updated 19 July 2023 by Tris C
  • Micropub : No last updated 19 July 2023 by Tris C
  • Pinball : No last updated 19 July 2023 by Tris C
  • Pool Table : No last updated 19 July 2023 by Tris C
  • Quiz Night : No last updated 19 July 2023 by Tris C
  • Real Ale : No last updated 03 December 2015 by ROB Camra
  • Real Cider : No last updated 03 December 2015 by ROB Camra
  • Wheelchair Access : No last updated 19 July 2023 by Tris C
  • WiFi : Yes last updated 19 July 2023 by Tris C
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