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Image posted by Just a quick pint, then I'm off
Submitted on Wednesday, 1st January 2020
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Blue Posts, Soho, W1
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Reviews of Blue Posts (Average Rating: 6 of 10) see review guidelines
Please Note: This review is over a year old.
Moby Duck left this review about Blue Posts
I've walked past this pub countless times over the years without being drawn inside, more fool me, I discovered an excellent earthy, old school boozer well attended with local characters, a Paul Weller lookalike had control of the jukebox and I happily enjoyed half an hour of musical heaven.Beer wise nothing to write home about but my pint of Sambrooks Pale was good enough to demand a second, the other choice being a predictable London Pride. The real draw here though was the back in time scenario in the pub and I found it hard to leave, I'll certainly be back.
On 30th August 2023
- rating: 8
[User has posted 2089 recommendations about 2059 pubs]
Please Note: This review is over a year old.
Bucking Fastard left this review about Blue Posts
A great review from Tris C below gives much detail.From the outside the heavily frosted windows and limited internal lighting gave the impression that the pub was closed and possibly permanently.However a small neon sign said "open" and so I pushed on the door expecting it to be locked but it yielded.
Inside it's a classic post war boozer,and not somwhere a tourist will happen upon.A true enclave from the bustle of Soho.Large pot plants further restict sunlight,one wall is dedicated to Jessie Matthews and although an upstairs bar is mentioned inside,I couldn't see the way up.The horseshoe bar with wood cladding is noteworthy.
Just a single handpump for Fuller London Pride (Decent nick ,NBSS 3) and a mainstream keg selection with some sparkling cider won't stimulate ale conniseurs but if you like timeless,slightly tired boozers this place will gladden your heart.Very good external Watney's signage too.
On 1st August 2022
- rating: 6
[User has posted 2898 recommendations about 2898 pubs]
Please Note: This review is over a year old.
Tris C left this review about Blue Posts
Dating from at least the early/mid-18th century and rebuilt in 1914, this is one of five Blue Posts that existed up until 21 years ago, the number down to four following the demolition of the Tottenham Court Road 'branch'. Go back a hundred-odd years, and the area was actually home to no fewer than nine branches!
Externally there's some very well preserved Watney's regalia and inside, this is a largely unspoilt pub with burgundy velour button back banquettes to virtually all the periphery, horseshoe bar with matchboard front and pot shelf adorned with plates depicting Shire horses and the like. The floor is carpeted and there's an electric fire which probably dates from the 1960s along with the very basic furnitue; a column is clad in dark brown tiles. There are tinted prints to the walls along with more plates which would have appealed to someone of my grandmother's era and I wouldn't be surprised if she recalled using the bed pans on display which also add to the nostalgia. The ensemble is completed with burgundy swag curtains.
Unchanged too since the first review are the ales: Courage Directors and Adnam's Southwold on good form, served by a very friendly barmaid.
This type of pub is something of a rarity, at least in London, so is worth a trip just to see something from the past, especially in an area where buildings are falling like dominos. However, there is a reason why pub interiors no longer look like this...
On 30th April 2019
- rating: 5
[User has posted 2182 recommendations about 2141 pubs]
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London Euston, 1.44 miles, 27 min walk (show)
London Waterloo, 1.54 miles, 29 min walk (show)
Pub Details
Pub details supplied by members of this site to the best of their knowledge. Please check with pub directly before making a special trip.
- Real Ale : Yes last updated 25 October 2016 by hondo .