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Image posted by peter ashworth
Submitted on Thursday, 30th June 2022
With picture contributions to 27163 other pubs
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Detail Pages
Punchin' Palooka, St Albans Central, St. Albans
St. Albans
Served areas

Reviews of Punchin' Palooka see review guidelines
Please Note: This review is over a year old.
Clive Thompson left this review about Mokoko
Noticed a name change when in the area recently. It's now called Punchin' Palooka, whatever one of those is. Seems to be an evening cocktail/lounge bar. I have fond memories of the place when it was a proper pub called The Harrow, but that was many years ago.
On 12th January 2022
- no rating submitted
[User has posted 780 recommendations about 697 pubs]
Please Note: This review is over a year old.
claire walker left this review about Mokoko
I was the manager of this pub from 1995 and would love to hear from any regulars still there.
On 30th March 2005
- no rating submitted
[User has posted 2 recommendations about 2 pubs]
No known official website for this pub.
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- CAMRA WhatPub :: Punchin' Palooka -
St Albans Abbey, 0.7 miles, 13 min walk (show)
Park Street, 2.13 miles, 41 min walk (show)
Pub Details
Pub details supplied by members of this site to the best of their knowledge. Please check with pub directly before making a special trip.
- Real Ale : No last updated 09 May 2014 by Dave McNally