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All Stars Sports Bowl, Weston Super Mare

Pub added by Blackthorn _
17-19 Central Walk
Weston Super Mare
BS23 1FF

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Reviews (Current Rating Average: 4 of 10) Add Review see review guidelines

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Blackthorn _ left this review about All Stars Sports Bowl

A relatively recent opening in the redeveloped Dolphin Square, this is a good-sized bar and as it’s name suggests the emphasis is very much on bowling along with other sports, with these activities taking up a large proportion of the available floor space.

The pub contains an extensive array of fruit machines, as well as bowling lanes, pool tables, darts boards, shuffleboards and so on. Apparently, there is even an escape room. Besides the aforementioned entertainment, there were also fairground style grab machines, ice cream and sweet dispensers and everything was lit up in garish neon colours making it something of an assault on the eyeballs. Flooring was mostly some sort of straw colour matting with interspersed areas of wood laminate, whilst the walls, the little of them that I could see, seemed to be mostly turquoise along with rough wood cladding in places. Banks of TV screens surrounded the room, although most seemed to be advertising the various gaming related deals that they offered. A large projector screen was showing Sky sports however. The seating part of the pub consisted of a number of high wooden benches and stools and in addition to this there was outside seating at the front of the pub.

Beers on tap were predictably pretty much non-existent, with just Sharp's Atlantic on keg. Ciders fared better though, with no less than five from Thatcher’s – Gold, Haze, Dark Berry, Cloudy Lemon and Blood Orange.

On 16th June 2023 - rating: 4
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