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Oh dear, self promotion FAIL with Pangolin on the Pub Forum

The Bourbon, Bow, E3

387 Roman Road
E3 5QR

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Reviews (Current Rating Average: 6 of 10) Add Review see review guidelines

David Walton left this review about The Bourbon

This was my only unvisited venue in the E3 postcode area until tonight driven largely by the fact that they were only open Fri-Sun until quite recently but now open on Thurs evenings from 6pm also. Found this to be a really cool bar. Some interesting craft beers - I had a pint of the Littke Mizzle, a very cloudy New England IPA from the Neckstamper brewery that brew out of a venue in E10. Won’t be to everyone’s taste but I really liked this venue.

On 21st March 2024 - rating: 6
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