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The Bobbin, Leigh

Pub added by Wynne Route
38A Leigh Road

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Reviews (Current Rating Average: 8 of 10) Add Review see review guidelines

Rob Hunter left this review about The Bobbin

Visited between Christmas and New Year. This is a micro pub but being double fronted affords it more space than your average micro. Four cask ales at the bar with lagers and spirits available too. Decent use is made of the space, with plenty of seating without feeling cramped like some micros can.

Music was playing at a nice volume at the time of my visit. There were a few punters in on my Sunday afternoon visit so there was a nice atnosphere.

There was a George Shaw ale on, a historical local brewery, but now exists only in name and this particular ale was brewed by Dunham though most of theirs seem to be brewed by 4Ts based on what I have seen previously.

I'd be very happy to go back to this one.

On 7th February 2025 - rating: 8
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