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Venue for Spring 2025 PuG crawl. with Bucking Fastard on the Pub Forum

The Alchemist, Oxford

Pub added by Delboy 20
Westgate, Bonn Square

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Reviews (Current Rating Average: 2 of 10) Add Review see review guidelines

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Komakino . left this review about The Alchemist

A chain cocktail bar located on the 'Rooftop Terrace' of Oxford's new Westgate Centre. Heaving with pretty young things on a Saturday afternoon, there were two keg pumps serving unbranded fizz. The drinks menus didn't mention the provenance, and due to the hubbub and loud muzak, I parted with £5 for a pint of 'IPA' which was drinkable, although I'd expect that for the price.

On 11th May 2019 - rating: 2
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