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James Street Vaults, Plymouth
Reviews (Current Rating Average: 6 of 10) see review guidelines
Please Note: This review is over a year old.
Quinno _ left this review about James Street Vaults
Random visit on the way to the station to kill 40 minutes and get me some grub – if Google is to be believed this is the closest boozer to the station entrance. It’s a studenty place but not bad - varnished wood plank décor and a generally basic feel. Three pumps with two cask, my Dartmoor Jail was serviceable (NBSS 2.5) and poured by a friendly staff member. Food is pizza-based, my garlic flatbread wasn’t going to uproot any trees but did a fair job given the price. Worth bearing in mind when planning a crawl, given the location.
On 21st June 2023
- rating: 6
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