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Poll for "Southern " PuG crawl venue Spring 2025 with Spinko on the Pub Forum

The Salthouse NW, Northwich

Pub added by Malden man
Hayhurst Quay, London Road

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Reviews (Current Rating Average: 5 of 10) Add Review see review guidelines

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Malden man left this review about The Salthouse NW

A new modern bar situated next to a Waitrose supermarket and sharing the building with a separate Indian restaurant. A side wall has a large scale blown up old OS map of the area, a nice feature. Mostly high bench seating with potted plants on the tables, a window shelf held a collection of gin bottles.
Thornbridge Jaipur my obvious beer of choice, the Salthouse brew is a Tetley rebadge. They also had Sheppey's cider. Brew Dog featured amongst the keg taps. Note, doesn't open until 4pm Monday to Thursday.

On 15th September 2018 - rating: 5
[User has posted 1710 recommendations about 1683 pubs]