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Reviews (Current Rating Average: 6 of 10) see review guidelines
Moby Duck left this review about The Petersfield
Quite a foody vibe about this one but some decent local ales on offer make it worth the visit, another Nene Valley beer for me on this trip, this time Manhattan Project. Worth dropping in.
On 19th May 2024
- rating: 6
[User has posted 2089 recommendations about 2059 pubs]
Just a quick pint, then I'm off left this review about The Petersfield
A slightly unlikely location for an upmarket gastro-pub, although this was once a corner local. Anyway, the bar and side dining room have been tastefully refurbished in a gentrified style, and well done if you like that kind of thing. Five cask beers on handpump, including Norfolk Topper (£2.60, half) and Eastern Gold from Barsham.
On 21st April 2024
- rating: 6
[User has posted 8552 recommendations about 8552 pubs]
Steve of N21 left this review about The Petersfield
This wasn’t on the running list for the day but as we were amazingly running ahead of schedule before the Geldart opened at 5.00pm we popped in here. I couldn’t understand how I had missed this pub so close to The Cambridge Blue and The Geldart on previous visits but fortunately WhatPub clarified the reason. This ceased being a pub in 2004 when the original White Hart closed to become a restaurant. But it was converted back to a pub in 2017 by the City Pub Company who are also responsible for the Cambridge Brew House.
Very much targeted at those that want to drink and dine rather than just quaff and aimed at a different demographic to your normal CAMRA card carrying bloke. Although as we found out it does cater for those after an ale with five hand pumps which were dispensing the list given by Steve below and my Nene Valley Brewery Release the Chimps IPA was extremely good. But the food menu is a bigger attraction here and the enticing food aroma hits you as you enter. However, those of us who visited the toilets upstairs and discovered that is where the kitchen is were suspicious that the aroma may be pumped into the pub below, as supermarkets do with their in house bakeries.
Standard gastro pub decor with lots of shades of blue utilised on the half timbered walls. And then a pleasant Astro turfed garden area beyond the addition dining room section at the back.
A peek in the local estate agents window will confirm that a bit of money is now required to live in this part of Cambridge, which makes you realise the logic behind the City Pub Company strategy to bring a bit of Islington to this part of town. I thought they had done it quite well and hit the brief as far as the target demographic goes. But there are clearly those that won’t feel comfortable here, especially those that have a phobia about being in a pub where women drink Prosecco ( you can seek professional help for this). But as I have to frequently travel with one I now have an option in the area that would be acceptable to the other half. Obviously I would try and get her in the Geldart first, but if unsuccessful I know there will be no refusal with this one.
On 14th April 2024
- rating: 7
[User has posted 2232 recommendations about 2096 pubs]
Strongers . left this review about The Petersfield
The Petersfield has a central island bar counter that supports premium and craft keg alongside five hand pumps that were drawing Cambridge Brewhouse’s Little Thunder, Nene Valley Brewery’s Release the Chimps and Manhattan Project and Barsham’s Eastern Gold and Norfolk Topper. Mixed seating runs around the exterior walls, many people were tucking into fish and chips during a recent Friday afternoon visit. The smell was actually quite strong. The service was polite and the background music was unobtrusive, but this place is too food led for me to want to return just for beer. And yes, the wine bottles in the ceiling are tacky.
On 12th April 2024
- rating: 6
[User has posted 5822 recommendations about 5788 pubs]
Tris C left this review about The Petersfield
Originally the White Hart, this gastropub’s name dates from 2004, taken from the area, not the Hampshire town. As mentioned, there are a plethora of pretentious empty bottles jammed between the rafters (see website). You can smell it’s a gastropub when you enter, thereafter there’s smoky blue wainscoting with grey walls; overall it’s a bit of a trendified affair, a bit of Islington in the backstreets of Cambridge where women go to drink Prosecco whilst sitting on scatter cushions.
Cask offerings totalled five, with no recollection of what I drank but at least I’ve not recorded any negative comments.
I should be pretty inured to this kind of schtick, which is at variance with the surrounding backstreet pubs and not for the better.
On 8th April 2024
- rating: 5
[User has posted 2183 recommendations about 2142 pubs]
Bucking Fastard left this review about The Petersfield
This street corner pub does have an upmarket feel with a central bar and seperate rooms wrapping around the interior.The furniture is mismatched with some leather backed armchairs,dining tables and so on.The ceiling along the long side has a vast collection of wine bottles held within cages,while the rear room has some wood panelling and felt more of a dining area.The food certainly smelt good,portions seemed sizeable and two of the PuG crawlers succummed to this temptation.
At the bar there was a decewnt ale line up on my visit of Barsham Norfolk Topper and Eastern Gold,Nene Valley Brewery Release the Chimps and Manhatten Project (NBSS 3) and Cambridge Bewhouse Little Thunder. A bit of style variation may have been better,but overall worth a crawl visit.
On 7th April 2024
- rating: 7
[User has posted 2898 recommendations about 2898 pubs]
Will Larter left this review about The Petersfield
Slightly upmarket, perhaps, but I don't know anyone who's impressed by empty wine bottles racked between the laths in the ceiling. The licensee had me right first time, "bitter" is my middle name. In this case Southwold Bitter. But I showed an interest in a beer from Cambridge Brew House and was offered a taster: "too sweet", I said, which took him aback (it's his brewery). We reverted to the Adnams. The beer was fine, but the injunction to "sit anywhere, sir" left a slightly off taste in my mouth. Yes, that's exactly where I was planning to sit. Thank you very much.
On 29th February 2024
- rating: 5
[User has posted 4163 recommendations about 3836 pubs]
Please Note: This review is over a year old.
Graham Coombs left this review about The Petersfield
A slightly upmarket backstreet local with comfortable rooms around a central bar. Patio area at rear. Several good and well-kept ales on, plus ciders.
On 26th December 2018
- rating: 7
[User has posted 3586 recommendations about 3521 pubs]
Please Note: This review is over a year old.
Malden man left this review about The Petersfield
I thought it was odd to discover a previously unregistered pub on this site in somewhere like Cambridge but there you go. A traditional street corner pub, polished wooden floor, the ceiling rather worryingly lined with wine bottles, shelves of books and games and another containing whisky boxes. A panelled unit had candelabra on top, to the rear, a walled garden has an interesting painted mural of the local area. A muted (thankfully) TV had the dreaded Wimbledon tennis on while music played at a reasonable volume.
The cider festival from the end of June was still being advertised, this visit offered Adnam's Broadside, Cambridge Brew Co King Parade, Crafty Beers Sixteen Strides, Lilley's Mango and Apple cider plus their perry.
A decent pub this, Tuesday has a burger and board game night so the sign said!
On 10th July 2017
- rating: 7
[User has posted 1710 recommendations about 1683 pubs]