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Chiverton Tap, Cheadle

Pub added by Alan Hurdle
8 Mellor Road
Cheadle Hulme
Postal town: Cheadle

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Reviews (Current Rating Average: 9 of 10) Add Review see review guidelines

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Real Ale Ray left this review about Chiverton Tap

This is the sister micro pub to the Mounting Stone in Bramhall. This micro is found down a side road that runs parallel to the railway line. The theme for this micro is all to do with sewing, as this used to be a haberdashery shop. Various sewing implements, such as old sewing machines and threads, can be seen displayed in compartments along the front of the bar. The secret door to the loos, found on the left hand side of the bar was also had an interesting novelty factor. The pub had a good choice of handpulled ales on our visit, North Brewing Co Sputnik, Red Willow Smokey Maple Stout, Rivington Beach House, Rollington Long Hop, Rollington Best and First Class. A good few of these were drank on our visit. The staff and locals were all friendly and welcoming.

On 22nd October 2018 - rating: 9
[User has posted 3561 recommendations about 3561 pubs]

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Alan Hurdle left this review about Chiverton Tap

A micro pub in a former shop near Cheadle Hulme Station. Opened 16/05/15

On 27th May 2015 - no rating submitted
[User has posted 709 recommendations about 647 pubs]