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The Whippet Inn, Lichfield

Pub added by ROB Camra
21 Tamworth Street
WS13 6JP
Phone: 07858753653

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Reviews (Current Rating Average: 8 of 10) Add Review see review guidelines

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Soup Dragon left this review about The Whippet Inn

The Whippet has changed hands recently. The single storey build is the same from the outside, plain with plenty of etched glass, but the interior has has a bit of a makeover. The corner shaped room is in grey, but now has some plain wood blocks attached to the wall for some reason (possibly to help dampen the noise, as this place gets very loud with just a few people in). There is a clock on the wall, no TV or music. The wood bench seating has now been painted grey to match the walls. The cellar is still visible as before. Always friendly service and so are the locals (I count as one, being from Lichfield originally). 4 ever-changing ales and a cider, I had the Turning Point Lucid Dream, which was fine. I always visit when in Lichfield, but often can only stay for short periods due to the noise levels.

On 1st July 2018 - no rating submitted
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Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Delboy 20 left this review about The Whippet Inn

This is more like a traditional micropub. A fairly plain single room with limited seating. Again friendly service and excellent beer quality. I would call in any time I am in the area.

On 16th April 2018 - no rating submitted
[User has posted 1783 recommendations about 1659 pubs]

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Just a quick pint, then I'm off left this review about The Whippet Inn

One of a pair of adjacent Good Beer Guide micro-pubs, with this one being a single-storey structure at the end of the main terrace of shops and other business premises on the north side of the street. Wedge-shaped layout, but unusually wider by the front corner entrance and tapering towards the back. Limited seating around a total of eight small tables and a compact counter with a bank of six handpumps. Five of these were in use, offering beers from Tiny Rebel, Black Iris and two from Hippy Killer - States of Micronesia and Natty Dread milk stout (£3.00) - plus a cider. Overall, despite the beer quality, I didn't find the atmosphere quite as welcoming as the Beerbohm next door.

On 21st October 2017 - rating: 7
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Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Ian Mapp left this review about Whippet Inn

Must be the answer to the question "where are the two closest Good Beer Guide 20189 Entries?"

This is a micropub. There is a sign that says "Small House, Big Welcome" and this sums the place up.

As you'd expect, the beer was excellent. I went for a Miner's Best Bitter. Never seen before but super condition.

Micropubs aren't really my cup of tea though. All a bit brightly lit for me and a bit like drinking in a shop.

Visit blogged at

On 8th October 2017 - rating: 6
[User has posted 1514 recommendations about 1495 pubs]

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Real Ale Ray left this review about Whippet Inn

A great double header with the Beerbohm next door. We popped in on a Friday afternoon and the pub was moderately busy, so there were still some seats available. We found the staff and fellow drinkers to be friendly and chatty. This former clothes shop has been open now for two years and has built up a good following of regular locals. The pub consists of a corner entrance, opening into a small seating area with newly made wooden bench seating, church pew in style and tables. The bar area was situated on the right hand side towards the back. The walls were painted in a turquoise and a comprehensive collection of pump clips was edging its way across the ceiling.
Four ales and two ciders were on, so we went for the Sussex Brewery Franklins and Nene Valley, both ales where in good shape.

On 12th May 2016 - rating: 9
[User has posted 3561 recommendations about 3561 pubs]

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Aqualung . left this review about Whippet Inn

This micropub which dates from the 1st of April 2014 has the added bonus for me that it's named after the pub in the smutty old film Carry On At Your Convenience.
Based in a former clothes shop it's not very large but isn't so small that it becomes uncomfortable. It's rectangular with a small bar at the back and behind that the "cellar" is behind some glass doors and finally the two conveniences. There is an old Holt Plant & Deakin mirror on one wall.
The bar has six hand pumps with two unusual looking ciders and the four beers were Dark Star Hophead, Ludlow Gold, a Crafty Pale and Merry Miner's Coal Face Porter. I'm not sure where the Crafty one was from. I went for the Coal Face Porter (£2.80) which was excellent and could have been cheaper if I had remembered the CAMRA discount.
Another good micropub.

On 8th December 2015 - rating: 9
[User has posted 2143 recommendations about 2143 pubs]

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Danny O'Revey left this review about Whippet Inn

Very popular micro pub with excellent beer. A bit tight for space of course but a nice atmosphere

On 27th October 2015 - rating: 8
[User has posted 1520 recommendations about 1497 pubs]

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Al Bundy left this review about Whippet Inn

Mr Phat got in there before me. As described by him though the beers were Shiny Enterprise, Shiny Pail Minstrella, Celt Dark Age, XT Fresh Hop plus 2 ciders.

On 8th October 2015 - rating: 8
[User has posted 3487 recommendations about 3390 pubs]

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Thuck Phat left this review about Whippet Inn

An excellent micropub, converted from a shop, which has been so well done that it feels like a proper pub just in miniature.
Inside are wooden floors, wood settles and stools which make the most of the limited space, sympathetic lighting and proper, etched pub windows.
There's a small bar at the far end at which a queue can form if more than 2 people want a beer at the same time but the welcome is warm and the atmosphere friendly so this really just presents an opportunity to discuss which beers are on.
There were four beers on when we visited alongside a cider and a perry. The beers change constantly and were Roosters Honey and Simcoe, Nene Valley Jim's Little Brother, Three Tuns XXX and Sadler's Peaky Blinder on our visit. The Honey and Simcoe and Peaky Blinder were in good shape but there wasn't anything on which tempted us into a session, or even a second. All beers are priced at £2.80 which may limit the choice available.
A fine edition to Lichfield, a city which doesn't lack in decent boozers.

On 5th October 2015 - rating: 7
[User has posted 683 recommendations about 682 pubs]

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Bucking Fastard left this review about Whippet Inn

This is a very well thought out conversion of a former dress shop,it has a real pub atmosphere.The interior is triangular and the windows at the front have been etched which gets over the problem of being "on view" that bedevils some micropub shop conversions.The furniture consists of pews along each wall with brittania tables and stools which maximises seating while creating the opportunity to chat to other drinkers .The bar at the rear of the room is large enough to allow vertical drinkers to chat with the friendly owner,and the lighting is carefully chosen to avoid harsh overlighting common in many small bar spaces.A lot of thought has gone into the design features.Six handpumps offer two real ciders and four ales which constantly rotate.Although the fixed pint pricing of £2.80 is admirable,it may be the reason for the range of low ABV brews available on my trip and although my Roosters Honey and Simcoe was in good nick,it wasn't one of the best brews from this normally reliable brewer.The other ale choices,despite offering a range of styles,was underwhelming for a pub that has won several local CAMRA awards in it's short life.
Worth a visit if on a crawl with a very friendly welcome but IMHO not head and shoulders above the other 2016 GBG listed pubs in this attractive and upmarket city.

On 18th September 2015 - rating: 7
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