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The Cage, Reigate

Pub added by john mcgraw
3 Cage Yard

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Reviews (Current Rating Average: 6 of 10) Add Review see review guidelines

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Strongers . left this review about The Cage

The cage is a small bar with an upstairs area that hosts live music every Friday and Saturday night when I expect that there is a late license. There are no tables so any pint balancing must be done on the shelving that runs around the exterior walls and a supporting pillar. There are some high stools, but if visiting at a busy time expect to stand. There is s plasma screen and BT Sport is advertised, but there is no Sky Sports as the Monday night game was not being shown. There was however some upbeat background music playing.

I found the barmaid on duty Monday evening to be very friendly. There is no real ale here and the draught consisted of some premium lager alongside Gaymers cider, Guinness and Carlsberg.

An etched brass Black Horse sign on the wall by the bar was left unexplained.

I’ve been to worse ‘wine bars’ and I would have no problem popping back in for a swift pint.

QI: This bar is called the Cage because it is situated on the site of the Old Reigate prison.

On 19th September 2014 - rating: 6
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