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Detail Pages
Baraset Barn, Stratford-Upon-Avon
Postal town: Stratford-Upon-Avon
CV37 7RJ
Reviews (Current Rating Average: 3 of 10) see review guidelines
Please Note: This review is over a year old.
Nick Davies left this review about Baraset Barn
I fear to think what they've spent on this barn conversion but suffice it to say the design consultants have earned their money. Whether it was money well spent is another matter. Anyway you can look at the pics on the website, I'm not going to describe it. For drinkers unwilling to stump up fifteen quid for a burger there's a conservatory affair to the rear which is a bit like a garden centre cafe, all raffia and cushions. Outside there's a scrappy decking covered yard with faecal-coloured plastic rattan furniture should you wish to escape the misery inside. Not that you will thanks to the muzac that pervades the entire establishment, inside and out.
I can only assume their primary client base is their hotel guests. Members using the busy youth hostel across the road will surely return to their own facilities once they've tried a pint of so-so Ubu.
On 20th October 2018
- rating: 3
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