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The Cricketers, Pontcanna, Cardiff

Pub added by peter crosby
66 Cathedral Road
CF11 9LL
Phone: 02920345102

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Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Blue Scrumpy left this review about The Cricketers

The Cricketers is an Evan Evans pub on a pleasant tree-lined road out of Cardiff, near to the Sophia Gardens cricket ground. The sign outside the pub was unlit when we arrived. So, we weren't quite sure whether or not it was open. However, we did find a handful of others inside the pub on entering. Despite being quite late in the day, a few were still eating, whilst there were also drinkers.

It's a long, thin room that is quite cosy, with the bar down the left-hand side. Toilets are upstairs.

All of the ales were from Evan Evans. Warrior & Cwrw are the regular beers. Sea Scape & Seadog were the seasonal beers on offer.

On 9th September 2022 - rating: 6
[User has posted 2865 recommendations about 2863 pubs]

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Will Larter left this review about The Cricketers

The pub remains as described by JAQPTIO below, with almost exactly the same beers across eight hand pumps, perhaps the only difference being that only the three regular beers were doubled, the seasonal Crystal Clear being on just one pump. We all enjoyed the various beers that we tried (I especially enjoy asking for Cwrw, which is the Welsh word for beer) and would be happy to return if Luton Town and Cardiff City are in the same league next season. The only thing that might put us off is the four hour journey from Sheffield, but that's not a fault of the pub.

On 14th August 2019 - rating: 7
[User has posted 4117 recommendations about 3799 pubs]

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Just a quick pint, then I'm off left this review about The Cricketers

From the street (and like several others in the vicinity), this Evan Evans establishment initially appears to be a guest house rather than a pub. Indeed, the interior has the look of a hotel bar, but the front patio helps and the atmosphere is hospitable. Mix of semi-modern furniture. Four of the brewery's beers from a total of eight handpumps: Cwrw, Warrior, Golden Hop and WPA (£3.00).

On 30th July 2017 - rating: 7
[User has posted 8508 recommendations about 8508 pubs]