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Venue for Spring 2025 PuG crawl. with Bucking Fastard on the Pub Forum

The Prince of Wales, Derby

7 Chapel Street
Postal town: Derby
DE21 7JP

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Reviews (Current Rating Average: 7 of 10) Add Review see review guidelines

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Alan Winfield left this review about The Prince Of Wales

The Prince of Wales is a basic looking pub that is situated in Spondons shopping area just up from the White Swan.
Once inside there is a bar to the front which runs the width of the pub,there is bench seating and normal tables and chairs,there is a seperate room to the rear which i have never been in on my visits to this pub.
When i first went in this pub it was an Ansells tied house with only keg beers on the bar,there are now around five pumps on the bar with Bass and Pedigree on plus a few guest beers.
This is more of a locals pub that gets very busy in the front bar.

Pub first visited 6/10/1982

Photo taken 21/3/2005

On 24th July 2013 - rating: 7
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