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The Old Crown Inn, Derby

Cavendish Bridge, Back Lane
Postal town: Derby
DE72 2HL
Phone: 01332792392

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Pub Type

Leased (Marstons)

Reviews (Current Rating Average: 8 of 10) Add Review see review guidelines

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Graham Coombs left this review about The Old Crown Inn

Revisit Aug 2023
Still a quite excellent pub, with even more assorted junk hanging round the walls and ceilings. The large gardens have been expanded for the family, with assorted play equipment, trampolines and a bouncy castle on this visit. Beers from the wider Marstons range, including a good condition Banks's Mild, with a guest, in this case from Dancing Duck.

Oct 2008 review
Excellent pub tucked away on a side road and easy to miss which would be a dreadful shame. Central bar between two rooms totally covered in jugs and other memorabilia makes this a cosy local, with an exceptional range of beers and good-value home-cooked food. Actually on the Leicestershire side of the river and only a few minutes from Junction 24 of M1.

On 16th August 2023 - rating: 8
[User has posted 3586 recommendations about 3521 pubs]

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Mark Davey left this review about The Old Crown Inn

I have been in here a number of times in the last 10 years, mainly because they use their large rear car park for classic car events. I was in last Saturday, dropping a friend off to visit his sister. Having been bullied into stopping for a pint, I opted for the guest at 3.8% as most of the others were too thick to drive on. especially the Marston's Old Empire at 6.5%. Other beers were Pedigree and Wainwright. The pub does decent food and has an extensive lunch menu. Well worth tracking down, but a difficult place to get to any other way than buy car or boat (right next to the trent).

On 7th February 2018 - rating: 8
[User has posted 292 recommendations about 276 pubs]