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Poll for "Southern " PuG crawl venue Spring 2025 with Spinko on the Pub Forum

The Malt Shovel Inn, Derby

The Wharf
Postal town: Derby
DE72 2HG
Phone: 01332792066

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Pub Type

Leased (Marstons)

Reviews (Current Rating Average: 10 of 10) Add Review see review guidelines

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Malcolm Glaister left this review about The Malt Shovel Inn

Wonderful canalside pub at the end of the lane. It is very popular particularly at weekends. Noted for it's Pedigree and lively atmosphere. Not to be missed,
Malky from Otley


On 10th February 2009 - rating: 10
[User has posted 18 recommendations about 17 pubs]