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Tonight Josephine, Clapham, SW4

Pub added by Graham Mason
38 Clapham High Street

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Reviews (Current Rating Average: 3 of 10) Add Review see review guidelines

David Walton left this review about Adventure Bar

Visited 28/09/22

This has been Tonight Josephine Clapham for a good few years.

Part of a chain and not really my sort of place but it served a purpose whilst killing some time on Clapham High St. Very pink and glitzy and not much beyond Meantime London Pale Ale. A drinking version of being in Barbieworld!

On 16th March 2024 - rating: 3
[User has posted 475 recommendations about 475 pubs]

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Philip Carter left this review about Hedkandi

Not sure if this place is suitable for PG, their web site seems to suggest that it is more of a cocktail & disco place than a pub for general patronage. They also have security on the door, who have the right to refuse entry, even if you have booked in advance.

On 22nd January 2011 - no rating submitted
[User has posted 758 recommendations about 720 pubs]