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Yet another list with Mobyduck on the Pub Forum

Crathorne Arms, Yarm

Pub added by elizabeth mcgraw
Postal town: Yarm
TS15 0BA
Phone: 01642961402

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Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Old Boots left this review about Crathorne Arms

A large well appointed pub in a village now by passed by the A19. It comprises one long room with a more formal dining room/restaurant at one end, there are several distinct areas created by stub walls and a careful choice of furnishing and flooring. There are lots of leather benches, sofas and stools with small tables, on the walls old photos of the pub, events and the village. Four handpumps serving Arran Dark, O'Hanlons Port Stout and well kept North Yorkshire's Organic Love Muscle, nice to see a number of darker ales for a change. More unusual range of kegs including Grolsch and Coors plus various temperatures of Carling and some Guinness and Caffreys. GBG listed there is a pool table at one end and a reasonable car park at the rear.

On 4th November 2009 - no rating submitted
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