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The Roundabout, Plymouth

Pub added by elizabeth mcgraw
2-4 Drakes Circus
Phone: 01752825090

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Reviews (Current Rating Average: 5 of 10) Add Review see review guidelines

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Strongers . left this review about The Roundabout

The Roundabout has seating around the curved front windows before steps up to the L-shaped bar area at the rear. Upstairs is a mezzanine ‘Sports Bar’ with multiple televisions and views over the bar below. There are also televisions downstairs so not sure why upstairs is called the Sports Bar. Maybe the televisions up there are not muted and there’s no dance music, not sure how though. Available from the bar is a range of standard, premium and craft keg. Only one of the three hand pumps was in operation drawing Sharp’s Doom Bar. The service was polite, but this is very much a student pub so not for me.

On 24th January 2023 - rating: 5
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